I 'drew' 3 cards - need help with possible meanings.

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I 'drew' 3 cards - need help with possible meanings.

Post by RoseRed » Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:04 pm

I have a question and its kinda a multi layered one.
I have no idea if its a tarot question or a psychic question or a whatever!
But this is basically the low down on the situation.

okay I have this electronic tarot that I sometimes check out randomly and so I looked and the card for today was Reversed Sun - which was exactly how I was feeling today! Like exactly!
"Clouds may be obscuring truth. Not as bright as things could be, but not dark either. A mitigating of circumstances. Possible sadness. Burn out from a job or relationship. Time to sit this one out until bright sun returns. Positive energies dampened, but not completely gone. Focus on good still at hand until time passes. Confusion and concealment. Truth is still there, but may be hidden. A slower than expected recovery from illness. Relationship in some trouble but still salvageable."

So I looked at the card for yest and it was King of Swords.
"An articulate and intellectual man who is very capable in leading others in business and life. A mentor or elder statesman. This man is a good politician as well as a good candidate for the priesthood. Possessing a Solomon-like wisdom and commanding authority. A man of high moral standards and principles. This is someone you can trust in all things. A rule follower. Committed to the greater good of all."

Then the card for tomoz is 8 of Wands.
"Stability has been regained and it is time to move forward with renewed interest and passion. You are almost at the end, do not lose focus now. Dig in and see it through. This is the right path and you are doing the right thing. Stability and Growth continuing. A possible speeding up of energy. Others cheering you on in support of your goals."

yesterday was the mess up day for me in regards to a 3 month relationship that I am in.
My interp of the King of swords using what the write up mentions is that it shows the ultimate image of perfect righteous ethical behaviour.

So what happens if you completely behave in a fashion that is socially deemed 'wrong' in every sense of the word on a day that is meant to be all about behaving like a True King!
Now what??
The thing is that I do not feel bad in the slightest. I know that I am meant to feel 'bad' but I really don't.

(I am dating someone who is a wonderful wonderful guy and he treats me like a princess - in the way that I would love to be treated. But on my side - his love is growing stronger and mine is dwindling. And dwindling super duper fast. I am also leaving the country in jan)

yest was a day for me.
I completely couped out and did What I wanted to do. Without a thought for anyone else's feelings. I was really selfish. But I don't feel 'bad'. I feel actually rather refreshed; disappointed and not the happiest person in the world but def not completely down in the dumps.
I feel pissed at myself that I could actually be such a selfish person, and cause others to worry - but also a total bit of indifference.
I did end up with someone else. :smt018 Came completely out of nowhere!

Could you guys maybe help on these 3 cards meaning?

A question that is buzzing around my head alot at the moment in regards to the guy I'm dating is, "Bigger picture!! What is the bigger picture here??".

The reason why: Is cause I am literally his first gf. And he is certainly not mine. He is older than me but has no relationship experience and I mean in the sense of knowing relationships, like arguments and the kind of disagreements you can have, the general day to day relationship stuff.
He projected himself to me in the start of the relationship that he knew relationships but as the days and weeks passed I realized he had 'lied' to me. And I say lied cause I do feel betrayed.
He is very much still a kid.
And I was pretty miffed at the fact that here I was in a relationship again with a complete novice! But he is SUCH a good person. Like the best man I have EVER met in my entire life. But I just really don't like him anymore. I get frustrated with him & I really shouldn't.
I say to myself - seriously grow up! he is great. Stop being such a b *tch. So what if he doesn't know this stuff? And hasn't experienced the world with its different thoughts and cultures etc etc. Urg. And so the battle in the head continues.

Gosh I am sorry for all the random pieces of info.
I just wanted to try give a little bit of a better idea of the emotions, thought processes involved.

The question is about the cards, and what possible meanings they could mean when put together I think. :)

Thank you So much for your time for reading this!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Post by pirbid » Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:27 pm

:) Hello, RoseRed!

Let's see if I can throw any light upon your cards. I would start by putting them in a chronological order. BTW, which Tarot deck is reflected in your electronic device? Is it the Rider Waite or some other?

Anyway, yesterday -Friday, rather-, you got the king of Swords. Kings and Queens usually refer to people, not necessarily the seeker. Since your bf is older than yourself, this card might represent him, or rather the way you see him: a little too straight and too good to be true. Or... it could refer to the other guy, if he fits the description any better.

The Sun reversed is a direct consequence of your reflecting on Friday's actions regarding men. You are not too happy about it, but more because you are 'not supposed to' than any sense of real guilt. In fact, you may not need to feel guilty at all, unless you are aware of having hurt someone.

As for the 8 of Wands, it usually means a situation is quickly coming to its end. If you were at the beginning of a relationship, it could be interpreted as love at first sight, since this card is sometimes called Cupid's darts. But in your case I think it just means something will happen that will finally convince you to put an end to this relationship before things get any worse. Even if he is the greatest person in the world, he can still be not the right person for you at the present moment. Since you can easily appreciate both his virtues and his shortcomings, I guess you would prefer him to go on his own way and be happy with someone else. You might need a more spicy sort of person right now and there are other kings apart from the king of Swords. You need not feel bad about it: love is never easy and this is just the way things are sometimes. You cannot force yourself to love someone if you don't feel it. If I were you, I think I would gently disentangle before someone gets hurt.

Good luck!  :)

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:05 pm

Hi Rhuto,


Blessed be

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Post by RoseRed » Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:16 pm

pirbid wrote::) Hello, RoseRed!

Let's see if I can throw any light upon your cards. I would start by putting them in a chronological order. BTW, which Tarot deck is reflected in your electronic device? Is it the Rider Waite or some other?

Anyway, yesterday -Friday, rather-, you got the king of Swords. Kings and Queens usually refer to people, not necessarily the seeker. Since your bf is older than yourself, this card might represent him, or rather the way you see him: a little too straight and too good to be true. Or... it could refer to the other guy, if he fits the description any better.

The Sun reversed is a direct consequence of your reflecting on Friday's actions regarding men. You are not too happy about it, but more because you are 'not supposed to' than any sense of real guilt. In fact, you may not need to feel guilty at all, unless you are aware of having hurt someone.

As for the 8 of Wands, it usually means a situation is quickly coming to its end. If you were at the beginning of a relationship, it could be interpreted as love at first sight, since this card is sometimes called Cupid's darts. But in your case I think it just means something will happen that will finally convince you to put an end to this relationship before things get any worse. Even if he is the greatest person in the world, he can still be not the right person for you at the present moment. Since you can easily appreciate both his virtues and his shortcomings, I guess you would prefer him to go on his own way and be happy with someone else. You might need a more spicy sort of person right now and there are other kings apart from the king of Swords. You need not feel bad about it: love is never easy and this is just the way things are sometimes. You cannot force yourself to love someone if you don't feel it. If I were you, I think I would gently disentangle before someone gets hurt.

Good luck!  :)
Thank you thank you thank you!

You nailed the idea on that I think the bf is the King of Swords, I took it literally and I couldn't see how it fitted, but when you mentioned that it might be my perception/idea of him - it felt completely right.
The other man - he is a respected man (quite a bit older than me, 44yrs), but I think, not sure, but he might be hitched - I suspect that he is yet he has given no clue in that department - He has actually been calling and wanting to go out for dinner and do the whole dating thing. I would not say that he is the ideal image of the King of Swords... but then again maybe he was having an out of 'character' day like I was.... in reality the King of Swords can have an off day but as a symbolic meaning I would say no :)
Could be.
But I think it is my concept of the bf. He is a virgo.
(21st sept so nearly a libra)
I def do have the feeling that he lives very straight and that life is never that straight.

Yes it was the Rider Waite.

This has kinda been the last straw for me - what I did was in the realm of 'wrong' according to the norms of society and def in his realm of reality.
And I VERY defiantly know that I am not the right person for him (even if he tells me that I am) and would LOVE for him to meet someone wonderful, someone that would appreciate him in his entirety. He's on holiday at the moment and I say to the Universe each day..."plz let him meet someone amazing! Plz!!"

Its just that I fell out of.... of.... love? Really quickly. Like it was a major change of direction. Things had been bugging me and bugging me and then whoop total change of direction.
How on Earth do you explain that to someone.
Like literally, "yes its been frustrating up until now and we have had our tiffs but this week I am completely not into you. Not in the slighest"
I would be very upset if someone did that to me, but it is the truth.

I hate being the barer of 'bad' news - but you are right.
I have to do this as soon as I can, he doesn't deserve to get hurt like this.
He deserves to be with someone special.

Thank you so much for your wonderful tone and the advice you have given. You have been the only rope that I truly understand at the moment - as there have been signs but very difficult to interpret.

Lol, and I do think you are quite correct on the finding a more spicy King :smt005 for me at this point in my life! lol! I am feeling the need for just some happy and easy interactions, doesn't have to be sexual but I need some carefree in my life. Everything else is so darn serious.

Thank you.
HUGE love and Blessings!

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Post by pirbid » Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:50 pm

:smt005 Ummm... Maybe it would be better not to tell him about your feelings quite so literally. This might be a good time to try your hand on a little gentle imagination. Not lies, just embellishing the truth a little. Guys love to hear you feel you don't deserve them, for example.

But, then again, you may get lucky and he might find someone else during his holiday, in which case he would probably feel awfully guilty and you could ease your way out, no sweat.

I'm not surprised you find a Virgo a little too straight for your taste. Maybe if he were more of a Libra things might be better. Or try to get yourself a Gemini, Aries or Saggi. What's the other guy, then?

Jeez, two mad South African Leos! Now we are really done for...  :smt003

PayeWacker, who knows what button you pushed when you were trying to post your message. Now we are intrigued about its contents. Will you try again? See you around!  :smt020

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Post by RoseRed » Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:10 am

LOOL! Yeah I couldn't be that straight! woah  :)
The problemos is that yes, I could do the whole pep talk but he is very very infatuated with me. What a wonderful thing! But its not in my case. He has put me on a very high pedestal. So anything I say - he will come up with a curveball comeback.
So it will have to be a little brutal. Maybe thats a wrong word to use - more very honest but not entirely honest.

Jees I HOPE that he does meet someone...Image but he kinda thinks I am The One, so he is not going to do anything to sabotage it.
So that chance is rather slight, but I keep my fingers crossed.

LOL! I will have to find out what sign this cool cat is  :smt003
I've always done very well with Aries, Gemini...not so much....
There is a saying in Afrikaans, "Sometimes a gem, Sometimes a naai"
And what that plays on is the 2 sides of the gemini, the sweet side and the very not sweet side. I seem to inspire the naai side out of Gemini's, so turns rather ugly.  :smt002

pirbid wrote:Jeez, two mad South African Leos! Now we are really done for...  :smt003
Image hahahahahaahaha!!! Brilliant!!! :smt005
PayeWacker, who knows what button you pushed when you were trying to post your message. Now we are intrigued about its contents. Will you try again? See you around!  :smt020
Very curious. Would love for you to try again. :)

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Post by RoseRed » Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:19 am

Well to update - had the chat last night and thank goodness everything went very well and we are still very much friends and happy for what the future holds for both of us.


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Post by pirbid » Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:45 pm

:smt023 Great for you both! I am glad things finally worked out  :smt020

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Post by RoseRed » Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:16 pm

pirbid wrote::smt023 Great for you both! I am glad things finally worked out  :smt020
Yeah I was extremely surprised!!
Very gewd for the both of us. Was actually quite a mutual chat.

and sheesh you weren't joking about that 8 of wands.... holy moly this happened fast!  :smt002

Thank you again!

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