I want to enhance my kids' room with pictures, ...

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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I want to enhance my kids' room with pictures, ...

Post by PetraVanilla » Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:51 am

I want to enhance my kids' room with pictures, what type of pictures/symbols represent growth & work in the NE area of my apartment?
Any other suggestions?

Thank you!

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Post by CityHunter » Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:20 am

Hi, PetraVanilla.  Usually, when I do a professional audit I make sure the parents' or masters' of the house are stabilized first before I touch on the rest of the family members.  For remember that your chi as parents' is what will spell either the success or failure of your kids.

However, I understand your situation thus the best way to help your kids is to make sure there are no negative factors in their room, play area and study area.  You can enhance their place without breaking the bank by using simple yet effective means.  Colors, sounds, designs and such.  Using crystals or its like is very tricky as these are very powerful and the chi of kids' have yet to be stabilized.  

For now, try to avoid having any war-like toys displayed.  Ditto for anything that gives them a negative feel.  Enhance their powers by using colors and elements instead.  Such as a nice blanket and/or bedsheet that either enhances or highlights the child's element.

And definitely do not forget prayers.  The key to effective prayers is to be very specific and pour one's heart in doing it.  Pray together as a family whenever you could too.  Include too before and after meals.  You imbibe the chi from the animal that you eat and prayers wash those residues well.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:05 am

I think my problem is that the room seems dark and empty...

We pray every evening before dinner as a family and it's not one of those meaningless prayers that many people throw out just to be able to say I have prayed. Instead one of us prays in their own way, giving thanks for the food, the blessings we received that day, asking for guidance and whatever else comes to mind. I pray with both my kids before bed pretty much every night (unless they fall asleep on me before we get to pray and even then I pray for them and over them!)

I went ahead and created a colorful poster with the 4 main guardian angels on it and a prayer for protection and guidance from their guardian angels I will hang up between their beds. They liked that idea a lot!

My daughter is a dragon with element metal and lucky color turquoise, while my son is a goat with element water and lucky color pink (lol - umm...) and purple. Any ideas as what to do on the elements...? Water is signified by black and blue and metal by white, gray & pastels, right?

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