Parenting Indigo Children, helping them develop, helping them sleep well at night...

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Parenting Indigo Children, helping them develop, helping them sleep well at night...

Post by PetraVanilla » Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:40 pm

I have reason to believe that my 2 kids are indigo/crystal as I seem to be myself. My daughter seems to have the hardest time going with the flow, so to speak and she has trouble sleeping at night. She also has ADHD symptoms alongside most all of the other signs of being an indigo child. While my 6 yr old son is the peace maker, very loving and cuddly, and is unmistakeably a crystal child, my daughter, who's 9, is an intelligent, creative rebel with an attitude like a queen who can't conform to rules with a 5 second attention span (unless she's reading something she really likes). She is very intuitive and loving, but gets very frustrated at times about people not understanding her or not fitting in. She lately has a lot of trouble sleeping at night and I am wondering if it might be a good idea to give her melatonin at bed time, rather than any other medication, since I don't want to interfere with her mental abilities.

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Post by AriesJupiter » Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:06 am

Well, I don't believe in Indigo or Crystal children, but that's another story... p.s. if they are real, then I am definitely one of them, too! I fit all of the descriptions, 120%!!!
I even have the bright blue eyes, very sensitive, psychic, peace-craving, attention difficulties in school, everything...
However, you can believe whatever you want and I am not saying you are wrong. I look to astrology though... I believe that is the answer. I think these issues are all related to probably Piscean issues (I have Venus in Pisces in the 12th) & many planets in the 8th & 12th houses, as well as Uranus Moon (highly rebellious, intelligent, trouble conforming, eccentric, creative, bright... even genius). So, basically, try posting your kids' birth info on here for someone in the astrology section to read. All of these things that I have mentioned are aspects that I have in my birth chart, and they all lead to psychic, sensitivity, spirituality, creativity, etc. etc.!!!!
Anyway, I am one of the most sensitive people you will ever meet, (Moon in 8th house, Sun in 12th with Venus) so I think I can help...
Yes, give them only natural remedies, and do not put them on any medications! I was put on medications at times, and I will probably never do it again!
I do not believe medication is the answer.... if your kids are bright and have attention difficulties, make sure they aren't eating a lot of sugar or sugary juices/beverages. Also, make sure they are getting adequate protein for breakfast (try oatmeal with minimal brown sugar for sweetening or else, no sugar, just some dried fruit + milk- very yummy! or eggs + whole wheat toast). Make sure to stay away from unbleached enriched wheat flour and processed foods (try looking into the book "Eat Right For Your Type" by Dr. Peter d'Amano- about the "Blood Type Diet") I have been doing it since I was 20, and it is amazing. I recommend it to children and adults alike. Everyone I have recommended it to has had tremendous lifestyle results and feels fabulous. It's just making sure you are putting the right foods in your body as the theory is that some blood types have sensitivies (such as wheat, gluten, dairy, etc.) and these can cause physical & mental illnesses as well! Look into it, please.
Make sure the kids aren't watching TV or using the computer or technology within an hour before bed, I've heard that is bad.
Also, make sure the air in your house is cool, and use blankets for heat, because if it is too hot it is hard to sleep. The body also can't fall asleep if you take a hot shower before bed because the body has to cool to a certain temperature before it can fall asleep. I've heard warm millk before bed will help with sleeping (even though I don't believe in eating dairy for the most part). I'd say make sure your kids are spending a lot of time away from too much stimulation like the TV or even music, if it's a constant thing. Sometimes we people just need to be alone and learn how to have peace in silence and solitude. I see no harm in adjusting your children to this at an early age. This day in age, the society is too chaotic and filled with junk and crap we don't need, so everyone is overloaded, especially your sensitive children (and all the rest of us who are sensitive). Make sure your kids are doing activities that they truly enjoy, let them choose... healthy creative outlets, whatever it is that brings them peace, and don't worry about what anyone says... Just let them find their own happiness. Maybe if they have too much energy, and you're feeding them a low-sugar diet, then make sure they have adequate exercise and outside playtime. Riding bikes is a good activity, or swimming. Those were my favorites as a kid... Also playing with animals is healthy. Animals are healing... a cat or dog would be a good family pet. And make sure to encourage your children to always be themselves, but to always be kind and considerate & accepting of other people, and everything should really be fine...
Peace! :)

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