a spell to bring the right person into my life

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a spell to bring the right person into my life

Post by justaman » Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:04 pm

i am not an outgoing person, i find it hard to recognise and undestand the signs if someone is interested in me so i feel that meeting the right person for me ,man or woman, is going to be very difficult , that is why i request help with some kind of spell to help make this possible.

i dont wish to make anyone to like me, as this would be wrong, but would like some help with this....thanks for reading this.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:33 pm

The best spell (there is no other, regardless of what other says) is to build your own self confidence, learn to trust and love yourself, without transform into an Egoist.

There are courses for this, but also if you attend groups of people regular, you can work with yourself to move borders.

Start by so simple trick,  to say to yourself that you shall smile to at lest 3 new people each day, and at least have a conversation with a new neighbor each day.

Tell yourself each day when you look in a mirror that you can manage this, NEVER say to yourself that you can't, or that you are dumb, or that none care for you.

The more you use the negative statement, the more your brain will make you insecure, the more you use positive thoughts, and actions, the more will you succeed in improving yourself.

Our Brain is our strongest tool, and we need to have a focused learning process, if we by any chance has a low self esteem.

Remember that we are all different, that none value alike, some can adore a cactus, other can just see the barren and sticky plant, the same goes for humans, we love so different, and from different views.

So put up goals for yourself, always give yourself kudos, never talk negative about yourself, smile a lot, and you will improve with good margin....you are your own BOSS :)

Good luck

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spell request

Post by justaman » Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:57 pm

thanks for your reply. i do find it difficult to smile at people, i very rearly feel happy enough to be in a good mood.

social phobia is also an issue...

but i do thank you for your reply, its kind of you to get back to me..

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:14 pm

Everything depend on outlook on our own life.

Happiness have no "clear rules" but more the feeling you manage to have inside yourself.

A billionaire can be unhappy, because he/she don't know who is his friends, who he/she can trust, he/she can buy everything, except happiness and trust.

A hobo who live under a bridge, beg for his/her daily living, can be more content with his/her life, because they have not a greater expectations of it, they value their freedom, they value their friends.

So yes, life can be hard, but it can never be measured in money in order to find happiness, just the inner peace, our expectations, and the fact that we love ourselves. (not as Egoist)

Yes, Social angst is a heavy burden, but only if you allow it.

It takes an effort to start, it takes an effort to keep going, but suddenly you might have an avalanche of progress....the clue is to start....the clue is to say I CAN....and NEVER use I CAN NOT.

The clue is to start to smile....it might feel very strange in the start.....but after some time it will come natural, and you will do it automatic.

Nothing is better social opener then a smile, it beam positivity, and people love positivity.

If we go around with a firm mask, people makes up strange thoughts around one, they might even take you as one with supercilious thought about yourself, but even if they only see you as one who are afraid to talk, they will avoid you, and none contact will occur.

Maybe a visit to a professional is the thing that can set it on, you are still of a very nice age, and the benefit for yourself is great, and well worth to spend some money on!

Good luck.

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