Question for Spiritalk

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Question for Spiritalk

Post by johnswifey86 » Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:08 am

Hi Spiritalk, I know this question doesn't go here but you seem to be the only one who answers my questions so....I was meditating last week and I realized I wasn't able to feel my body...I mean when I realized it and kinda freakd out I moved my fingers and then realized I was fine. So I went back to meditating, calmed myself again...then after awhile I got the "not feeling my body" feeling, and then started feeling like my physical body was sinking down into the bed, but it also felt like I was still sitting there. Anyways was I to relaxed, Why did I feel this?

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:07 pm

Meditation is NOT recomended before going to sleep.  It will alter your consciousness, leaving you wide open as you go further into sleep states of consciousness.  You will wake up with all your energies depleted and feel worse than when you went to sleep.

As to not feeling your body, meditation is the same as the alpha state going into sleep.  Only in meditation we remain alert to any visions that may occur.  When we totally relax we can 'forget' our body.  But if it is a lack of energy in your body, you may be trying to do astral travel.  This is not the state you want to achieve when doing any alert meditation.

When you are starting into development it is important to remain alert to the process.  Keep yourself in your meditation - return the mind to your own peace scene.  (There are certain meditation techniques that attempts to eliminate mind activity - that is not what meditation is meant to do - meditation means 'to think upon' which is retraining the mind to a peaceful place).  With patience at this stage, you can then go into trance states that allow a deeper connection to spirit realms - you would want to know you are in a higher place than the astral to do this type of meditation.

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Post by johnswifey86 » Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:09 pm

Thank you Spiritalk, I've been meditating everyday and have been reading books on development of these skills. I've gotten some good meditation tecniques so far. But since that day I had that weird feeling while meditating it hasn't happened again. But because of the good advice you've given me i've gotten better at meditating. And I have gotten so much better on just focusing on my special place, and not clearing my mind but focusing on relaxation, and whatever i'm doing during meditation. Can I ask you what you think of guided meditations? I tired one yesturday it was alright.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:58 pm

Guided meditations on a CD are usually quite hypnotic.  If you are in a circle or group doing led meditation, be sure you trust the leader has the capabilities to bring you back if hypnosis does occur.  Just listening to some soothing music is much better.

Hypnosis is not meditation.  It can have a relaxing quality but is not the same state and much harder to return from than meditation.  This should not be practiced when on your own.

God bless, J

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Post by fisk_82 » Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:02 pm

spiritalk wrote:Meditation is NOT recomended before going to sleep.  It will alter your consciousness, leaving you wide open as you go further into sleep states of consciousness.  You will wake up with all your energies depleted and feel worse than when you went to sleep.
Dear spiritalk,

I read this thread as i, my self practice meditation almost everyday. If it is not recomended to do meditation before going to sleep, so when is the perfect time to do meditation?

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Location: Etobicoke, Canada

Post by spiritalk » Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:50 pm

You can do a short meditation at bed time.  Do NOT do it on your bed as you might fall asleep during the exercise.  

Any time is a good time for a meditation - just be sure you will not be disturbed during your quiet time.  Everyone finds a good time for themselves.  It is just not a good thing before going to sleep at night.

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