The Tree of Good and Evil?

Discuss age old myths here. Are they facts or are they fiction?

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Post by sunmystic » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:58 pm

happyme wrote:
PetraVanilla wrote:Fermented fruit - alcohol... something that messes with your mind and makes you lose your inhibitions, something that causes you to embarrass yourself, if you use it wrong. Knowledge can do the same, especially knowledge of evil choices. It will tempt you beyond belief. That's why we should also be careful what we expose our mind to. We need to be able to judge whether it will help us prevent evil or become perverted in our thinking. So if you study black magick, but plan to be good, make sure you don't underestimate the temptation you expose yourself to. You need to be mature enough to be able to handle it without abusing it. few of us are capable of that... there's my 2 cents!
I accept Petra's wisdom on this, but at the same time we must also be mindful of fear of the unknown or darkness. This too will attract more of it in your life or add more potential to its power in your life then. It all seems to come back down to a right balance of the opposites. Finding the right balance of all opposing energies in our life will bring us closer to our spiritual goals which will ultimately equate to the evolution of our souls.
Happy, I have had sometime to think about your post and I would like to disagree with you :) But the problem is that I can find no flaw in your wisdom :)



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Post by happyme » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:04 pm

And I am doubly humbled by that xx :)

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Post by sunmystic » Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:42 pm

happyme wrote:And I am doubly humbled by that xx :)
thank you :) but please keep me honest ! I do not mind.



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Post by happyme » Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:57 pm

I am still trying to find myself. I am getting there, but not quite there yet, so in the mean time I gotta lean heavily on the wisdom of the older ones. :)

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Post by sunmystic » Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:02 am

happyme wrote:I am still trying to find myself. I am getting there, but not quite there yet, so in the mean time I gotta lean heavily on the wisdom of the older ones. :)
Sweetheart :) stay away from me :) I am totally rogue :) . Nobody should ever trust anything that I have to say :) . I am an old soul that has been at this stuff for a long time and I am still trying to find myself also.

I am constantly asking my wife, "Where is John, I have lost him again!"

Happyme, quit looking for you and you will be found :) ! From there it is what ever you want to do.

Love you!


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Post by happyme » Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:58 am

Now that is true wisdom slapping me in the face. I love it!  :smt003

Thanks for the encouragement, Sunmystic, and I can relate to those feelings too.  :smt006

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Post by sunmystic » Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:24 pm

happyme wrote:Now that is true wisdom slapping me in the face. I love it!  :smt003

Thanks for the encouragement, Sunmystic, and I can relate to those feelings too.  :smt006
Oh no! Now I am beating up young ladies :) ! This can not be so! Ah man!

You are loved Happyme! :)


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Hestia NicLoch
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This is really late, considering the last post here, but....

Post by Hestia NicLoch » Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:15 am

Okay, I know the answer to this one!!

The Tree of Good and Evil is a Celtic/Pagan concept, of the woman (priestess possibly) in the sacred grove with the Apple. The snake is the symbol of the Goddess, so there is a load of Mother Goddess symbolism here. What happens is that the woman is actually the Mother Goddess, and she is giving the Apple of Immortality to Man. It is an ancient tale. Then the Christians come along to the Celts and realize that this is against everything they're talking about, WHAM! There's your tale of the tree of good and evil. They make the woman giving the apple to Adam evil, so she is punished (worse than Adam is in my opinion), the snake, always the symbol of wisdom and Goddess/Goddess Worship is turned into some devil, and Adam is the good guy being tricked into evil, instead of the great old story of the Goddess bestowing Immortality on the Good of the world.

This really is the old story, the one that was there before the christians twisted it. I do not have a grudge against the christians, but this is the real deal here, a lie created to convert the Celts and others by making their Goddes and their deities evil. There is one good thing that comes from this though, and that is that this story was forever preserved for future generations if they but realize the symbolism and what really happened to the story all that time ago.

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Post by MacLir » Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:55 am

The story of creation itself, is it true or symbolic? In Christianity it is also taught that when created, Adam's body was as large as the universe. The word Adam derived from Hebrew term Adam Kadmon, means human archetype. If connected to the Christian teaching & Qabalah Tree of Life, Adam Kadmon means the archetype/DNA of the universe. Havah(Eve) comes from the last three letters of The Tetragrammaton: YodHeVauHe(YHVH).
    Also, only 3 dimensional beings that can know good & evil, pain & pleasure, all dualities that in Qabalah said exist only in the realm of Malkuth.

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