Payewacker's Tarot - How to determine your Enemies, Friends or family members.

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Payewacker's Tarot - How to determine your Enemies, Friends or family members.

Post by Payewacker » Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:00 pm

Hi Guys,

People are normally represented by the Courts Cards. You need to take into consideration that people are normally categorised, so also in the Tarot. The main approach is to firstly consider the significator. Even if in a lead-on reading; one where the card representing the final outcome in the first reading is used as significator, the significator of the previous reading still bears a strong influence on the second reading.
Family members will normally be presented by picture cards of the same suit as your significator or also card 7 “this is you”

When a picture card appears, the person it describes may sometimes or more often share the characteristics of that picture card. This person may not be a rival but may be a contender. Don’t then just include him as your enemy. The orientation of the card will also give you insight as to the intend of this person. So family can be described by the same suit as the seeker, and friends perhaps in the sister suit. Enemies therefore can be seen in the “opposing” suit and that sister suit. Care must be taken to distinguish between situations and people.

Sister Suits:
Swords and Cups,
Pentacles and Wands.

What do you guys think?

Blessed be
Last edited by Payewacker on Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by pirbid » Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:33 pm

I had never heard about sister suits, but I always expect some new info in your posts, that's why I follow them.

I remember a thread in which we discussed how to pick a Court card for a significator. It turned out many didn't even use one because they found this picking quite difficult, unless you use the final outcome from a previous reading, as you say. Only most of the time there is no previous reading.

So, how do you pick your significator? Do you go by looks, star sign, the person's character -if known-, age or gender? I suppose the outcome in friend/foe court cards in the spread depends on how accurate you are when picking a significator for the seeker.

Hey, I even remember one of your posts in which you asked whether we always used queens for women and kings for men, or something of the kind. Do you remember?

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:08 pm

Hi Pirbid,

The significator is chosen from four cards, which is face down.


The significator is either a choice of the Major Arcanum cards, describing a specific matter or from the Minor Court cards. Allow the Querent to shuffle the deck at least twice with the significator included. If a Major Arcanum, now remove it from the deck and place at centre. The cards should now be shuffled three times and cut three times by both Querent and reader. If chosen from the Minor Arcanum, remove the four cards, one from each suit depicting the level of the Querent in their social, business or personal environment,
Keeping in mind the following:
Ages: 16-22; Pages
Ages: 23-35; Knights
Ages; 36-50; King for men, Queen for woman
Ages; 50 and above; Emperor for men, Empress for woman. Using divinatory meaning only.
Husband and wife: King and Queen.
Knight and Page: Siblings, Single, no Children.

The four cards should now be shuffled placed in a row, the Querent is now allowed to, with their intuition, gliding their hands over these cards, choose a specific card. This card must now be turned face up and the Querent should be represented or characteristics are revealed.

Blessed be.

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Post by pirbid » Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:24 pm

Mmm... Does that mean that if we remain single and childless we should always chose knights or pages as our significator? Do we turn into kings and queens as soon as we have a relationship even without kids?
I find it interesting to turn into the Emperor and Empress from 50 onwards. What is the difference from king and queen? -I know the cards have different meanings, but why step up from Minor Court cards to Majors only through age?-.
Also, when one chooses a Court card as significator, you can get other 'family members', like his or her couple; or, if the querent is a queen and other queens appear, they might be rivals or competitors. But if your significator is the Empress, does that mean you are 'above' all Court cards appearing in the spread? How do you interpret that? I find all this highly confusing.

Sorry, PW, it's just that every time you answer one of my questions, a few more come to mind... Thanks for your patience!

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:15 pm

Hi Pirbid,

Let me put it this way: "I'm always Tarotising"

Whenever I meet a person, I will classify that person in a suit which I feel they fit in! And, by the way they speak and act, I will fit them into the pip cards, or the progress in the pip cards from 1-10---the mundane, everyday events.

If we go back to Roman rulers Caesar, or Emperor, we will find that they ruled over many Kings and their Kingdoms, as the Empire was expanded to eventually rule most of Europe.

Have a good look see at the ages of many of our querants, and the matters troubling them. Very few querants are over 50!!! Therefore, as you grow into your age, you gain wisdom bit, by bit, by the little lessons life teach you.

It's impossible to remain a page throughout your life. That's where the age matter comes in, then having a child, married or single, brings responsibility to the parent. You may be a page, but more than likely you will jump a bit higher, and aspire to become the Queen asap.

We must also remember, a wedding is not necessary to determine the spouse. The spiritual bond is what determine the other partner. The coming together in the first sexual encounter. That is why it's so important to be sure about your partner, too many mates, and you end up with a splintered    soul.

Blessed be.

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Post by pirbid » Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:30 pm

:smt115  Aha! Now I see the difference between kings/queens and empress/emperors.
I know you also delve in the astrological -and many other fields besides- so, when classifying people into a suit, do you pay attention to the usual telling clues for their sign?
For example, if I meet someone impulsive I might be tempted to classify him/her as someone in the Wands family -so probably a Fire sign, like Aries, Sag or Leo-. If this person is also young, ardent and idealistic, I might think of the Knight of Wands. But if he/she is still young, idealistic and enthusiastic but slightly more reflective and interested in pursuing a certain knowledge, I might put him/her down as a Page of Wands.
My question is whether you also fit them into a suit through your knowledge of astrological traits, or whether you just follow your instinct, their looks or something else.

I would also like you to expand on the way you fit them into the pip cards -first time I hear you could do this-. But I would like to see if I could do it myself with the knowledge I have about pip numbers -very far from yours, since I know nil about cabala-. Then you can tell me how far I have wandered:

ACE: I guess I would consider babies to be in this stage, or even expectant mothers. Also people who are thinking about starting a new project from scratch. Actually, all this brings strongly to mind the image of the Fool, always about to jump innocently into the unknown. Pisces have this sort of ingenuity sometimes.
2- For people who are finding it hard to make a decision and keep playing in their minds all the advantages and disadvantages of each possibility. This reminds me of Libra and Gemini people, who can sometimes be highly indecisive. And the Lovers in the Major Arcana.
3- For people who have found their true calling and are in the midst of an interesting project, explaining it full of enthusiasm to anyone who lends an ear. The nearest Major I can think of would be the Magician, and maybe Aries or Aquarius.
4- For people who value security and stability above all else and hate change. In fact, this is also true for many institutions, mainly religious ones, but not only. Both the Emperor and the Hyerophant are good representatives of this view. Taurus and Cancer are probably the most conservative of the signs.
5- For people who are going through changes and therefore some discomfort and/or disorientation. These would probably request more readings than others, since they can feel unsure about what options they should follow from now on. Both the Wheel and the Hermit come to mind. I guess Piscis is one of the more changing and unsure signs, but also Gemini and Libra.
6- For those who seem to have found their place and are going through a phase of contentment and enjoyment, like the Empress and the Sun. Leos are sometimes like that, and also Aquarius.
7- This stage seems to be a rougher version of the 5, with rather abrupt and unsought changes that force people to experiment new ways of adapting to their reality. Death and Judgment portray these feelings. Scorpios are highly able to handle brusque endings and Sags love to experiment and look for different angles.
8- This is like a mild middle age crisis, in which a person stops to think of priorities, discarding unnecessary burdens and feeling energized by those choices. The Hanged Man, the Star and a few others could depict this stage. Pisces and Aries are quite adept at reinventing themselves.
9- For someone who has ended a project or career and now is ready to go deeper, clearly focused on the final goal. Virgo and Capricorn are quite focused. The Chariot and the Strength are good allies at this stage.
10- For someone taking a break after a long effort, ready to rest, relax and enjoy some social activity. Also people who keep postponing everything! Gemini and Aquarius are great postponers. The World, the Sun and the Fool convey these feelings quite well.

Hey, this was an interesting exercise I never thought of tackling before. How about proposing it to your students at the Mystic Academy, PW?
Has anyone tried to make these connections and got similar or different results?

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:02 pm

Hi Pirbid,

Don't you just love it, when a plan comes together?

Blessed be

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Post by misty sur » Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:09 am

the concept of picture cards fill me with awe. i have never gone to a tarot reader but i really have great respect and interest for the subject. i would really like to know more about these subjects.

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Post by cedars » Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:09 pm

Hello Misty Sur

Please join us in the main tarot forum - not this one where you posted - and we can discuss, air and talk about anything you wish to ask.

Welcome to Mystic Board.

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Post by Payewacker » Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:35 am

Hi misty sur,

I did a reply but it's gone?

Anyway, as Cedars suggested join us on the other forums as well, there is a lot of info to be gained.

Welcome to the world of Tarot.

Blessed be.

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