Big Changes

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Big Changes

Post by starryskies » Sat Dec 19, 2009 9:17 pm

I wonder if I would be able to request a reading... I feel very upset right now. My relationship of 3 years just reached an end. My partner and I want different things and we have to part ways. It's very difficult, even though I know it is the right thing to do and we both agree we can't stay together.

Sometimes I feel positive about the changes and sometimes I feel very scared. I was wondering whether anyone had any insight for me?

Thank you,

Victoria XX

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Re: Big Changes

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:58 am

starryskies wrote:I wonder if I would be able to request a reading... I feel very upset right now. My relationship of 3 years just reached an end. My partner and I want different things and we have to part ways. It's very difficult, even though I know it is the right thing to do and we both agree we can't stay together.

Sometimes I feel positive about the changes and sometimes I feel very scared. I was wondering whether anyone had any insight for me?

Thank you,

Victoria XX
Dear Victoria, Image

It is perfectly understandable to me that you would be feeling upset and more than a bit down upon yourself for your relationship of three years having only recently come to an end by mutual agreement. After all three years represents 10% of your total lifetime on Earth this time around, and only time and enough patience with yourself whenever you have a bad day is going to I feel help to heal your deeply wounded heart. There is also no doubt in my mind from what I am reading about you that you tried everything you could to make the relationship work, but that all your best efforts were unfortunately not enough.

It is important for you to now take some TLC (tender loving care) time out for yourself to recharge your spiritual batteries, as I do not feel that this is the end of all your hopes that you will eventually find the right man for you. With it being the Christmas New Year season at present, you are only likely to feel the loneliness and pain more intensely than if it had instead been another part of the year, but your reading is telling you to draw much closer to your family and friends at this time as your heart and health are both especially vulnerable during the next six months.

Indeed I sense that how well or otherwise you do make it through the next six months or so will largely determine how soon if at all you will once again take the inevitable risks involved with forming any new and close human relationship. This does not mean that you need to cut yourself off from everybody and become a social hermit, but it probably does mean that you will need to be more careful of constantly wearing your heart upon your sleeve. Do not take the wrong lesson from your failed relationship into any future ones, including the strange and unsupported idea that you are unlovable or unworthy of being loved and respected for who you already are, just as much as any other man or woman deserves.
Sometimes I feel positive about the changes and sometimes I feel very scared.
You are far from alone in feeling this way, as life will always involves a series of changes, some of them more major than the rest. But it is not so much what happens to each of us in this life which determines how we will feel and respond to change, but rather it is the meaning we associate with the event.

If you see your failed relationship as meaning that you are a failure and will always be one when it comes to romance, your subconscious mind which is not very selective of what it is told to do will obey your commands to the letter. It will then draw into your life the very conditions you would want to avoid at all cost. It will keep all men away from you, and you will therefore be denied the opportunity to prove that your fears of being not good enough are nonsense.

But if instead you see your relationship recently ended as offering you new opportunities to meet someone else who will more fully appreciate what wonderful personal qualities you have to offer any man who is fortunate to be loved by you, then just imagine what could be possible during the next six to twelve months with regards to love and romance, with your subconscious mind now working in your favour (instead of as it may be now working against you). Go on! Imagine what this would be like for five minutes every night before you settle down to sleep.

Our minds can be at times very cruel masters if we allow then to get their way, but when we are more in control of our thoughts and feelings then our minds can bring us life's greatest rewards. And the greatest gifts or rewards of all which the Universe is waiting patiently to give you in abundance based upon this reading are both a renewed sense of self love and self respect. With these two powerful friends on your team or side, the sky or your own positive imagination is the only limit to you finding love and happiness.

God bless,

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Post by starryskies » Sun Dec 20, 2009 5:36 pm

That is so helpful. Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words. This reading resonated with me and I feel like I am on the path for more positive things.

Thanks again for reading so well and so fast  :) I really, really appreciate it.

Victoria xx

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:36 pm

Victoria,  :smt002

It was my pleasure to be given this opportunity to meet and read for you, and I thank you in return for your own kind words of appreciation.

Sometimes although no matter how hard we try to we cannot stop something from happening, we do fortunately have much more control over how it will be allowed to effect our lives from then on than we previously suspected that we had, through gaining greater control of our own mind.

Our subconscious mind can either be our most powerful friend, or our worst enemy. It is mainly for us to consciously decide which of the two it will be, and whose side it will be on.

I would much rather given the choice have it on my team instead of against me, and I am reasonably certain that you would prefer this as well.

Many blessings for the festive season,

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Post by Shey123 » Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:46 pm

Victoria- good luck with the near future. I hope that you heal positively in th next 6 months.
Take Care

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