What should you do if...

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What should you do if...

Post by happyme » Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:42 am

you suspect somebody has hexed or performed black magic on you?

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:52 am

Well...In my opinion is the greatest danger with any hex or black magic, your own belief in it.

If we strongly believe that a hex or black magic can hurt us, and we at the same time believe that someone have done it to us, then it will hurt us, even if there is not done anything like that.

Our mind is our strongest tool, our mind can lift us up, or bury us deep down, our mind can damage us because we believe we are damaged.

I am NOT saying that there is NONE hex or Black magic, but I am saying that if you try to have a "open evaluated opinion" about it, then at least you can prevent your own damage.Image

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Post by happyme » Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:51 pm

Thanks Rhuto, that is very comforting and empowering. :)

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:33 pm

The natural law works!  The recent spate of information on the Law of Attraction (The Secret) has shown everyone how to manifest their own good.  It is now getting a bad rap for not being easy.  There are no instants in life only our hard work and understanding.

Black Magic comes under the heading of - those sending will get it back with the law of cause and effect.  Those targeted will only be affected as they use the law of attraction.  And as most people would not want the negativity, it becomes powerless.

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Re: What should you do if...

Post by sunmystic » Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:29 pm

happyme wrote:you suspect somebody has hexed or performed black magic on you?
Happy I have been thinking about your question for awhile now :)

On one hand it is a valid question :) on the other hand it potientually opens "Pandora's Box".

I always know when someone is hexing me or trying to. And the truth is that someone actually hexing someone else is so rare that it is almost non existant. In the twelve years that I have been on internet boards and chat rooms I have only actually been hexed so to speak :) four times.

Three of those times I really pissed somebody off :) the fourth time I was up to my tush with a lady (that just wanted to give me a hard time) that had Lilith (The Hebrew demon witch of desolate places or the mother of all vampires) as her spirit guide and protector.

Flora witch dropped a tree on my house :) but it was done gently and I had really made her angry, she is by nature not inclined to do those things.

a voodoo priestess, that I had upset a bunch, laid the seven dooms on me (which was an interesting experience).

and a fellow I also upset who was just plain not nice, caused me some discomfort with his abilities.

All of these experiences were back in my younger days (early fifties :) and I was very new to things and pretty full of myself) and so I now do my best to be careful who I piss off :) . And like you and your rosery I always went to God :) and He always intervened on my behalf and things worked out.

If you think that you are being hexed Happy, then what are the symptoms that you seem to be experiencing that make you feel that you are being effected by some outside source or individual? I do not mind having a look at things with you Happy if you wish, :) I like you!



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