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Post by ravenuriel » Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:41 am

Yes I do like this forum..
there is alot of useful information here and the people ROCK...

all you have to do is ask a question and they answer you..

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Better late than never :smt003

Post by trish76 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:54 pm

I never knew what an emapth was until I started looking into psychics, tarot etc.....I always thought I was crazy as a loon. (welllll maybe a leettle LOL)

Yes I tend to pick up on the feelings/energies of others. My problem is that having not known what it was for so long...my tendency is always to jump to the conclusion that it's all me or that I am causing the problem. It makes me an emotional wreck at times. I also have never learned any shielding techniques, and with my scatterbrained personality at times....I get the most massive headaches. I use crystals and herbs because the process of gathering them combined with the intent to protect myself often helps focus my mind enough on the task of shielding. Otherwise I get so distracted with the headaches I have to just take an excedrin and go to bed. I hope someday I will able to control all these "gifts" so that they are more of a help than a pain in the wazoo. Good thing I found this forum.  :smt003I

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Empathy and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries

Post by coloratura » Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:24 am

Yeah, being an empath can be very difficult at times, especially when you're with people who attempt to hide themselves fromt he world but you see who they truly are.
Also, I've learnt the hard wayt hat as an empath especially forming an etheric bond with *just anyone* is a very bad idea, even if they seem to be very knowledgeable in working with spirit guides etc.

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Post by GavinKabal » Mon May 18, 2009 6:34 pm

I understand what you are saying concerning empathy and others emotions, yet I would ask if you practice any type of aspiring to the higher self?  One of the things which results is the subjugation of the Ego/Lower Self in the higher, reducing or eliminating the harmful emotions which it uses to rule the kingdom of our flesh. Emotions such as sadness or depression, which all result from the Ego seeking to convince us that we are SO important as an individual, and not as what we can accomplish.  The "woe is me" syndrome. Meditation also plays a large part in binding our emotions to our Thelema, or Will, as to let the emotions run rampant is to let them rule our lives to the detriment of our spiritual selves.

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Post by RoseRed » Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:30 am

GavinKabal wrote:  I would ask if you practice any type of aspiring to the higher self?
I thought that was an interesting point - could you perhaps add more info to it??

I know for myself that now, after alot of hard work I have gained some control over these emotions and feelings - I have found that even thinking that I am feeling some of these 'negative' responses from my environment no matter what shape or form actually comes down to the Fear concept.

If you believe in fear then you believe that all these nasty emotions exist.
If you don't, if you only believe in Perfect Love which is Truth then none of those emotions actually exist.

And then its just a matter of retraining your brain,
so when you feel... umm say a feeling of depression from someone - if you just shift the way you think of it actually changes it.
Well it does in your reality :)

So I will feel the emotion - I will say to myself that I have chosen to see this energy in that light - I can choose to see it in a much better light.
But just challenging my mind in what I am really feeling actually diffuses the energy.
Now I hardly ever feel any crappy vibrations, and maybe it also ties into the fact that I have changed my reality into something much happier and full of awe moments... I don't know.
But I am certainly alot happier and stable!

But I do slip up... just gotta get back onto the horse.

Also: you can interpret the energy as one of those 'negative' vibrations on behalf of someone else - what I mean is that you can recognise that the energy is manifesting as 'depression' when you meet with someone, you recognise that 'it' is manifesting in THEIR reality, you can recognize it but it does not have to hold true in YOUR reality.
hence it having no power over you. :) Whoop!

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More to it....

Post by GavinKabal » Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:44 pm

Ah, there IS so much more to it, life is a journey, and for it to be a worthy one the intelligent among us seek to "know ourselves."  The most basic of what I was saying is realizing, as it seems you have from what you have said, that our emotions can be controlled by use, not vise versa.  If we have a feeling we do not desire we can concentrate our will to change it, or redirect it, or just plain ignore it.

Further on this path, and requiring practice and effort much, is to begin some type of esoteric, or Occult (meaning hidden of course), practice which raises your conscious from the Lower self towards your Higher self.

Any system of magical study, whether the Golden Dawn, or Rosicrucian, Builders of the Adytum, teach that the goal of Ritual Practices is the raising of your consciousness to a higher level, opening up new levels of perception, and ways of being.  For a "normal" person today, their world is presented to them by events, not planned, with no control, and it is ruled by their EGO.  The Ego's primary purpose from its inception at a very young age in every one is to make us feel that our physical shell, what we mean when we say "I" and "me", is the most important thing in existence, and immortal.  If it succeeds in keeping us under this false idea, we never seek the higher meaning of life, and raise our consciousness to a higher level, threatening to take the Ego's kingdom away from it.  One of the ways the Ego rules is by emotions: desire- causing us to spend our lives chasing insubstantial physical things or pleasures, anger, depression, envy, jealousy, etc.  Think of when you are consumed by a very strong emotion, is it not like you are possessed by someone else, with no control??

Well, when you begin on a path of enlightenment, the training you begin in Meditation, and the rituals performed, begin to raise your consciousness from the Ego, which resides at Nephesh in the Tree of Life of our consciousness, towards Keter, the Super Conscious.  The further you progress in this path the less influence the Ego has, until eventually the one in control of the kingdom is the Higher you.  You are presented with the Keys of the Kingdom, as it where.  Such a great goal is not even able to be understood by many, who do not want to believe that such a thing is possible, or that the truths that it being real means.

What is fascinating is that even from the very first when you begin to travel down this road, you will have joy at the things you will realize, and the epiphanies which will come your way.  You will find yourself saying, "So that is why I did that," or "I had no idea that this was possible."  You will walk as one truly awake among the majority zombies who live in but do not truly experience this fascinating world we all are in.

Feel free to ask any further questions you may have.

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:49 pm

Thank you so much for your spectacular response!

I have only briefly worked with this, the trying to get the Higher Self to hold the reins,
as I know that it knows much better what is good for me than the Lower Self, ummm a little bit like its the BEST parts of 'me', my highest absolute potential. Not sure if that is 'correct' way of thinking of it, of Higher Self - its what I understand at this current level that I am at. :)
I still see it as separate, 2 separate worlds in a sense and I thoroughly look forward to the day when the lower self 'merges' with the higher self - its almost like having a spilt personality when I cast my thoughts on this. lol

To the drawing board! :D

Thank you again

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Post by DragonKnight » Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:46 am

nice that sounds soo cool i feel weird i got the same sence

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I can totally relate

Post by spiralingpantherrose » Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:12 am

Greetings Everyone,
  hOw is everyone today?  I can totally relate being an empath.  I am the property manager of three apartments and needless to say a lot of times I pick up a lot from others.  I wish there was some way I could detach though.  Because a lot of times I feel overloaded and can't put my finger on it and then I have an aha moment.  If anyone here has any suggestions on how I can control it and detach that would be great.  I hope everyone is having a great day.

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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:29 am

Learn how to ground the energy you pick up into the ground, and how to cleanse it.

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Re: I can totally relate

Post by sunmystic » Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:29 pm

spiralingpantherrose wrote:Greetings Everyone,
  hOw is everyone today?  I can totally relate being an empath.  I am the property manager of three apartments and needless to say a lot of times I pick up a lot from others.  I wish there was some way I could detach though.  Because a lot of times I feel overloaded and can't put my finger on it and then I have an aha moment.  If anyone here has any suggestions on how I can control it and detach that would be great.  I hope everyone is having a great day.
Hi Spiraling :)

I have been an empath and somewhat a telepath my whole life. I am not sure how one can control it :) you can shut it off but then that leaves you out of touch.

What is interesting though is that if you can recieve then you can send :) what you feel then others around you also feel, if your signal strength is stronger than theirs. So I guess a part of contol is to send what you want others to think that you are feeling :) or think what you want others to think that you are thinking.

I start out radiating alot of "heart" energy. If that doesn't work then I kick in "balls" with the heart energy. If that still doesn't work then I kick in "power" with the heart and balls energy :) from there you just crank up your signal strength.

Anyway there are all kinds of different things that you can radiate just by putting thought/feeling into different areas inside and outside of your body. If you can recieve then you can send and things can get interesting :)



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Post by michalopoulos » Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:52 pm

I believe too to be of empathic nature, I tend to feel what my friends (mostly women friends) and people close to me feel.
Although it is interesting and could turn useful in the future I have never meditated to amplify it because I don't think there is a reason in it, plus when they don't feel well it ruins my day.. I was actually thinking of starting to block this..
I am though afraid that if I do so I might loose my "way with people".. I always found it easy to make others agree with me (specially in a face to face conversation)..
I would appreciate an opinion on this... thanks!

To spiralingpantherrose:
If you think you are sure you want to block any energy of this type, you can meditate and focus on blocking any incoming feelings (maybe you could just block negative feelings), then visualize yourself speaking to somebody who obviously doesn't feel well and not receiving any feeling from him.
Try to be as vivid as you can in your visualization and at the end don't forget to feel full of joy.. this will really help you to feel well with what you are doing and achieve faster results..
I believe this would work...

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Post by daffodil93 » Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:19 am

Hi! I was sort of hoping for a second opinion on this, because I'm arguing with myself over whether I'm an empath or something like an energy vampire. When I'm in pain, I can touch someone, anyone, as long as I'm touching their skin, and the pain will just disappear until a few minutes after I have let go of them; that seems to be a bad thing, because depending on how much pain I'm in, the person will be tired afterwards. BUT I seem to take on the pain of my family and close friends, like, for example, my dad has nerve problems and is in pain alot, and one time I was at my friends house, I was in some of the worst pain of my life and couldn't really function, and I hurt where he usually did: his bad shoulder, his wrists and the bottoms of his feet. When I got home, I discovered he was totally happy because he'd had one of the most pain-free nights in years and had even managed to sleep in, a thing he never does.
Also, this is a bit random, but it might be somewhat connected: my dad can...heal, for lack of a better word, small aches and pains on any random person he chooses, like headaches and joint pains, just by touching them.
Is this stuff unusual or just sort of normal stuff about being a human?


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:05 pm

A little of both - normal and random.  When doing healing it is important not to use someone else to take on the aches and pains.  That is not healing it is merely transference.  Doing some healing would be to leave it with God - that is the source of all the energies and not affecting another human being.

Empathy is when we can be 'tuned in' in body, mind and spirit to another person.  We can leave imprints like our tears, fears, or joys.  It should only be the connection point - then send a healing thought.

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Post by daffodil93 » Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:45 pm

Okay, thanks :)

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