Is there any crystal to help my daughter talk louder?

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Is there any crystal to help my daughter talk louder?

Post by Lavender-oasis » Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:59 am

My nearly 19 year old daughter speaks very softly, What is the best crystal to make/help her talk louder?

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:51 pm

You should visit the doctor first to ensure there isn't any physical or mental reason, then you could try Lapiz Lazuli or Sodalite or Blue Lace Agate, but you really need to find out why she talks softly first

Cassie x

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talking softly

Post by Lavender-oasis » Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:54 am

Thanks Cascade I am going to take her to the doctors too, but thought I would try crystals as well. My mum suggested a speech therapist cause more and more people tell me they can't hear what she is saying. It is very frustrating telling her all the time to talk louder and I am sure her confidence is down because of it.

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Post by Jayman » Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:42 pm

might I suggest she joins the Toastmasters.

she will develop public speaking skills and confidence in front of a crowd like you've never seen.

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:00 am

Larimar would work very well I imagine. Maybe flourite for helping organize thoughts.

My guess is she has lots to say but lacks the confidence in sharing and in her ideas, as well as not being sure how what she has to say will be received.

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Stones for communication (5th chakra) and self-confidence (3rd chakra)

Post by crystalhealer1 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:06 pm

AGATE, BLUE LACE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for encouraging peace and calming, to promote speaking one's truth, to enhance crop production and for general plant health in the garden, to encourage joy, to become grounded, to stay centered and balanced in mind, body, and spirit, to relieve symptoms of acid reflux or heartburn, to stimulate will power, to heal problems associated with the nervous system or circulation, to facilitate communication with one's totem animals, spirit guides, and angels, for emotional healing, and to block out negative energies associated with geopathic stress.  Blue Lace Agate is a banded form of Blue Chalcedony, so these properties also apply.  

AGATE, HOLLEY BLUE: (Also known as Holly Blue Agate, Holly Agate, Holley Agate, Holly Blue Chalcedony, Holley Chalcedony, Holly Chalcedony, or as Holley Blue Chalcedony)Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra), 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) or 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to facilitate communication with one’s ancestors or those who have crossed over, to promote cooperation among family groups, to enhance psychic awareness, to facilitate communication with beings from the animal, mineral, and plant realms, to access one’s higher consciousness, to banish feelings of shame, to promote ascension of the light body, for protection during astral travel, to promote lucid dreaming, and to enhance shamanic journeying or vision quests.  Element: Air  Flower: Blue Bellflower Essential Oil:  Blue Tansy  Companion Stone: Pink Calcite  As Holley Blue Agate is a form of banded Blue Chalcedony, these properties also apply.  

AMAZONITE: (Also known as Amazon Stone, Amazonstone, Mother of Emerald, Colorado Jade, Amazon Jade, or as Blue-Green Microline) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) or at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for blocking electromagnetic energy, to encourage truthfulness, for balancing the mind, body, and spirit, for soothing and comfort after trauma, to manifest the love of the universe, to facilitate a connection with nature, for balancing the chakras, to overcome fears, to stimulate positive communication, to benefit bone health, and to relax muscles.

AMBER: (Also known as Allingite, Glessum, Glesum, Lyncurium, Lynx Stone, Chryselectrum, Gum Stone, Gumstone, Scoopstone, Pit Amber, Succin, or as Succinite) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) to increase radiance,  to create joy in one's life, to enhance the immune system, for cleansing and purification, to heal the mind, body, and spirit, and to promote peace and calming.

AMBER, HONEY: (Also known as Amber, Butterscotch) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) to promote feelings of divine love, to relieve symptoms associated with diabetes, to help one recognize and appreciate all of the sweet things in life, to enhance one’s motivation and drive toward success, to reduce cough and relieve the pain of a sore throat, and to encourage a compassionate attitude toward all beings.  Since this is a type of Amber, the general properties of Amber also apply.

ANGELITE: (Also known as Blue Anhydrite) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for manifesting peace and good will toward all beings, for connection and communication with the Angelic realm, to stimulate telepathy, for grounding during meditation, to induce astral travel, and shamanic journeying, to increase awareness, for protection from negative energies, to aid in voicing one’s inner truth, to promote tranquility, to bring compassion to one's life both toward and from other beings, to improve one's understanding and comprehension of astrology, for acceptance of one's life on the earth plane, to become inspired in spiritual matters, to initiate the channeling state, to balance the thyroid gland, to control body weight, and to remove the heat from sunburned skin.

APATITE, BLUE: (Also known as Moroxite, Blue Pyroguanite, Blue Fluocollophanite, Blue Kietyogite, Blue Estramadurite, or as Blue Agustite) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to heal problems associated with the thyroid gland, to aid in healthy weight loss and dieting, to promote feelings of peace and tranquility, to open the throat chakra in order to promote more meaningful communication, and to stimulate the power of foresight through precognitive dreams.
APATITE, GOLDEN CAT’S EYE: (Also known as Golden Cat’s Eye Pyroguanite, Golden Cat’s Eye Kietyogite, Golden Cat’s Eye Fluocollophanite, Golden Cat’s Eye Estramadurite, or as Golden Cat’s Eye Agustite) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) to bring the light of the divine into the heart, to enhance inner strength and will power, to aid in the absorbtion of nutrients form one’s food, to facilitate a connection with the earth and with the sun, to aid one in recognizing the importance of the planetary and other astrological influences, and to remove the ego from delicate situations.

AQUAMARINE: (Also known as Blue Beryl) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for promoting acceptance, to encourage calm energy and tranquility, to stimulate creativity, to relieve stress and anxiety, and to enhance group cooperation and communication.

ARAGONITE, BLUE: (Also known as Blue Iron Bloom) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to connect with one’s spirit guides and angels, to connect one with the air element, to cool fiery or angry energies, to bring joy to the user, to instill courage and to act as a shield against negativity, and to reduce stress.

ARAGONITE, GOLDEN RAY: (Also known as Golden Ray Iron Bloom) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to relieve symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) by bringing the light and warmth of the sun into the body, to bring inner joy that shines forth and affects those around you, to facilitate a connection with the divine, to help one achieve a feeling of oneness with all beings, to promote feelings of gratitude and love, and to help one overcome life’s most difficult obstacles.

AVALONITE: (Also known as Blue Druzy Chalcedony) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to facilitate a connection with one’s spirit guides, guardian angels, and totem animals, ) to help one to resist temptation, for protection, to enhance meditation, to promote general health, to stimulate vitality, to balance the male and female energies in one’s energy body, to heal wounds of the flesh, to create a portal for connecting with those on the other side, and to give one strength.

AZURITE: (Also known as Chessylite, Chessy Copper, Lasur, Blue Malachite, or as Kuanos) Use at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) to enhance a connection with the Earth, to facilitate the growth of one’s nurturing qualities, to enhance psychic vision and mystical experience, for protection during astral travel, and to aid in acceptance of one’s natural intuitive gifts.

CALCITE, AQUA: (Also known as Calcite, Lemurian Aquatine) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to aid in communicating with higher beings, to facilitate a connection with ancient cultures (especially Atlantis and Lemuria), to connect one with his or her spirit guides, guardian angels, and spirit guides, to help heal past life trauma, to promote spiritual ascension, and for karmic upliftment.
CALCITE, BLUE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to cool the flames of anger, to strengthen the bones, to relieve inflammation and joint pain, as a remedy for cold and flu symptoms, to promote peace and tranquility, to balance the emotions, to encourage truth in communication, and to promote happiness and joy.

CALCITE, GOLDEN:  (Also known Gold Calcite) Use at the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra) or at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) to enhance self-confidence, to let one’s inner light shine through and be seen by others, to aid in disorders of the digestive system, to increase joy and happiness, to increase prosperity and abundance, to stabilize the emotional body, and to enhance one’s “attitude of gratitude”.

CALCITE, HONEY: Use at the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra) or at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) to bring the energy of the sun into the body, to enhance feelings of warmth and healing while one is ill (especially with flu-like symptoms), to instill joy and happiness, to balance one’s male and female energies, to aid in shamanic journeying, to enhance meditation and conscious awareness, for increasing the effectiveness of breath-work, to relieve digestive complaints, and to eliminate nausea (especially when associated with pregnancy).

CELESTITE, BLUE: (Also known as Celestine) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to enhance telepathy, to facilitate communication with one’s spirit guides and totem animals, to stimulate the intuition, to enhance feelings of peace and compassion, to stimulate hope, to over come loss and conquer grief, to enhance group communication and aid in working toward a common goal, and to open the throat chakra to allow one to speak his or her inner-truth.

CHALCEDONY, BLUE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for enhancing group cooperation and communication, to aid in telepathy, to transform negative energy into positive energy, to bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit, to enhance generosity by yourself or by others, to bring joy to any situation, to increase self confidence, to enhance enthusiasm, to stifle bad dreams, to cleanse wounds, to dispel dementia, and to regulate one’s circulation.

CHRYSOCOLLA: (Also known as Chrysacolla, Gaia Stone, and as Venus Stone) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) or 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to connect with Goddess energy, to link the energy of the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) with that of the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to allow one to speak from the heart, to support a deep connection with nature, to instill compassion, and to provide inner strength during difficult times.

CHRYSOCOLLA, DRUZY:  (Also known as Gemmy Chrysocolla or Gem Silica)  Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) or 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to enhance or fine-tune these metaphysical properties of Chrysocolla.  Druzy Chrysocolla can also enhance the relationship between a mother and her children or it can increase fertility in a woman trying to conceive.  CHRYSOCOLLA:  (Also known as Chrysacolla, Gaia Stone, and as Venus Stone) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) or 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to connect with Goddess energy, to link the energy of the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) with that of the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to allow one to speak from the heart, to support a deep connection with nature, to instill compassion, and to provide inner strength during difficult times.

CITRINE: Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for increasing creativity, for protection from negative energies, to activate the intuition, to manifest abundance, wealth, and prosperity, to encourage sharing, to promote joy, to increase self-esteem and confidence, to encourage a positive attitude, to enhance concentration, to overcome one's fears, to increase ease of communication, to balance the emotions, to instill inner-strength to diminish symptoms from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, to help eye problems, to help with blood circulation, to relieve menstrual or digestive problems, and to balance the  thyroid.

DIAMOND, BLUE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to enhance spiritual communication, to aid in the ascension process, for purification, to motivate one in creative endeavors, for inspiration, increases good health and well-being, and to stimulate will power and inner-strength.

DUMORTIERITE: (Also known as Blue Quartz or as Dumortierite Quartz) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for promoting peace and tranquility, to enhance one’s creativity, to enhance one’s organizational skills, to instill mental clarity, to increase intuitive wisdom, to promote happiness and joy, to cool anger, to facilitate a connection with one’s Spirit Guides or Totem Animals, to connect one with the water element and help one to “go with the flow,” to reduce fever, and to cleanse the blood.

EUCLASE: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) and at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to instill joy and happiness, to promote intuitive awareness, to cleanse and purify all of the meridians and energy channels in the body, to stimulate creativity, to enhance one’s passion for life, to aid in manifesting all things physical, mental, and spiritual, and to aid in meditation.

FLUORITE, BLUE: (Also known as Blue Fluor Spar) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to connect one with beings from the angelic realm, to heal problems associated with the throat chakra (especially of the thyroid gland), to open one to receiving healing energy from angelic beings, to reduce geopathic stress, and to connect one with the element of water (for cleansing, emotional healing, etc.).

FLUORITE, YELLOW: (Also known as Yellow Fluor Spar) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) to fight illness or infection, for purification of the internal organs, to protect the aura and subtle bodies, to enhance self confidence, to instill joy and happiness, to bring financial abundance, to bring the warmth of the sun into the body, to reduce geopathic stress, to ease the symptoms of S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder), to relieve depression and anxiety, and to promote healthy digestion.

GASPEITE:  Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) to ease digestive complaints, to facilitate a connection with the inner child and to project love to him or her, for enhancing communication with plants and animals as well as nature spirits and fairies, to rid one of toxic energies and negative traits.

GOLD: Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to balance masculine and feminine energies, to bring the energy of the sun into the body, to warm the body, to open the crown chakra, to promote a willingness to change (to be malleable), to balance the hormones, and to aid one in overcoming addictions.
GOLDSTONE: (Also known as Monk’s Gold, Monkstone, Stelleria, Avventurina, and Aventurine Glass) Goldstone is a type of synthetic, or man-made, glass which is made with copper. The copper forms tiny crystalline clusters within the glass. The most common form of Goldstone is reddish-brown, although, in fact, the color is produced by the copper crystals and the glass itself is actually colorless. Some goldstone varieties use colored glass, usually blue or violet, and more rarely green. Goldstone’s alternate name, "Stelleria", is based on Goldstone’s starry, night-sky-like appearance. The original Italian name for goldstone is "avventurina" indicating its accidental discovery. Hence, another alternate name for Goldstone is "aventurine glass.”  Because of its copper content, Goldstone can be used for healing, although its energy is not nearly as strong as that of natural Copper.  COPPER: Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) and 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra) for aiding in motivation, to increase self-love, to encourage an optimistic attitude, for an increase in confidence, to overcome negative thought patterns and conditioning, to create balance between the physical and ethereal bodies, to stimulate telepathy, for good luck, for grounding, to amplify energy and intention, to maintain proper circulation, to relieve infection, and to treat arthritis pain.

HALITE, BLUE: Use at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for purification of the subtle bodies, to enhance psychic awareness, to cut one’s energetic cords and connections, to enhance one’s channeling abilities, to connect one to the energies of the archangels (especially with Archangel Metatron), and to stimulate conscious awareness.

HEMIMORPHITE, BLUE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to bring the energies of the oceans and the sea into the physical body, to aid in releasing emotional blockages, to wash away habits and patterns that are no longer serving one’s highest good, to instill a sense of child-like wonder that may be unfamiliar to one or forgotten as an adult, and to aid one in releasing fears resulting fro negative or traumatizing past-life experiences.

IOLITE: (Also known as Water Sapphire, Cordierite, and Viking's Compass) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) to aid in direction and guidance (physical and spiritual), to instill hope, to promote feelings of peace, calming, and tranquility, to aid in communication with one's inner-self, as a companion stone for journeying activities, and to heal the body, mind, and spirit.

JASPER, YELLOW:  Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) to instill confidence, to promote inner strength, to increase vitality, to manifest abundance, to counter act the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), to aid in developing one's talents and personal gifts, to bring happiness to children, for personal protection, to protect the aura and energetic bodies, to aid in digestion, to enhance creativity when beginning new projects, and to help one to see the bright side of any situation.

KYANITE, BLUE: (Also known as Blue Disthene and as Blue Cyanite) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for spiritual guidance, to enhance one's intuition, to promote peace and compassion, to stimulate creative energy, to aid in communication with one's spirit guides, totem animals, and guardian angels, and to enhance one's personal exploration of his or her spiritual nature.

KYANITE, BLUE STAR: (Also known as Blue Star Disthene or as Blue Star Cyanite) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra), 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra), or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for bringing celestial and planetary energies into the body, to promote safe and significant astral travel, to open one to the power of divine love, and to aid one in developing his or her psychic awareness.  Since this is a form of Blue Kyanite, these properties also apply.  KYANITE, BLUE: (Also known as Blue Disthene and as Blue Cyanite) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for spiritual guidance, to enhance one's intuition, to promote peace and compassion, to stimulate creative energy, to aid in communication with one's spirit guides, totem animals, and guardian angels, and to enhance one's personal exploration of his or her spiritual nature.

LAPIS LAZULI: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (3rd Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for facilitating spiritual enlightenment, aiding in dreaming practices, encouraging psychic power and intuition, to stimulate spiritual and shamanic journeying and astral travel, to remove stress, to bring peace and calming, for protection, to access one's spirit guides such as totem animals and guardian angels, to connect one with his or her ancestors or for connection with ancient cultures, to banish negative energy, to aid in speaking one's truth, to bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit, to dispel depression, to facilitate communication, to encourages virtuous behavior, to stimulate compassion, to increase creativity, to remove headache pain, to regulate and balance the thyroid gland, to relieve insomnia, and to boost the immune system.

LAPIS LAZULI, DENIM:  Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) to allow one to clearly and openly communicate with beings form the angelic realm, to help one to find his or her own unique voice, to enhance clairvoyance, to encourage psychic insight and intuition to aid in one’s decision-making process, and to prepare one for learning from the spirit/ether element.

LARIMAR: (Also known as Dolphin Stone, Blue Pectolite, or Atlantis Stone) (Also known as Blue Pectolite and Dolphin Stone) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for promoting peace and calming, to stimulate emotional healing, to connect one with Goddess energy, and to promote communication with one's spirit guides and totem animals.

LIBYAN DESERT GLASS: (Also known as Golden Tektite) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to aid one in clearing obstacles on the path to enlightenment, to facilitate communication with one’s higher self, to aid in spiritual ascension, to open one to the divine, for spiritual healing, for enhancing past-life recall and remembrance of one’s karmic obligations or soul contracts, and to stimulate self-awareness.  As Libyan Desert Glass is a Tektite Meteorite, the properties of Tektite also apply.  TEKTITE:  (Also known as Tektite Meteorite) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for protection, to shield the aura from negativity, to promote lucid dreaming, to enhance dream recall, and to promote psychic vision.

PIETERSITE, BLUE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for stimulating intuition and psychic ability, to facilitate astral travel, for spiritual ascension, to enhance guidance and visions received during meditation, and to aid in developing lucid dreaming skills.

PYRITE: (Also known as Fool’s Gold or as Inca’s Mirror) Use at the 3rd (Solar Plexus Chakra) for an increase in vitality, to conquer vices, to build confidence, for protection, to block electromagnetic pollution, to ward off infection, to aid in business endeavors, to promote group cooperation, to remove worries, to balance the conscious and unconscious minds, to banish depression, to increase vitality, to balance the ethereal body, for grounding, to encourage creativity, to aid in focus and concentration, to help manifest abundance and prosperity, and to treat infertility.

PYRITE, ISIS & OSIRIS: Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) to balance male and female energies and to correct other types of energetic imbalances, to strengthen one’s personal power without using the ego, to connect one with his or her spirit guides (especially those stemming from the Egyptian pantheon), to bring the healing energies of the sun and moon into the body, to enhance relationships between partners, and for facilitating astral travel and dream healing.

PYRITE SUN: (Also known as a Pyrite Sand-Dollar) Use at the 3rd Chakra to bring the warmth and light of the sun into the etheric bodies, to radiate confidence and will-power to all aspects of the self, to promote joy and happiness, and to aid one in manifesting abundance.  Since this stone is composed of Pyrite, the properties of this stone also apply.

QUARTZ, AJOITE-INCLUDED: Use between the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) and the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra), to enhance communication (allowing the user to speak form the heart), to facilitate a connection with one’s spirit guides or guardian angels, to enhance meditation, for spiritual ascension, to aid one in working through karmic obstacles, to enhance knowledge gained form shamanic journeying, and for emotional balance and stability.

PAPAGOITE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to heal other energy healers, to aid one in manifesting abundance, to instill an “attitude of gratitude,” to remove any energetic blockages from the etheric body, to liberate one spiritually, to aid one in seeing the truth, to work through feelings of grief, to aid in understanding and respecting the sacredness of all things and the oneness that connects them, to enhance the power of crystal healing, to aid one in understanding crystal energies more fully, and to facilitate the remembering of one’s past life memories.

QUARTZ, AQUA AURA: (Also known as Gold Aura Quartz) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for opening one to psychic insight, to strengthen the heart chakra energies, to connect the heart chakra with the throat chakra (allowing one to speak his or her inner truth), to help one to grow and evolve as a spiritual being, to connect one to his or her spirit guides, for astral travel, and to facilitate shamanic journeying.

QUARTZ, BLUE TARA: (Also known as Olenite-Included Quartz, or as Blue Tourmaline-Included Quartz) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) to help heal the eyes, to facilitate communication with one’s spirit guides, to promote Buddha-like attitudes, to connect one with the water element, to promote change, to facilitate a connection with the energy of the spiritual centers of Tibet, to connect one with his oe her totem animal (especially with the wolf), for protection (especially of women and children), and to banish anger and replace it with compassion.

QUARTZ, COBALT AURA:  (Also known as Indigo Aura Quartz or as Azure Aura Quartz)) Use at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) to dissipate feelings of anger, to aid in developing a state of non-attachment, to aid in enhancing meditative states, to facilitate a connection with the emotional body, and to provide the opportunity to learn from the water element.

QUARTZ, GOLDEN RUTILATED: (Also known as Golden Angel Hair Quartz or as Golden Venus Hair Quartz) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for increasing vitality, to facilitate the transfer of vibrational healing energies, to balance body, mind, and spirit, to cleanse the aura, to manifest spiritual abundance, to facilitate astral travel, scrying divination, and channeling sessions, to remove barriers interfering with spiritual growth, to open one to the Divine energy of the Universe, for protection from negative energy vibrations, to aid in past life ascension and regression, to aid in acceptance of the soul's current life purpose and lessons, to heal the spirit, to facilitate positive change, to encourage forgiveness and compassion, to remove depression, to heal and repair the aura, to promote spiritual ascension, to increase fertility, to restore energy to the physical body, to balance the thyroid, and to promote proper posture.  As this is a combination stone, the properties of Golden Rutile and Clear Quartz also apply.  

QUARTZ, ORO VERDE: (Also known as Green-Gold Quartz or as Gold-Green Quartz) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra), 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra), or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to bring spiritual illumination, to remove obstacles on one’s path to enlightenment, to enhance one’s inner knowing and self-confidence, to lay one’s path before him or her, to remind one of his or her soul contract or karmic debts while on the Earth plane, and to help facilitate astral travel for the purposes of healing or gathering information.

QUARTZ, SPARKLE BLUE: (Also known as Quartz, Crackle Blue) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) to facilitate communication with one’s spirit guides or totem animals, to enhance one’s communication skills, to encourage creativity, to enhance one’s psychic awareness and inner sight, to help one appreciate the beauty within all things, to mend broken bones, and to help those of us who are feeling a little “cracked” to calm down, de-stress, and begin to feel like our wonderful selves once again.

QUARTZ, SPARKLE YELLOW: (Also known as Quartz, Crackle Yellow) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) to instill a sense of joy and happiness, to provide support during difficult times, to enhance one’s sense of pride and inner strength, to help one appreciate the beauty within all things, and to help those of us who are feeling a little “cracked” to calm down, de-stress, to mend broken bones, and begin to feel like our wonderful selves once again.

QUARTZ, TANZAN AURA:  (Also known as Tanzine Aura) – Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) to connect with beings from the angelic realm, to facilitate astral travel, for dream healing work, to ease feelings of grief, to aid in connecting with those on the other side, and to enhance intuitive guidance and the gift of foresight.

RUTILE, GOLDEN:  (Also known as Golden Angel Hair or as Golden Venus Hair)  Use at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to help one to discover his or her divine nature, to bring the golden rays of the sun into the auric body, to disintegrate negative energy, and to enhance the power of prayer or meditation.

SAPPHIRE, BLUE: (Also known as Blue Corundum) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) to enhance communication with one’s spirit guides (especially Archangel Michael), to connect with one’s higher self, to facilitate psychic awareness and abilities, to promote a connection with the stars and to enhance one’s understanding of astrology, to increase one’s acceptance of universal happenings, and to reduce the undesired physical sensations that may accompany one’s spiritual awakening.

SAPPHIRE, BLUE STAR: (Also known as Blue Star Corundum) Use at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to open one to his or her intuitive powers and psychic awareness, to open one to divine healing energies, for spiritual ascension, to clear one’s energy field of attachments or imbalances, and to connect o with the wisdom of the universe and the Akashic Records.  Since this is a form of Blue Sapphire, these properties also apply.

SAPPHIRE, YELLOW: (Also known as Yellow Corundum) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) for facilitating communication with Spirit guides and Totem Animals (especially Archangel Jophiel), to enhance spiritual illumination, to aid in instilling one with feelings of oneness, to promote self-love, to aid in enhancing concentration and in memorization, to heal the inner child, for protection, and to allow one to speak his or her mind.

SELENITE, GOLDEN: Use at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to bring the divine healing light of the universe into the body for powerful healing experiences, to cleanse and purify the body, mind, and spirit, to instill a sense of ultimate compassion in the user, to promote spiritual ascension and karmic evolution, to enhance meditation, and to facilitate astral travel.

SODALITE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for increasing accurate intuitive thoughts, to encourage successful stilling of the mind during meditation, to bring out the truth in any situation, to help one to stand up for oneself, for protection from electromagnetic pollution, to enhance group cooperation, to aid in speaking one's truth, to banish habits and negative thinking patterns, to aid in absorbing new information, to remove fear, to banish guilt, to encourage confidence, to encourage a healthy metabolism, to remove insomnia, and to reduce fevers.

SUNSTONE: Use at the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra) or 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) to instill joy and happiness, to manifest abundance, to promote a positive self-image and self confidence, to encourage inner strength, to enhance feelings of gratitude and one's willingness to share, to bring light to dark or negative thoughts, for psychological healing, to stimulate creativity, to aid in digestion and problems associated with the sexual organs, to counter the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.), to warm the heart and soul, to balance the mind, body, and spirit, and to promote a positive attitude.

TANZANITE: (Also known as Blue Zoisite) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) to stimulate intuition, to enhance the powers of telepathy, to facilitate communication with one’s spirit guides, totem animals, or guardian angels, to create a connection to the universe and to the divine, to enhance psychic awareness, to bring peace, calming, and serenity, to promote deep states of meditation, to facilitate astral travel and out-of-body experiences, and to quicken the ascension process.

TIGER'S EYE, BLUE: (Also known as Falcon’s Eye or as Crocidolite) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra), the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra), or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for grounding, to increase psychic powers, to encourage the rising of the kundalini through the chakras, for protection, to instill inner-strength, to stimulate compassion, to aid one in sorting through details and to aid in completing tedious tasks, to aid in removing negative habits, to banish depression, to heal the eyes, to treat disorders of the reproductive system, for balancing the chakras, to aid in healing broken bones, to aid in communication, for peace and calming, and to banish fears of all kinds.
TIGER'S EYE, GOLDEN: Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) for grounding, to increase psychic powers, to encourage the rising of the kundalini through the chakras, for protection, to stimulate compassion, to aid one in sorting through details and to aid in completing tedious tasks, to pull together many details in order to make sense of a whole, to aid in removing negative habits, to instill self-confidence and inner-strength, to promote equality, to banish depression, to heal the eyes, to treat disorders of the reproductive system, to aid in healing broken bones, to help one succeed on tests and exams, & to encourage success in business meetings.

TOPAZ, BLUE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to facilitate communication with one’s Guardian Angel, to connect one with the water element, to stimulate one’s intuition and psychic powers, to help one go with the flow and be open to what the universe has to offer, to help one to channel his or her creative energies in a positive manner, and to heal problems associated with the throat and adrenals.
TOPAZ, LEMON: Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) to instill happiness and joy, to relieve the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) by bringing the light of the sun into the physical body, to promote inner strength and courage, and to promote the absorption of vitamins and antioxidants.
TOPAZ, IMPERIAL: (Also known as Topaz, Imperial Golden and as Topaz, Golden Imperial) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) and at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to bring the divine light of spirit into the body, to neutralize cancerous cells within the body, to open the crown chakra, to enhance meditation, to aid in forgiving oneself as well as others, and to relieve symptoms of upset stomach, digestive pain or discomfort, or gastric upset.

TURQUOISE: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) or at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for enhancing communication with beings from other realms, to enhance self expression and communication, to help one to live in the moment, to remove negativity from oneself and one’s environment, to enhance self confidence, to relieve symptoms of acid reflux or heartburn, to aid in relaxation, for spiritual ascension, to help one to remain on the path for his/her highest good, to boost the immune system, to aid in healing ailments of the eyes, to reduce acidity in the body and aid in detoxification, and to reduce inflammation.

TURQUOISE, SLEEPING BEAUTY: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra), 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra), or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra), to protect the energy body of the user, to facilitate communication between the user and his or her ancestors, to promote astral travel, to encourage journeying and healing while in the dream state, to enhance one’s clairvoyant abilities (psychic sight), to help treat sleep disorders (especially insomnia), and to promote feelings of peace and tranquility.

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