Clarification on a reading please

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Clarification on a reading please

Post by Horser55 » Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:23 pm

First off, thank you for taking the time to read this :)

Here is a little background on my situation: I have lived in Columbus for many years, in December a friend of mine and I decided to rent a townhouse and we signed a one year lease for it. Shortly there after I got the opportunity to go to school, which I really wanted to do, however it would require me moving about an hour away to a different city. I decided that it would be best for me to return to school (education is always good!) so now I have moved and I'm attending school. As previously mentioned I signed a lease on this new townhouse - I found someone (Katie) who would assume my part of the lease so I could be released from it, Katie dropped off the paper work last friday with the leasing office and they are currently processing it. As I mentioned I moved out - my roommate and I have been trying to get in contact with Katie to see if she is ready to move in but she doesn't return our phone calls or text messages so I'm a little stressed out about it - so if she's dropped off the face of the earth I'm screwed.

Thus, I consulted the cards to see what their input was that I might be able to get some peace of mind. I used the Cross of truth spread (it seemed appropriate lol)

                                          4 2 3

1 - Basis or present (Ace of cups)
2 - Desires, hopes and fears (Queen of Swords)
3 - Helpful Matters, what is or will be helping you (The Devil)
4 - Challenges, opposing energies (10 of pentacles)
5 - Outcome, what will happen (7 of pentacles)

I'm just not understanding the meaning of this, how can the Devil represent something helpful and the 10 of pentacles represent something that will challenge me? It seems like they should be switched...

Any insights or clarification would be helpful :)

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Post by pirbid » Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:57 pm

:) Hi, Horser!

This is something every good reader must learn to face: how to interpret apparently positive cards in a negative light and viceversa. It isn't so hard, really, because, in spite of what we might wish, things are rarely black or white, good or bad. Everything is usually two sided, like too much of a good thing can be bad...

Let's look at your spread closely, then. I take it you don't use reversed meanings or, if you do, you didn't get any reversed cards. That really doesn't matter much.

1. The Ace of Cups at the base tells us your motivation is rather emotional: worry drives you right now, but you may not be aware to what point emotions may be clouding your reasoning at the moment.

2. As your desires, hopes and fears, you would obviously like to have a clear image of the truth in this matter. However, since this is the center card, it is worth asking yourself the following questions connected with this Queen: are you or have you been completely honest with all involved? Can you find any humor in the situation? Are you getting right to the point? Have you figured out what's really going on or are you letting yourself be fooled?

3. On your side: The Devil. This only tells us that you know you are caught in an unproductive situation, even though you may be in the dark about some of its implications. Beware getting too obsessed or negative, since it makes you doubt yourself and your future. The Devil helps you as a warning, a red light: make sure you are not working from a false assumption in this situation. The Queen of Swords suggest you might. Question yourself more deeply about your own motivations in this and those of others.

4. Your challenge is that you find it hard to settle down and make the best arrangements for your future. Maybe you change opinion too often and that prevents you from getting some needed stability.

5. The outcome is the reward for your efforts and the need to take stock of your situation. It seems it will turn out alright, but you should make sure your are still heading in the right direction. Some adjustments may be needed.

So, summing it up, this is mainly a practical matter (Pents) with a fairly good outcome if you make the right efforts. The cards suggest you are not looking at things from the right perspective right now: emotions (Ace of Cups) may be blinding you to some key aspect of the matter at hand (Queen and Devil).

So, Horser, have you worked out what you may be deceiving yourself about?  :smt002

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Post by Horser55 » Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:23 pm

Thank you for your response :) I've tried to step back and look at my life and think about what I might be deceiving myself about and I truly cannot think of anything.... :\ I think that everything I'm doing I'm doing for the right reasons and that my decisions are sound....but maybe not....

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