
The word "Philosophy" is derived from the Ancient Greek - philosophía (compounded from phílos: friend, or lover and sophía: wisdom). To quote from WikiPedia, "Philosophy is the discipline concerned with the questions of what is the right way to live (ethics), what sorts of things ultimately exist and what are their essential natures (metaphysics), what is to count as genuine knowledge (epistemology), and what are the correct principles of reasoning (logic).

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:31 pm

I think we can agree on much in your story....but I would like to point out the following.

We both agree that God is the creating force, the ting that put everything in motion, and by that is the energy that make everything alive.

Since we are a part of this energy, we must also be a part of God.

But when you then say...we are God....then I can't longer agree.....because we are far from that.

We are one the latest species arriving here on earth... so we can have no part in any creation.....but we are a part of the ever developing evolution.

We are able to "create" life inside our own species, but far from able to create life like an God....so we are Not GOD, but just a tiny part of it.

Yes...we have the free will, we have developed our brain, we can manage a lot if we put our mind into it....but I think we must agree that we never manage to be GOD, that day we will destroy our-self in trying.

As for Religion.
Religion have been as long as there have been people.
People need something to believe in, to have something to put their worries on, to have something to belong to, to have a meaning with life, I don't think that our opinion about God can have that help, even if it carry more truth, then any religion, but we don't know for sure that we own the truth either :)
There is another "weakness" in many humans, the struggle for power, the struggle for own superiority, that is the greatest challenge for any Religious leader to fight in him/herself.
If this was able to be defeated, then Religion would have been a great tool in itself to better a humans life....but I think its hard...because we all carry the seed for it....if we are put in a position where this is able to develop, it shall be a strong mind that always put others need first, and they are present, but I think you will find them, not in the center of power, but in the center of need  :)

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Post by simplyhuman » Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:02 pm

Thank you for your response Rhutobello.  I see your wisdom in your post.  

My approach was to see myself as 'God' in order to see everything as 'God', but I think in doing that, I sell God short.  We are only a small part of what 'God' is, and trying to include myself as 'God' puts me in a position of endless control, which I am not.

Thank you for your alternate perspective.  Another angle always broadens one's scope of sight.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:00 pm

Thank you Rutho for such a balanced view.  God is in us, but we are not God.  I have searched for ways to say that and you have provided a nice ideal.

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Post by srimathi29 » Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:50 am

Hi friends!
             The difference between God and Man is GOD 'GIVES and FORGIVES' and man 'GETS AND FORGETS'.

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Post by Lax29 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:24 am

God is just the belief may it be eternal or global

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