spiritualism as I see it

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spiritualism as I see it

Post by ConfusedMind » Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:14 am

Spiritualism is a concept, rather a practice exercised by those who have believed in the different realms of existence of an entity. The idea of spiritualism concerns remarkable extent of mysticism, and it is to such an extent that it creates doubts in the minds of those who have self imposed but not flexible ‘try, see and then believe’ attitude.

But the point to make is that no belief, especially as widely known as mysticism and spiritualism, can exist without instances of experience. True that spiritualism has been associated more with religion than with mysticism. If you get your idea of spiritualism in relation to religion, the word would have different connotations for you. But, if you have the mind to see things from your point of view, provided that your points of views are based on perception, feeling and thought, you can well understand that there really exists something other than this life of flesh and blood and money and material.

Spiritualism may be the opposite of materialism for many. Spiritualism for some may be an escape from the agony of mundane life. Some find it a respite from the haunting memories. Some idealize it in their own ways to attain a different dimension of the soul. All are true. All are real. The genuineness of all these ideas of spiritualism is testified by the sole factor that all of them have been experienced by those who have faith in their ideas of spiritualism.

I believe different realms of existence are something produced by the marriage of thought and feeling. Such mystic travel to the different realms of existence may make you a psychic. But you have to have the trick to control your mind and your way of thinking, since these two form the vehicle for your mystic journey or spiritual journey, as you might say.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:13 pm

The organized Spiritualism was formed as a science, philosophy, religion - in that order of importance - and has the history of experiences in growth in spirituality to enhance its existence.  The centres where Spiritualism began its life were formed first as scientific investigations and later became churches as meeting places of the open minded.  

As church these days is getting a bad name, the groups are using such words as Centre, Gathering, etc. to describe what they are about.  Spiritualism the organized version has so much to offer because, like all organizations, they have the records to prove their successes.  And as an organization Spiritualism has also been at the forefront of outing the frauds from its midst.  

While spiritualism (small s) exists as a word with anyone that can have a psychic tingle, it is important to see it in its fullest dress of mediumship for comfort and love to all.

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What defines Spirituality

Post by godrealized » Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:38 am

The definition of spirituality can be best understood in Hinduism!  simply means every living form primarily is spiritual... a spiritual being... a cosmic essence that manifests the cosmic system! As detailed in various sacred scriptures of world... our soul atman... the spirit within is absolute master and controller of body and not vice versa!

As per Bhagavad Gita meaning of spirituality means diving deep into inner self and realizing our true identity... our soul atman... the spirit within! It is only through path of spirituality human beings gained enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation (moksha). The stage of enlightenment can never be reached via path of religion... path of rituals!

We need understanding difference between spirituality and religion[/url]. For reaching God we need traveling path of spirituality... path of absolute wisdom! God Almighty can never be reached via path of religion... path of bhakti yoga!

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:27 pm

I repeat:  Spiritualism is an organization of religion.  Why marry it to another, already functioning religion?  It is not a hyphenated existence.  

It has its own science and philosophy as well.  Spiritualists are rational beings accepting only that which resonates as sense and sensitbilities.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:56 pm

Spiritualism operates on 7 principles (9 in some places) that state in simple form its adherence to God and living well:

Fatherhood of God
Brotherhood of Man
Communion of Spirit and the Ministry of Angels
Continuous Existence of the Human Soul
Personal Responsibility
Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds done on earth
Eternal Progress open to every human soul

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