Aversion to alcohol

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Aversion to alcohol

Post by Sunia » Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:42 am

Since I was born, I can't stand alcoholic drinks. My parents always put their glass away from me in the table so I was able to eat, otherwise I could not stay and have lunch/dinner with them... The simple smell of wine, beer or any alcoholic drink makes me nauseas...

It is funny but at same time in some social situations it is a bit of embarrassing when everyone (strangers or known people) start making questions why I don't drink or why such repugnance and I do not have any reasonable explanation.

Do you think I might had a previous life with alcohol problems? Do you know anyone else with same problem?



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Post by Zetascair20086 » Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:18 am

I have always been adverse to drugs (legal or otherwise), alcohol and cigarettes. I recall several lifetimes where I abused all of the following to the detriment of my health, and in one life I drank myself into a coma and was buried alive I believe. Another life I was a heavy smoker and died of a lung hemmorrage. Oddly enough, despite my aversion to smoking, I've always had a habit of putting things in my mouth and tapping the edge like I were knocking ash off. Sometimes when I take it out of my mouth I'd even exhale like I was blowing smoke. I didn't even realize this connection for awhile.

In my current life I also have severe acid reflux disease. After a recent prolonged illness the doctor looked at my insides and asked me how much I drank. He was surprized to find I didn't as he said my stomach lining was like that of an advanced alcoholic, and I'm only 26! So it's a good thing I don't drink. Physical conditions often carry over from other lives so it's possible my current problems and deeply seated aversions are a carryover from lives where I deeply abused my body.

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Post by Sunia » Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:29 am

That makes a lot of sense. Fortunately, I do not have any physical conditions. Maybe I just had alcoholic problems in one life time or maybe it wasn't very serious...

I hope you are feeling better now. Take care :).

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:00 am

"That makes a lot of sense. Fortunately, I do not have any physical conditions. Maybe I just had alcoholic problems in one life time or maybe it wasn't very serious..."

Well another possibility is that it wasn't you that had the alcohol problem. I've read alot of regression accounts where the aversion to alcohol came from past lives where it was from OTHERS who drank. One woman who couldn't stand the smell of alcohol recalled a past life where she was gang raped and murdered by a bunch of drunken thugs. The last thing she smelt as she was dying was the alcohol on their breathe. Thus she associated the smell of alcohol with rape and murder. The fact that you don't like to see alcohol on the table could indicate an aversion to being around others who are drinking. Perhaps in another life you had a different family where one of the parents, or a spouse, was alcoholic or a violent drinker. Many drinkers unfortunately do beat their wives or children under the influence of alcohol. The memory of seeing alcohol on a table could bring back fears from a past life where a loved one hurt you in some way every time they drank. It would then be logical to associate seeing someone bringing out the drinks with apprehension of violence. This is just speculation, there could be many different causes. I just wanted to point out the aversion doesn't necessarily imply it was you who had the alcohol problem in another life.

I'm not really afraid of others drinking but I don't ever go to bars, nor do I like the atmosphere in bars. In alot of my fiction however many characters are drunks, junkies, heavy smokers etc. or the story is set in a bar, interesting considering I'm a non-drinker, which today is unusual. I do recall plenty of past life scenes in bars, and in one case I think I murdered someone in a bar in a drunken fight and then was driven out. Interestingly I have feared that if I did drink I might hurt someone. Also, despite never having been in a fist fight, I have anger issues and always feared I might hurt or kill someone in a moment of anger. I believe these fears make sense in light of alot of the lives I recall. I do have a family history of alcohol abuse in this life, as do some of my friends, although fortunately it has mostly been distant relatives. But I do recall other lives both as a drinker and in families or friend groups where drinking or drugs were a problem. It's a pretty complex dynamtic, but past lives do provide illuminating insight into things that otherwise would seem out of place.

"I hope you are feeling better now. Take care"

Thank you. I am largely recovered from my surgery and slowly getting back to normal.

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