What happens now after losing my soulmate?

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What happens now after losing my soulmate?

Post by johnswifey86 » Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:52 am

Hi my name is Casey Reiners, I am female, my birthdate is April 18th 1986 (Aries).
 This weekend will be a month ago that I found out my husband was killed in action in Afghanistan. He was my soulmate, my one true love. I'm having a tough time dealing w/ his loss and the fact that I am left alone with our two year old son. I also live far from our families. I am so worried about our lives now, can someone tell me if there's anyone or anything I need to look out for? Someone or something that may hinder or hurt me? I could really use some spiritual advice. I'd like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and possibly write back. I couldn't tell you how appreciative I would be...every little bit of help brings me a little closer to peace. Thank you and have a great night.

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Re: What happens now after losing my soulmate?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:16 pm

johnswifey86 wrote:Hi my name is Casey Reiners, I am female, my birthdate is April 18th 1986 (Aries).
 This weekend will be a month ago that I found out my husband was killed in action in Afghanistan. He was my soulmate, my one true love. I'm having a tough time dealing w/ his loss and the fact that I am left alone with our two year old son. I also live far from our families. I am so worried about our lives now, can someone tell me if there's anyone or anything I need to look out for? Someone or something that may hinder or hurt me? I could really use some spiritual advice. I'd like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and possibly write back. I couldn't tell you how appreciative I would be...every little bit of help brings me a little closer to peace. Thank you and have a great night.
Casey, Image

You have my deepest sympathies and healing thoughts on the sad occasion of you recently having lost your husband while he was serving his country in Afghanistan. While we are hearing every day through the media about the huge loss of life which is happening on so many different fronts throughout the world each day, your posting brought it home to me about their loving families who are left behind. This is so deeply felt, that mere words seem totally inadequate to be able to express what we are feeling inside, when someone like yourself pours out her tears and soul to people like us whom she is very unlikely to ever meet in person. All I wanted to add is that I am here for you during your darkest hours, if and when you feel the need of help or comfort as you pick up the pieces of your life, and begin again without any longer having your soulmate by your side in the physical sense.

Now I do not claim to be a medium or to bring actual messages to you from the other side from your one true love, but when both my parents died and they did not leave detailed instructions about what I should do with their possessions, I was intuitively told to imagine what they would have wanted me to do if they had still been here with me in their bodies. So the answer to your question with regards to what happens now that you have only apparently lost your soulmate is for you to do a similar thing while your body is healing from the terrible shock it has received. We all mourn or grieve for our significant losses in our own almost unique way, so do not allow anyone to tell you that you are not doing it the right way, just because it is not their way.

I believe that if I could speak directly with your husband now in Spirit, that he would tell me to tell you to live your life to it's fullest in honour of his memory and his courage in making the ultimate sacrifice to defend his ideals and values that the war on terrorism is one which must be won if we are ever going to survive as a human species, and not have to live in constant fear for our own safety and welfare, as well as that of our loved ones (do you have any young children). Do what you feel that he would want you to do. Be all that you feel he would want you to be. And have everything in life that he so wanted you to always have during happier times than these.

You do not need me to tell you what else to watch out for or fear most, to add to your existing burden. And I would simply not do this even if I could. To add to your fears about the future now would I feel be terribly irresponsible and cruel of me as your friend first and reader second. Instead of loading you down with extra fears about something which might never happen, or if it did it would be most unlikely to be anything like as serious as was predicted, I want to fill your head and heart with love and light.

Yes I do recognise that you still have your problems in fully coming to terms with you loss and the huge emotional and financial black hole that his passing has left you with, but I strongly suspect that he is not very far away from you in a spiritual sense and would never allow any harm to come to you or to any members of his family.  If you feel that he is watching over and protecting you as he always did when he was still alive in his body, it is unlikely in my feeling to be just your vivid imagination or some strange symptom of the grief process. He will add his own strength to your existing significant inner strength to help get you through this. Hold on to that thought, instead of giving fear an open invitation.

If you continue to focus only on your fears and challenges, what sort of life is that for someone like yourself who deserves only the very best which life can offer her? Doing this is only likely to produce a negative self fulfilling prophecy, and give more and more fears an open door to your heart. Do what practical things you can do to help yourself, but don't go out looking for trouble or problems as they are perfectly capable of finding each of us without any further effort on our part. Immunise yourself against further emotional damage by filling your head and heart with the love your husband still has for you, which even physical death cannot touch.

One thing which is especially important due to the shock is to take even better care of your health than you would have at any other time. This is because when we grieve our body's immune system grieves along with us. This means that for a while our defences are greatly reduced or in some cases non existent. Take good care of your health, and see a doctor if you suffer from any unexplained symptoms which are of concern to you. Better to be safe than sorry?

This is something which probably concerned your husband enough when he was still with you, but now it is your responsibility to do this as he would have done it if he still could. What good are you going to be to either yourself or to anyone who depends on you from a hospital bed or cemetery? I sense from your reading that even though I am not directly communicating with the eternal spirit of your soulmate that when your own time on Earth is finally over that you will be reunited with him if it is your mutual wish to do so. But until that time arrives (which may be many years from now) he will be patiently and lovingly waiting for you.

You must be justly proud of him for what he has done (although your heart is breaking inside you), but this is nothing compared to how proud he is of what you have achieved in that  month in spite of all that has happened. Nature in its wisdom and compassion produces in our bodies a soothing anaesthetic to temporarily stop the pain long enough to allow us to do what we must do when someone close to us has died. Only one month has passed and you might be feeling numb and empty at the moment for this reason.

All which you you can reasonably hope for is that as the time goes on, that the better days will gradually begin to outnumber the "badder and sadder" ones (excuse me making up words as I go along). On some days it will seem to be an impossible feat to drag yourself out of bed to be greeted by a world without your husband being in it, but on other days will come a feeling of inner peace and happiness which may feel strange and almost disrespectful to his memory. Know that on these brighter days he has drawn even closer to you than ever before in Spirit. In other words take such days as a sign that he is very much more closer to you, than was ever possible when he was using this animal body. He is closer to you now than the space and time between two of your own heartbeats or breaths.
What happens now after losing my soulmate?
You are being asked, and it is always much easier said than done, to have both enough courage and faith to continue to live your life as your husband would want you to have lived it while surrounded by love, light and happiness, if he had still been living with you in his physical body.

May your God go with you always,

eye_of_tiger Image

It was only after I had completed this reading that I suddenly remembered that you had mentioned to me in December of last year that your husband had been re-deployed to Afghanistan for another six months service, and what I said in the reading was in a way I believe prophetic concerning the unseen helpers who were unfortunately unable to prevent his death, but now watch over you and his family, as John also does I am certain.

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 167#259167

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:16 pm

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Casey}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} sending you my heartfelt condolences to you and you family,


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