Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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Post by psihater » Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:19 am

Can crystal therapy stop wanton continual(24x7) psychic attack ? It has been like this for the past 2 years.What is the connection between crystal therapy and pranic healing and hypnotherapy? I came across some pranic healers and hypnotherapists use crystal therapy

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Post by Xia » Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:16 pm

Black Tourmaline will help you, many psychics wear a piece and it definately helps, another is Black Obsidian or Black Onyx.

Xia :o)

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Post by crystalhealer1 » Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:11 pm

CREEDITE: Use at the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra) to allow one to work through his or her emotions safely and naturally, to connect one with the element of water to wash away feelings and thoughts that need to be released, for energetic cleansing and purification of the emotional body, to shield and protect a delicate or sensitive Sacral Chakra, to aid one in recovering (physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally) after someone has invaded one’s space or depleted his or her energy (consciously or subconsciously), and to aid one in learning how to deflect a psychic attack.

GARNET, ANDRADITE BLACK: Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for grounding, for protection of the energy body from psychic attack, to stimulate one’s clairvoyant abilities (psychic sight), to heal disorders of the liver, to facilitate trance states (especially for channeling), and to provide a window into the Akashic Records to learn about past, present, and future.

KYANITE, BLACK: (Also known as Black Disthene and as Black Cyanite) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) or 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for protection from negativity, to block psychic attack, for grounding, to stimulate intuitive guidance, to reduce electromagnetic pollution from electronic devices, to stimulate vivid dreams, to enhance one’s creativity when branching out into new endeavors, for shamanic journeying, and to promote feelings of safety and security.

An Exercise for Aura Health:

One should strengthen and protect the aura in various everyday life situations.  One should especially strengthen the aura if he or she knows that he or she will encounter an individual that will drain his or her energy, as this is extremely detrimental to the auric body.  This should also be done if one knows that he or she will have to spend time in a negative energy environment or deal with a situation surrounded by negative energies and emotions.

To protect the aura, one should close off their energy body to others by engaging in the protective posture (feet crossed at the ankles and with thumbs and fingers touching).

To strengthen and energize the aura, one can undertake the nostril breathing technique.  In this technique, the breath is used to strengthen the auric field and to balance the mind and the physical body.  This technique is performed by alternating one's breaths, breathing in through one nostril and then out of the other.

To begin the technique, hold the nostrils between your thumb and  index finger.  Place your right thumb and finger over your nostril (without squeezing) and exhale.  Then connect your tongue to your palette just behind your front teeth.  Next, press your thumb against right nostril to close it and inhale through your left nostril for approximately three seconds.  While keeping your right nostril closed with your thumb, press your index finger onto your left nostril.  Your nose should now be closed between your thumb and finger.  Keep your nostrils pinched shut for approximately 15 seconds.  If 15 seconds is too long for you, then reduce the time limit to amount that you feel comfortable with.  Now, remove your thumb so as to open your right nostril, but continue holding your left nostril closed with your index finger. Slowly release your breath through your right nostril for approximately three seconds.

Remove your right hand from your nose and place your left hand on your nostrils with your thumb pressing on your left nostril. Inhale through your right nostril for approximately three seconds and press your left index finger onto your right nostril, so as to close it. Hold this breath for approximately 15 seconds.  Then, remove your thumb to open your left nostril, but continue to press your right nostril closed with your index finger. Slowly release your breath through your left nostril for approximately three seconds.

Repeat this exercise, while alternating nostrils for approximately three to five repetitions.

To purify the aura, one can perform the cleansing vortex exercise.  In this exercise, one visualizes a whirlwind of purifying, healing, white light which surrounds the entire auric body (beginning at the Causal/Ketheric Body).  One should then visualize this whirlwind removing all negative energy and transmuting it into positive energy.  Then, one should visualize that the vortex departs into the earth and this positive energy is released into the earth for the good of all beings.

Once the aura has been strengthened, protected, and cleared, one is ready to absorb the healing energy of the crystals.

This process should be followed by a mindfulness meditation exercise and focused breathing.

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