Are there any Fenu Shui consultants that use the barter system?

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Are there any Fenu Shui consultants that use the barter system?

Post by Minyassa » Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:04 pm

I know that some professions have strict rules about what sorts of payments they can take or charge, depending upon spiritual viewpoints, traditions, et cetera.  I am working with a charitable organization that will utilize many alternative healing methods such as acupressure, massage or Reiki to help people with chronic conditions and their families.  Being a charitable, Not For Profit group, we are short on actual cash but have an abundance of service workers of all types that could offer a trade in services to other practitioners.  As the office is now being set up, it occurred to me to look for local Feng Shui guides and to offer services in return for services, but before I do that I thought I would ask to see if any of the Feng Shui people here think that is a bad idea for any reason. :)  Thanks in advance for your input.

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Post by CityHunter » Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:02 pm

Hi, Minyassa :)  You have an interesting question there.  I do make it a point to help people in need who are less fortunate than most without first thinking how or how much they are to pay me.  God provides that :)  

The real masters may it be feng shui, reiki, pranic, qigong, acupressure, acupuncture, etc. will not put a price for their services.  They will willingly help out folks especially those in need provided those - meaning the patients - really make it a point to be open to the assistance they are to be given.  Those who are fortunate in life who have been helped upon should contribute but that is really up to them.  

Its not bad to ask for a different mode of payment as that is also a form of energy returned to you.  If the person cannot offer anything save thanks I make it a point to accept it on the condition that he helps out folks in whatever ways he could when he could.  

I sure wish I and my wife can help you out but as we live in the Philippines it would be cost prohibitive for us to journey there :(  

My bit of advice for your organization is to locate a good place to call your HQ.  Then find out if there's a septic tank - well, that's common here but I'm not sure if its used in the US - at the place as that is one major negative chi generator.  Next, you are to place a cactus plant - any of the cactus variety will do - over the septic tank AND inside the comfort room/water closet/toilet ONLY.  Believe me, that's a very effective solution for financial problems using the old school method.  He he, its quite cheap too just make it a point to always double the number of cactus you are to get so that one can receive sunlight while the other is doing the cleansing job.

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Post by Minyassa » Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:11 pm

Thank you so much for that advice, I will pass it along immediately! The office that has been chosen as HQ for the organization is in a small office complex that I am guessing is on city sewer, but I will double-check and get cactus for the WCs anyway.  Does it matter what type of cactus, and is it important that it actually be a *cactus* versus some other type of plant?  I am wondering if the choice is because that is a plant that can tolerate some level of neglect or if it is because of the spines.  Asking here, but also going to go do some research on my own. :)  Thanks again!

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Post by CityHunter » Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:45 am

:P  If your new HQ is one of the city's sewer line then you really need to place lots of plants outside and inside else a lot of you will often gets sick.  This is because with plants it will help in absorbing the negative chi but only to a point.  This is why I recommended you but 2x the number of plants so that one can be moved for caring outside while the other replaces the former for a week or less to cleanse the area.  The other solution is using salt but that's for extreme cases already and not advisable for a work environment that uses airconditioning and has lots of electronics - causes corrosion.

Any type of cactus will do although the bigger the better.  It must be, as much as possible, placed in a ceramic pot or on the ground itself but substitutes will work still.  

The reason why the cactus variety is a useful plant to negate negative chi is because not only is it a hardy plant but its thorns break up the negative chi.  This is why it should only be used OUTSIDE one's office or home and ONLY INSIDE the toilet/bathroom/water closet/comfort room in a normal home/office.  For the other rooms in your HQ you should use ordinary plants with no flowers.  As you are to help care for patients you are to use plants with broad fat leaves in the reception area.  Do not place any plant yet in the healing area as I've said before the wrong one will induce the wrong stimulation.  The healer should tap into the cosmic energy or chi to help address the situation.

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Post by CityHunter » Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:54 am

Forgot to clarify - forgive me as I just woke up :D  Take note of the areas where the sewer line passes.  Those areas must as much as possible have no one working or sitting there.  If there is no choice but to locate one there make sure that person's table has a plant near or on it.  

And always start and end each day with a prayer.  Remember, luck is divided into 3: God, Man and Nature.  We have addressed Man and Nature thus we only need to harness the blessings from God to create a better work environment for you.

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Barter Exchange Philippines,BEX

Post by bartertrader » Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:07 am

In the United States barter is a $6 billion industry. The majority of this business is done through local area barter exchanges scattered throughout the country.

Barter allows businesses to buy the goods and services they need - without spending cash. In a barter exchange the business members buy what they need and pay for it with what they have. The barter exchange is the third-party record keeper. The exchange helps the transactions to happen and creates a currency system so that trades do not have to be direct or one-to-one.

Bartering allows a business to make purchases it would otherwise not have been able to make if the business had to spend cash. If your company has excess inventory, extra time, space or services, barter is an excellent way to move those goods or services. Barter brings new customers and additional income that can be spent with other barter members to conserve cash.

A Barter Exchange serves as third-party record keeper - (similar to a bank recording system of debit credit). Barter exchanges use a currency called barter money or trade credits (1 trade credit = 1 peso). Businesses buy and sell in the network using barter money or trade credits .

For additional information: BEX Barter exchange Philippines  email

Note:FREE Accreditation/Membership

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Philippine Barter,BEX

Post by bartertrader » Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:08 am

Barter Philippines,BEX

1. What is BEX Barter EXchange?

BEX is the Pioneer and the only BARTER Exchange company in the Philippines, a service oriented trade exchange company that facilitates bartering of goods and services among local businesses to increase their sales, cash flow and profit with the use of Trade Credits as a medium of exchange.

2. How does BEX Barter work?

BEX Barter members use Trade Credits instead of cash to do business together. A member is given an account and it works similarly to a debit or credit card. Members earn Trade Credits when they sell and use Trade Credits to buy products and services they needed for their businesses. Members can use their Trade Credits for payment in hotel rooms, resorts, restaurants, advertising, printing and many other goods and services in the network. BEX is a third party record keeper and acts as an administrating body of each transaction. Members receive a monthly statement reflecting their sales, purchases and current balance.

3. What is the value of a trade credit?

For your accounting purposes, 1 trade credit is equivalent to 1 Philippine peso.

4. What are the advantages of joining BEX Barter EXchange?

Barter produces additional business that you never had before and allows you to expand your market. Secondly, when you barter, you conserve cash. Instead of spending cash to buy needed goods and services, you can barter your own goods and services. Therefore, you keep your cash in your business for other purposes. Finally, Barter allows your idle resources to work. Excess capacity, empty or excess time and excess inventory are converted into needed goods or services.

5. I can barter on my own; why should I join BEX Barter EXchange?

The problem with direct barter or one-to-one trading is each business must want or need what the other business has to offer in equal amounts, no flexibility to trade. With BEX Barter trading program, everyone can trade with any other member using their Trade Credits.

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Barter Philippines ,BEX

Post by bartertrader » Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:09 am

BEX ,Barter Exchanges provide a Business to Business trading system that doesn't require cash to operate. The exchange provides interest free credit facilities thus allowing businesses to reduce their cash expenses and strengthen their cash flow.

The credit facility is repaid in goods and services rather than cash. Using a Barter platform, businesses may barter their surplus stock or downtime.

In addition to this, barter may provide a business with a competitive advantage, fill downtime, move surplus inventory and make more profits.

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