My body has been badly damaged from a prescription drug...

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My body has been badly damaged from a prescription drug...

Post by TaurusBo » Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:03 am

I know this is long, but please read it... this is my life and it is very serious...

Ok, I was on the drug "Prozac" from age 13-18. Studies have come out saying on average kids age 8-17 grow .5 inches less during a 4 month period on this drug.

I stopped growing around 14 at 5 foot 8.5. Now before any of you say "oh thats a normal height", I am of 100% German descent which are very tall people, my dad is 6 foot 1.5 and my brother is 6 foot 3, and I didn't facial hair until I was 17-18 which was 3-4 years after I stopped growing while on this drug. I've also met a few other guys on the internet who's growth was probably stunted from this drug...

I have been suicidal because of this since I was 19. I feel highly "incomplete" and "unwhole." I am VERY spiritual, I looove the mystical parts of life but this feeling of being in a childs body and not a MANS skeleton is ruining me. I feel so disgusting being in such a childish bone structure with a man-sized head. All I feel is how short my arms, fingers, legs, and torso is cause of a dirty CHEMICAL. It makes me INSASINE to the point to where I almsot killed myself many times.... I am the shortest guy my age in the room 75% of the time.

I went to my psychic and she said I lost 3-4 inches from Prozac.... which is like a COMPLETELY different human! I have lost all my spiritual tendecies... I have self-destructed 100%. How can I feel "whole"? Will someone tell me how big of a deal this is?

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Post by peacefrog » Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:36 pm

Taurus I really don't know how to handle it but I am sure that deep inside you you have the strength to overcome this.  Speaking from experience, all the things that happen to you when you are young seem pretty bad, but then the future happens and you look back on things in your teens and twenties and think to yourself, man I'm glad that happened because now I know how to deal with this.

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How are you doing these days?

Post by silversphere » Wed May 05, 2010 4:07 am

Hi. I read your post and you seemed desperate. I'm wondering how you are doing now? I can't give you scientific advice, but just remember that your body is always growing. Do you exercise or work a physically tough job? There are many mysteries in this life, but I think you're body is still maturing (maybe until 32?) and many factors can help...a healthy-varied diet, positive thinking, feeling better, exercising (getting all those natural chemicals moving), good friends/people in your life, goals, education, etc. I think it's very tough on you. You probably are losing sleep, and feeling angry and thinking about it all the time. But just realize that you will, in time, get past this and you'll probably grow some more. Seriously, don't worry about it. Good luck and hope you're doing better.

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Post by sd.sonali2007 » Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:44 am

i can almost feel ur frustration and i know how it hurts and humiliates! but then how long can u carry this burden of negativity and frustration with u caused by ur height? u either have to find out a practical solution for it or have to accept the shortcomings like a bold and Blue German! we all have a tendency to think that our problems are bigger than anyone else's but if we take a logical look around, u'll find many lame and handicapped people struggling to carry on their life everyday! ur frustrations are nothing in comparison to their! is it?

ignore your shortcoming and focus on ur inner strength buddy!!

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