I feel like I have an evil spirit inside me...

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I feel like I have an evil spirit inside me...

Post by TaurusBo » Sat May 08, 2010 11:31 pm

I've been going to 2 different psychics for about 2 years now. The second one, who I have been seeing recently, said an evil spirit was passed on to me from a family member since birth and it has caused me to think, do, and feel all these negative things.

I feel like I am uncontrollable. I commit so many sins, I am awful to my family, I am ruining my family over something very superficial. I have become homeless basically because I was kicked out of all my families houses. I curse at god all the time, I bring nothing but negative energy to anyone that I come across, I constantly seek out drugs and alcohol to feel good. I feel like this is all the demon. I can't afford a psychic so someone please help me...

This psychic who I like very much gave me crystal quartz and tigers-eye to release the spirit and she said it is gone now. But I feel like it is still there.... Does anyone know if it is still there? If not, why am I feeling so bad? Why am I so suicidal over a prescription drug stunting my growth during puberty? What is going on with my life? I feel like I can only do bad things... this is so bad. Someone please give me some advice on what to do....

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Post by Crow » Sun May 09, 2010 4:57 am


I wrote something a while back that might help. I too suffered from medication that was wrong for my body.  I feel asleep in class. Forgot how to play my instruments, etc.  So depressed I was I tried to end my life.  

http://mysticboard.org/sp ... light=crow

Last year I would get the diagnosis of Bi-Polar 1 With Psychosis.  It was devistating. Hospitalized 5 times.  I was so in and out of it.  And because of my fear of what happened years ago I said that I would never get help. Well, when they placed me on the Board of Mental Health, I had no choice.  I've been blessed with a Therapist and Psych that will listen to me. Unlike those nuts back when I was a teenager.  I had problems with the Haldol they had me on, so my Psych gave me something else.  There are good people out there. We are in control of our health.  Back then as teens it was a different story.

I am so sorry that you had to go through that.  To have bad medication. And not have the professionals listen to your concerns!  No wonder your angry.  As to the drinking and drugs, that is just self medication. Not a demon.   I did the same thing.  I tried coke, crank, they all made me feel like a GOD!  I drank to be more social, it made me feel less depressed.

Your angry, you have good reason to be.  But I promise you one thing...it does get easier. Not over night.  I still get depressed over lossing everything as a teenager.  But I haven't used in many years.  NAMI helped alot.  So did Lutheran Family Services.  They do not preach at me.  But it is a good outlet if you are seeking relief.  Best to you!

PS I was also told about a spirit that follows our family.  That is why I was moved to respond.  

Safe Journey

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sun May 09, 2010 12:50 pm

Everything in life is a choice.  You are 'aware' of this spirit, and the consequences, so choose differently.  Choose a path of light.   You apparently KNOW the difference between light and dark; right and wrong.  You can articulate it in your post.  Choose what is right.

Also, all things in life cease to be a burden when we cease to give them energy.  You are still currently giving this 'spirit' energy by focusing on it.  Where we hold our thoughts, we hold our reality.  If you  keep saying "I'm possessed"..guess what?  You are......

Lastly..find the gifts in any situation.  The gifts are the things that help you grow and realize your potential.  This is the only planet where we can feel sensation and emotion.  Where we learn lessons our spirit wants to learn.  Dig deep...find teh beauty in you.  No one can really tell you what it is...but you.  Perhaps your physical body may be stunted in growth, but you mind isn't.  Develop your awareness and intelligence.  You're not 'damaged', or different, or wrong...you are who you are..and I strongely encourage you to focus on the beauty and find it.  Embrace it..and live it.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sun May 09, 2010 12:50 pm

Everything in life is a choice.  You are 'aware' of this spirit, and the consequences, so choose differently.  Choose a path of light.   You apparently KNOW the difference between light and dark; right and wrong.  You can articulate it in your post.  Choose what is right.

Also, all things in life cease to be a burden when we cease to give them energy.  You are still currently giving this 'spirit' energy by focusing on it.  Where we hold our thoughts, we hold our reality.  If you  keep saying "I'm possessed"..guess what?  You are......

Lastly..find the gifts in any situation.  The gifts are the things that help you grow and realize your potential.  This is the only planet where we can feel sensation and emotion.  Where we learn lessons our spirit wants to learn.  Dig deep...find teh beauty in you.  No one can really tell you what it is...but you.  Perhaps your physical body may be stunted in growth, but you mind isn't.  Develop your awareness and intelligence.  You're not 'damaged', or different, or wrong...you are who you are..and I strongely encourage you to focus on the beauty and find it.  Embrace it..and live it.

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