need an opinion about a spread

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need an opinion about a spread

Post by philx » Fri May 28, 2010 9:35 am

Hello everyone,

I wanted an opinion about a tarot spread a friend of mine have got recently.
She is in a relationship with a guy that is torn between her and another girl. He has got a long relationship with the second one and have deep feeling for her but in the same time, he keeps up with my friend.

My friend begun to feel tired of this situation and I can understand her but she loves him. The guy seems nice tho (I met him) but doesn't seem to know what he wants. He's a bit selfish too.

So she asks to another friend of us that is doing tarot spread sometime, how it will evolve and if it will be a long term relationship eventually.

The person has just draw three cards :

seven of cups reversed
king of pentacle reversed
six of wands

So does the cards mean that she is be clearly aware of the situation (him between two girls) and that he's stuck in old pattern with the old girl and selfish (king of pentacles reversed) but that the final outcome will be positive for her? that the relationship will be positive between them and that they can make it works?

she's a very good friend of me and I really wish to see her happy. They seem to getting well together but somewhat, they have met some difficulties even if they are going back together as well.
Help me to help her!

Thank you for your concern!

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Post by cedars » Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:39 pm

many question marks here regardless of your friend's spread.
What was the question asked?
Was it a reading about your friend or the man?
if it was a question about your friend, then the reasding should be geared towards your friend.

You ask ''opinion about a spread''... this is not a spread; it is just three cards thown at random.

What did each position stand for?

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Post by philx » Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:18 pm

Hello Cedars,
thank you for your concern regarding my request. Yes you are right, the three cards don't have any specific meanings. They just have been drawn to describe the whole situation. To see how they tell the story.  
The question had been asked by my friend. She wanted to know if her current relationship had some potential for long-term love. She's quite sad these last days because of that and I don't know how to make her feel better..

Anyway, I will try to cheer her up and I hope to give her some good news with the cards. But I'm not totally sure of their meanings.
Thank you for your help and your concern,
bless you

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Post by otato » Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:35 pm

I know this situation might have been resolved by now... but I thought I'd put in my two cents anyhow. Generally when I do 3-card readings, I see them as a first/second/third, like a sequence. So I would take that into consideration - one coming before the other -- and also how all three cards interact with one another, as a whole, in relation to your friend's situation.

First off - before even giving meanings behind the cards -- you can be sure that your friend is aware of what is happening. It's nothing she hasn't agreed to. However - since she is seeking answers to whether or not this will play out - doing a reading might not necessarily explain this. But it will be able to give some insight as to why the circumstances are as they are in relation to her personal journey.

Another thing - when I read reversed cards, instead of interpreting them as an opposite of the original meaning, I interpret an emphasis on their challenging aspects. This way, the original meaning of the card remains untainted and still very relevant. Some Tarot interpreters turn reversed cards into fire & brimstone, and that is something I just don't agree with =) I think, rather than just being plain negative, that reversals emphasize the work needed to produce something positive of the situation.

Anyway. The first card - 7 cups reversed. From what you wrote above, I sense this card is discussing the choices that are before both your friend and her boyfriend. It's about temptation and being unable to choose, unable to make a decision. From what you wrote, I can see this card applying to the boyfriend, in the sense that he can't be faithful and choose the woman he prefers more (having your cake and eating it too -- the man in the card just cannot decide which cup to choose). This can also apply to your friend, as she is considering the possibilities between holding out on a relationship that doesn't do right by her, doesn't benefit her -- and she is also considering the possibility that it will play out. And I'm sure she's even considering the possibility of moving on.
The 7 of cups talks about being unable to choose between all the choices. The problem with this is that if anyone represented by this card takes too long to make a real choice, then the choice will be made for them by default.

Since this card is in the first spot, I'd say that it's the root of the question your friend asked before the spread was performed. Even further, I'd say it also serves as the main solution to the problem in regards to both your friend and her boyfriend -- making a choice is the emphasis here.

Second card, King of Discs reversed. Some people believe that the Court cards (King, Queen, etc) tend to symbolize particular people. If that's the case -- and if this card is referring to your friend's boyfriend -- then I'd say this is about being possessive. Or maybe it's about your friend feeling possessed by her relationship to this man. When this card isn't reversed, it symbolizes material security and a sense of accomplishment in the material world. It also symbolizes being an honest wielder of power. Since this card is reversed, I'd say that perhaps personal power here is not being wielded with enough stability and care by the man it signifies.

People have their own reasons for infidelity, for wanting a bit of every flavor. I don't want to harp on anybody for what they do in their personal lives. However, what is positive about this card is that if it DOES signify your friend's lover, then there is potential for his growth into the King of Discs in its idealistic manner. As you said yourself, you've met him and he's not a bad guy. Most people don't do this to deliberately hurt people -- it's just a matter of being unable (or unwilling) to choose.

The second placement of this card tells me that this is what will facilitate things for your friend, her view on him being the King of Discs. If she's able to see him as the King of Discs in his idealistic form, she might win him over in the end. However, she takes the risk of settling for a relationship that is compromised -- because he has soul-searching to do of his own in this aspect. This goes back to the card about choosing between the cups. She should consider all the possibilities -- but not for too long.

Last card, six of wands. This symbolizes victory. It's not necessarily a victory over someone else in particular, it may signify victory over oneself -- victory over one's weaker natures. Who this symbolizes, I'm not sure. Hopefully it symbolizes your friend -- and possibly her ability to overcome this situation, and turn it into something which empowers her. Whatever exactly it is referring to, it is a positive sign that your friend has the strength to overcome this situation -- but she still needs to take note of what's been presented in the first two cards in order to find that victory.

Anyways, that's my two cents. I thought I'd share because no one gave you a lengthy answer -- I'm not a professional by any means, I just like to interpret and help where I can. Hope this helps you and your friend, take good care

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Post by philx » Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:56 pm

hello otato,

thank you for your opinion concerning the spread. It is very accurate and your interpretation fits completly to the situation, from the first card to the last one.
She's is very well aware about the situation and is getting more and more realistic about him. And yes, he's seems to be unable to take any decision yet and is selfish. I would say that he's unable to take any decision because he doesn't want to take one (king of pentacles reversed).
And I never thought about a reversed card as a transition toward an upright one. That is interesting to know that nothing is set in stone and there's always possibilities to get better. The outcome seems to be positive for her (as a reunion between them or as a liberation from the situation). I wonder if the way the question had been asked can be a clue (Is there a love lasting possibility between x and x ? instead of what is the outcome of the relationship?)

Anyway, she recently got another spread and we can find every aspects of this previous reading. I share it with you, as she's agree to share it here.
It was an horse shoe spread :

1. Hermit
3. World
4. 2 of wands
5. Empress
6. Lovers
7. Justice
top card page of swords
bottom card Hanged man

So we can find the elements of the choice with the 2 of wands and the lovers card in the 6th position (obstacle)
I can recognize the 7 cups reversed into the Hermit and the Temperance (there is a lot of inner thought and moderation)
I'm not sure about the Empress card but the world and the Justice as near future and outcome positions show clearly that the end of the situation is approching and that everything will take his place for the better (six of wands of the previous reading)

The page of sword might represent the boyfriend (king of pentacle reversed) immature and selfish. But it can also represent a situation (new and fresh beginning with or without him)
For the moment, it's still a stalemate (Hanged man) until a decision is taken.

My first impression about the reading is that a choice should be taken by her (2 of wands in the fourth and Lovers in the sixth position) and it's quite positive to see the situation beginning with the Hermit, going to the Temperance and finishing with the World and the Justice. And the Empress seems to be a good card too.

But again, the outcome is not very clear : the relationship can head to a new level or they can broke up. And the Hanged man can implies a transition between a relationship that is not balanced to a new and better one. It can also means that it's better to let go.

How do you deal when the outcome is not very clear? Or maybe it's clearer for you than for me!
She's not very happy right now and the situation is very well represented by the Hanged man.
I guess time has to take its course before an eventual outcome is set.

Thank you for your concern anyway. It's nice to share opinions about the spread, with you!
Take care you too, otato!

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