Colour Therapy

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Post by spiritalk » Sat May 22, 2010 2:15 pm

Black is considered the absence of color.  And white is considered the accumulation of all colors.  An artist would use both to tone up or down a color they were creating on their pallet.  

Consider someone who only saw in black and white.  There are no grey areas of lack of understanding.  They would also lack the imagination of color.  Weren't we all glad when TV evolved to include color - some of us remember the old black and white TVs.

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Black in India

Post by NAAANEE » Thu May 27, 2010 5:51 am

In India devotees of Ayyappa wear black dress fully.Some say it is symbol of dispassion.Is it necessary to have dispassion?
I have observed most of the people who are fair in colour prefer black in their dressing.Does it mean that they want to have a dispassionate nature? Just want to know of how their nature will be(those who prefer black)?

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Post by spiritalk » Thu May 27, 2010 2:56 pm

Black has become the fashion statement - and thankfully, like all fashion mores, it changes.  Everyone was seen in black for a while there and we might consider....teen suicides increased, there was more violence and depression is at an all time high.

There was a young teenage girl who was getting more and more depressed - even suicidal.  The family tried everything as did the medicos she visited.  Finally her mom worked in color.  She was prone to wear only black - no other color for her.  

So her mom suggested that she was free to dress in black but next to the skin she must wear white.  New white underwear garments were purchased.  Almost over night her attitude improved!

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Post by ginnysgems » Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:49 pm

I used to try to use color therapy to help several health issues I have (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic myofacial pain, oesteoarthritis), I even bought colored light bulbs to assist in the treatment, ate only foods of the proper color. I even tried to always wear clothes of the right color. Nothing helped.  I've had chakra therapy, it would help for a while, but then went away.

I take so much medication on a daily basis and it still doesn't help enough.  Is there more I can do?
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Post by Aegeus » Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:16 pm

You could start by laying off the medication. If it's pharmaceutical I can almost grantee it's not doing you any good. The thing to be ware of with pharmacuticals is its and industry set on profit, and since you cant patent something which is naturally occurring then this industry rules out and even fights against tried and true ancient rememdies given to us by nature.

Have you looked into armomatherapy or crystals.

Also meditate on what is tying up your energy.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:56 pm

Under no circumstances does an ethical reader state that pharmeceutical medicines should not be used.  That comes under the heading of prescribing and diagnosing and is illegal in most places around our world.  

When we suffer from pains, we tighten our body.  Sit and tighten one of your hands.  Feel the pain and discomforts, then release it.  Consider this phenomena is occurring all over your entire body.  Very debilitating!

We have some tools right within our own consciousness (visualization, meditation, affirmation) that work to keep us healthy, wealthy, wise.  We just don't consider our own mind as the instrument of our own wellness.

Start each day with a positive affirmation, even before you get up from bed.  This will start to train your mind to the positive rather than the negative we drift to so readily.  I like:
Flow spirit flow and all my fears release
I am a channel for thy love and peace
Heal spirit heal and all myself renew
I am expressing my perfection true

Using visualization, many things like colors, symbols and auras are available to our spirit.  We can choose any place or space to calm the mind through visualizing it.

As you sit quiet to meditate, picture a peaceful scene and return the mind to it when the mind wanders.  Following 10 minutes you will find the mind learning to sit in peace and quiet.

There is no special pill or potion that will alleviate your pains and suffering.  It takes work and your mind to get on board with positive approaches to make it happen.  You can become your own best resource.  Others can encourage and show the way, you have to do the work for yourself.

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:30 pm

"Under no circumstances does an ethical reader state that pharmeceutical medicines should not be used.  That comes under the heading of prescribing and diagnosing and is illegal in most places around our world."

I sure wish someone had told me western medicine is crap when I was younger having doctors misdiagnose and feed me pharmaceuticals oblivious to the underlying issue and treating only symptoms.

There are a few rare cases when western medicine is the best solution but in my direct experience and from much observation often it does more harm then good.

Not only do pharmaceuticals often cause harm but they create a dependence on them whilst making for a thriving sick industry. ... tores.html

I'm speaking as a person with opinions not as a spiritual channel or reader. There is this thing called freedom of speech and I choose to exercise especially over things which I consider very important like the threat of the sick care industry to true health care.

The FDA is currently fighting against free speech as threatens the sick care industry which is dependent on the general public's ignorance the wonders of natural medicines and the harm of chemical remedies.

Maybe you wanna be intimidated by this industries threats against freedom of speech, but I don't. ... laims.html ... foods.html

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:11 pm

And will you take responsibility for what your words generate?  When someone dies who is following your words are you responsible?  

I would probably be on board with most of the articles you are finding regarding food, exercise, health generally.  But that does not give anyone the right to put themselves in a position of authority unless they can take the responsibility for everyone who reads their words.  That is a big karma.

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:08 pm

Whose putting them self in a position of authority? I am merely offering opinions. How people respond to opinions is there responsibility.

I am not making specific statements I am making general statements, so anyone making decisions regarding a specific case is as always best to get case specific info. I do not have such info so I offer what I do have which is general info.

Pharmaceuticals create dependence so should not be quit in a hurry, but they should not be used continuously either, and there are is a plethora of alternatives, just don't expect a western doctor to tell you about them and don't expect the Government to subsidize them.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:38 am

Back on topic someone was telling me that they were having success in pain reduction with 2 minutes of blue light and 4 minutes of white light, or the other way around. I think using a thingy magiger which one puts there face up to so the only color they see is the being used and using simple filter for the colour.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:11 pm

You could start by laying off the medication. If it's pharmaceutical I can almost grantee it's not doing you any good. The thing to be ware of with pharmacuticals is its and industry set on profit, and since you cant patent something which is naturally occurring then this industry rules out and even fights against tried and true ancient rememdies given to us by nature.

Whose putting them self in a position of authority? I am merely offering opinions. How people respond to opinions is there responsibility.

These are your words in this thread.  They smack of prescribing and diagnosing.  You are a doctor?  In which case it is legal to take on those roles.  

These comments are more than just your opinion - they are designed to change the direction of someone's actions.  Consider your responsibility carefully.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:54 pm

Are you disputing weather pharmacuticals are any good or not? Or are you intimidated by some law which violates freedom of speech and which is thanks to the lobbying power of the sick care industry?

Learn how to use quotation marks at least use italics or something. You formatted your post as if these are your own words.

So it's a strong opinion which I am deeply convinced of deepened all the more by my personnel  experiences with western medicine. It's an opinion non the less even if it is one that I feel strongly about.

I am not taking on the role of A doctor. I am exposing doctors for the pharmaceutical company marketers they truly are.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:45 pm

I have said it to you before Aegeus, be a bit more polite in your don't own the full truth...and will never own the full truth...even if you have 1000's of lives.

You take some points , that most of usl can agree upon, and then put it up as the full will never work that way.

We can all agree that the chemical Industry have some "black sides", but on the other hand can we also point to the longer life span of man kind is a result of this Industry, many illness would have been lethal, and we all have an easier life with it.

We can agree that a medicine can have many side effects that is bad for some people...but again can we point to more people who are helped by it.

We must point to the doctors that must have a better, and more restrictive attitude toward prescribing some medicines, and not only give it to secure themselves, but we can also point to all the good the doctors do.
They are also one of the few groups that can be held responsible for wrong treatment, and they must held a high ethical standard or lose their least in most Western Country's.

We must point to ourselves that we don't takes medicines in order show other we are ill...but only take it when we need it.

We can look upon natures medicines, which can help some, but which again can be dangerous for life in itself is dangerous if you don't show your own judgment.

We humans are all humans...but we are all say that medicine is crap because it don't suit to put you in front of everyone else...and with what authority can you do that?

I am sure you also will find a lot of writing error in my post...equal a lot of grammatical errors .....but hopefully will some of my message come through, even if I don't use Italic or quotation mark!

You state you are act like an "overgrown 20"....hopefully you will learn in this life to have respect for other people too, and find out that none of us own the ultimate truth in anything, except in thing that are defined.!

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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:45 am

You make a nice balanced statement Rhutobello.

Longer life is largely due to the industrial revolution which made it so much work can be done by machines meaning people do not have to slave away to produce just enough to get by and die of exhaustion and lack young. Sure medicine plays some roll in this. But millions of people have died from pharmaceuticals in the last 25 years while only 10 have died from vitamins, and vitamins can be used to treat a lot of things which currently pharmaceuticals are used for.

Ideally the field of medicine would not be an industry but a service, but the world we live in is far from ideal. You might like to believe that doctors are held to a high medical standard but really they are taught and encouraged to make pharmaceutical companies rich, and these companies don't want cures they want return customers. Documentation of cures to cancer and more are black listed in american medical journal data bases.  I got this info from The documentary food matters

Cancer can be cured with nutrition. Patients often leave hospitals more malnourished then they went in. I can only think of negative ways to fit the word ethical into a sentence describing such s system.

How do you propose I phrase my opinions then to not come across as thinking I own the truth? Reminds me a quote I love "profanity exists in the eye which sees it"

You may consider failure to use quotation marks or something which serves that role as a typo but I see it as a lack of clarity which is rampant on the web.

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:18 am

Aegeus wrote: this. But millions of people have died from pharmaceuticals in the last 25 years while only 10 have died from vitamins, and vitamins can be used to treat a lot of things which currently pharmaceuticals are used for.
Do you know that more then 90% of all death occur in bed?

Maybe best to ban the use of bed altogether, then we might save billions!

When we get a longer life span, then it is not the cause of one thing, but a combination of the progress we do as mankind.

The industrial development have taken away some of the hard labour, but it has also created other challenges, like pollution.
We have an increase in mental illness, we have an increase in life style illnesses, which you can't blame the pharmaceutical industry, but which make good money in order to """""LESSEN"""" the impact and make the person function.

We can always blame everything on progress....on those who earn money from it....but the question is ....maybe we our self also is to blame?

Maybe we put up to big demands on our self....maybe we smoke and drink in order to be happy....but which in fact wear us down....maybe we use drugs to have a "pink view" on reality and by that destroy the real reality?

Reality is not something firm...reality for not the same as reality for you.
Reality is what we as person experience, and then we must take into account our education, our belief, and everything that we have experienced beforehand.

So you see,, you can have an reality of the world, you can have an reality of what the different trades do to our life....but that is your reality....and if you lack life experiences....then your reality will suffer from this....if you don't have education in the field...then your reality will suffer again...and so on.

This is why education is important...different groups have it easy to lead a people which lack in education....and hard to control a population which are educated..f.this is why we have "book fires", banning of social events, control of news,  this is why we have "propaganda"..adds...different parties who want to give us the ultimate truth...and so on......our reality change....that is why we never can own the full truth, even in our "free world"!

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