The Death Valley Journal

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The Death Valley Journal

Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:30 pm

The following is a log of our paranormal experiences in Death Valley National Monument

This document references some image files which I have included as attachments the information on the images are in the paragraphs that references them.

Listed below are the first three visions my sister had in Death Valley as well as other paranormal experiences we have had there that we feel are related.

My sister’s first vision
In Death Valley National Monument my sister and I have one weird experience after another. We often grow nauseous and experience depersonalization and dizziness as soon as we get into the park. My sister however, is much more sensitive than me and sees visions down there. She sees them with her eyes open, the way she described it, one small corner of her field of vision is occupied by the vision.
The first vision took place while driving along the shore of the salt flat in Death Valley. We were driving along the northern shore when my sister had a vision of a thing ( I have included a crude drawing of it as an attachment  see  image "death valley thing" ) it was brass colored and stuck it the ground like a post with red light coming out of holes in the sides and white light coming out of the top of it.
She than saw the inside of a stone shack with a cot and a wood stove of peculiar design which had no legs, just a cube that sat on the floor with a pipe coming out. There were two children in ragged robes sitting on the cot; a man in a gray coarsely woven robe came in who was very tall she says he must have been 7 feet tall. In the vision she could not see his head as it was above her field of vision.

My sister’s second vision
This time we were again driving along the salt flat. My sister felt a pressure on her chest like a blanket and began to see the inside of the stone shed again. She saw it from the vantage point of the cot and could look down and see the body of someone as if it was her body under a blanket coved with square polished stones. A short man came into the shack wearing a coarsely woven grey robe than the vision ended.

My sister’s third vision
This one takes place as we were driving from Badwater to Stove Pipe wells. My sister had been seeing an image all day of a door with a snake carved in the frame of it but the main part of the vision started when we were driving. She began to see the inside of the stone shack again fist it was empty but than a tall man in a gray coarsely woven robe came in. She thinks it was the same man as before only now she can see his head. He has long black hair about shoulder length and olive skin, his eyes are black as in you can’t see the iris it’s the same color as the pupil. He has a device in his hand of shiny metal that emits light like some sort of flash light and is looking around in the dark end of the shed. He opens a door in the corner on one end of the cot and goes into the back. My sister can than smell a strong odor like a dead animal and he emerges with a pillow case size sack dripping fluid and carries it out the door. My sister says the smell is really strong and even covers her face with her tee shirt as if to escape the smell. The man comes in and sits on the bed, he looks depressed. Then he looks up and right at the aria my sister is viewing him from. He looks afraid. I ask my sister if she can move in the vision and she says she can move a little. When she moves to the right a bit the man moves his head to follow her as if he sees her.
She than sees the brass colored post thing and the man is standing leaning into the top of it as she watches form a distance. He seems to be working on it or with it somehow he’s reaching in the top of it and seems to be operating some controls but she does not know what he’s doing exactly. She than sees the inside of the shed again and this time the man walks up to her and speaks but she can’t hear him, he seems curious this time. We both wonder if he got some information from the brass thing but she gets the feeling he doesn’t know exactly how to operate it.
deathvalleything.jpg (16.51 KiB) Viewed 7430 times

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The Mosaic Canyon experience.

Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:32 pm

Another bizarre experience in Death Valley, we were hiking in Mosaic Canyon above Stove Pipe Wells. We hike there once in a while but one time we got fairly far back and my sister started talking about everything looking like a photograph as if it all looked 2D she was walking around talking about it and feeling the rock walls etc I could not see anything till I looked down at a small gray rock outcrop and sure enough it looked like a really realistic painting, when I looked up the whole canyon had that effect to it, like I was looking at a painting only so realistic that it looked 3 D just not so realistic that you couldn't tell it was a painting or photo. We left the canyon in a hurry and for months after we had flash backs where people and things suddenly looked 2D for a brief moment.

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Saturday 11 -21-09 7:00 pm

Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:34 pm

We went back to Badwater which seems to be a hot spot for the weirdness in Death Valley. While driving next to the cliffs by the salt flat I felt dizzy again and odd , the cars dash seemed to really demand my attention, like before I had trouble ignoring it as I would ordinarily when looking out the windshield. When we got to Badwater we again walked down the board walk and onto the salt flat. My sister did not feel anything at first than she began to get week and dizzy she sat down on the salt than laid on her back and seemed sluggish and tired. She said she smelled flowers. I had trouble convincing her to go to the car and put the seat back. I thought if anything really weird happened to her I could drive us both out of there as it doesn't affect me as badly as her. She finally got up and we walked off the salt flat. Near the board walk the smell left her. She could not identify the flowers that she smelled but said it was as if she was walking in field that was thick with them.

Nothing happened after that except that she remained weak. We left for home at around 9
On the night of wed the 25 of November we passed through Death Valley on our way to Ridgecrest Ca. both my sister and I became dizzy and disoriented.
About mid day on Sunday November 29 we again passed through on our way back. My sister said that a mountain to the east that she had seen a mist on some months before changed from relatively smooth to craggy and banded with sediment layers. Not sure what to make of this.

by around 4 we drove to West Side road and out onto the salt flat where we parked. My sister began to get dizzy and felt depersonalization as we walked a short way out onto the rough salt. I had to help her back to the car. After a while the feeling left her and she felt compelled to once again walk out onto the salt.

We walked a short ways out and my sister began to see a vision of a mummified body laying on a salt flat. The flat was much smoother than the rough salt we walked on which has pinnacles two and a half feet high. The body was mummified and in a fetal position, it's lower legs were laying behind it's back one on top of the other in the position they would have been in had they been attached to the body. The mummy was dressed in a tan coarsely woven robe about like burlap but somewhat finer. The hair was brown and the body was of small stature. We went back to the car but the vision remained in her head.

After some time my sister said she wanted to walk on the other side of west side road. After walking over the rough salt for a few yards she began to see another vision of bodies on a salt flat, encrusted with salt and mummified only this time there were hundreds. All of them dressed like the fist only lying in many positions as if they lay where they fell.
I’m not sure how many more entry's I'll be able to make as my sister is getting more afraid to go to Death Valley.

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December 13 2009

Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:36 pm

Finally something to report, I don't know if my sister is getting scared of going to Death Valley or just tired of going every week end but after being away we finally came back.

As we entered the valley there was nothing out of the ordinary neither one of us felt the familiar nausea or disorientation and depersonalization. We decided to drive to Tule Spring and do a little walking around. We arrived around five fifteen or so and walked around the spring and down an old road that lead onto the salt flat. A little ways down this road my sister began to get the nausea and depersonalization etc. It got worse as we walked toward and out onto the flat. as we walked she began to smell something like flowers of perfume with a musty smell mixed in. All I could smell was the salt brush that grew next to the flat. On our way back up she stopped and stood there for a moment, then turned 90 degrees to the north and walked into a thicket, she seemed drugged and responded slowly. She ducked under some limbs and peered into a hollow in the thicket with a pile of sticks, perhaps a rat’s nest. I asked her what she was doing and she said "looking in this hole”. She then said "It's warm in here" her speech sounded like people you see under hypnosis on TV. She than laid down on the pile of sticks in a fetal position and seemed to be asleep moaning once in a while. After a while I grew concerned and called her name, she did not respond so I nudged her with my foot, again nothing so I nudged her harder and still nothing. I than reached down and proceeded to pull her up by her arm at which time she came to and asked "what are we doing in here" She had no memory since being out on the road walking back to the car.

We sat in the car for a while to see what would happen and she remarked that Tule Spring seemed familiar to her as if she had been there a lot even the way it smelled. She had only been there one other time.

Her head cleared and I decided to jog a little in front of the car on the way back to furnace creek ranch. I finished my run and she said she wanted to go for a short run as well so I drove behind her on the deserted road and she ran for a 10'th of a mile after which she stopped. She got back in the car and complained of pain and a clicking noise at the base of her skull which she had first taken to be her glasses rattling as she jogged until it became painful. The condition cleared up quickly as we made our way out of the valley.

She had never had a pain or feeling like that before, I wonder if it is possible that whatever put her in the trance had somehow inflamed her spinal cord near the brain stem or the brain stem it's self causing the clicking noise and pain?

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December 24 2009 8:45 pm

Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:38 pm

After a trip to Beatty Nevada my sister drove north and swung west by Scotty’s Castle in to Death Valley. We drove along the salt flat again where she began to get the familiar nausea dizziness and depersonalization. By the time we reached furnace creek it was bad enough that I had to drive. She told me to drive to Tule Spring again where we parked. While there she lay in the car with her seat back seemingly in a kind of trance and semi coherent. She was groaning and her arm was twitching. I kept watching it and then my own left arm begin to twitch two to three times. Other than that I felt no effect. At around 9:30 pm my sister said we better go so I started the care and drove toward the road that goes to Badwater. About a mile along the road she said she felt a pressure on her chest like a large rock was laying on it. This got painful and she said she had trouble breathing and her ribs were hurting. She said she could feel a large smooth hard surface like a rock on her. I drove us out of the valley and the feeling abated, however, she could still feel it a little even after we reached Death Valley Junction which is well out of the valley.

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December 31 4:30 pm

Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:39 pm

We again entered Death Valley via Beatty Nevada and drove south along the salt flat. At first nothing happened. We stopped at Furnace Creek for some drinks and snacks and proceeded toward Badwater. Just before badwater my sister complained about feeling "funny"
as we drove south the feeling intensified and by bad water she slumped over in her seat glassy eyed. She began moaning uncomfortably off and on. As planned we proceeded south past badwater finally reaching a rest room facility, In that aria my sisters symptoms cleared quite a bit It was here that she had another vision. This time hundreds of people dressed in the same coursly woven robes walking out of the mountains toward the salt flat.

We drove on out of the valley toward Shoshone Ca. As we drove away south her symptoms returned, she again slumped in her seat groaning. The road turned east and we drove toward Shoshone. My sister continued to groan and slump over in her seat, as we got about half way she uttered something in a language other than English. It was hard to pronounce but sounded like howwohwah or wahowah she had no trouble pronouncing it herself. She made two more utterances which may have been slurred attempts at the same word or different words. When she spoke these words her voice was urgent as if she was perhaps trying to warn of something as when someone says "fire" or "tornado" I think she would have shouted them had she not been so incapacitated and in such a hypnotic like state.

When we reached Shoshone we went in the store there, she was still dizzy and disoriented and had trouble standing and walking. This cleared as we drove south toward Silver dry lake and Baker.

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1-6-2010 6:00 pm

Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:42 pm

We went driving and my sister decided she wanted to go to Death Valley again. We entered the park and drove along the salt flat, than down west side road. As we got about half way across the salt flat she had the usual dizzy disconnected feeling come over her and I had to take over driving. She had me park at Tule Spring where we sat in the car for a while. As we sat there she said her head felt heavy and her neck felt funny also her left arm felt week. We sat for a while and her whole body twitched throwing her back into her seat than for a while nothing, in a few minutes she again entered one of her trances moaning and occasionally twitching.
She seemed to go in and out of the state and eventually wanted to go to the Eagle Borax Works just a few miles further down the road. She was in and out of her trance as we drove there and parked, after we parked she seemed to settle more into it, laying the seat back and laying there moaning, eventually she put her hands over her face and seemed to be crying but it was more of a moan, hard to describe. Eventually she came out of it and wanted to leave saying that she felt great sadness as if someone had died close to her. She said it wasn't her sadness but she felt like she was dreaming she was someone else and they were sad. She also said it was much more real than a dream. She was very sad so we drove out of the valley and to Death Valley Junction. We stopped at the restaurant there and she had a sandwich, as she ate the feeling of being someone else who was sad left her, but, she now felt depressed. We drove south a ways so I could do some running than home. The feeling of depression stayed with her till the next day.

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5-20-2010 8:00 PM

Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:51 pm

At this time we have not been back to Death Valley because of my sisters episode of depression on 01-16-2010 However I am still going down past Death Valley Junction to run. We drove quite a way tonight almost to Tecopa. When we neared their I felt the familiar wave of nausea wash over me that I felt in DV I was really sick for a few minutes. My sister recognized the symptoms and turned the car around to head back up the road. As we left the aria the nausea immediately left me.

As we got up the road however my sister began to have one of her visions that we she has in Death Valley. She could smell old books and said she saw a library the size of a shopping mall. Rows and rows of books were inside it. I began to ask her about details. The ceiling was white but to far up to get a good view. The floor was odd. It was stone and very rough almost as if it were not dressed at all. The stone floor was in one piece as if the entire structure was built over a natural rock outcrop that had been crudely dressed into a flat slab. The shelves were of brass and the decor of the place was of dark wood with an occasional brass strip inlaid. She described it as modern looking but no like any decor she had ever seen. We have wanted badly to take something practical away from these visions perhaps we can in a way the style of the odd brass and wood motif is in its self unique and very likely never been seen anywhere on earth. The shelves were so crammed into the library that they had been placed right in front of windows which I would imagine (barring some sort of high tec window tint or optics) would be bad for the books. She did not see any electrical wiring or plumbing in the entire building except for a wooden door with vertical brass strips spaced far apart. The center of the door has a kind of triangle with slightly concave sides that glows red around the edges. She did not know if this was due to a power source or simply from sunlight shining through a transparent surface.

Perhaps the most interesting thing was when I asked her to look at the books. Of course she had no way to open them so I asked if she could see the spines. She described the books as being mostly green in color with a leather looking fabric covering them. She took a note pad and drew some images she saw on the spines. The books were not all in the same language apparently. I have reproduced her drawings via ms paint . (see image library vision)
library vision.jpg
library vision.jpg (38.26 KiB) Viewed 5822 times

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5-22-2010 8:30pm

Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:11 pm

In light of our experience near Shoshone we decided to try Death Valley again We entered the park around 8:30 pm and drove once again out to Tule Spring. On the way my sister began to feel the familiar dizziness and disorientation when we arrived she began to snap out of it a little bit we stayed at Tule for a while but nothing much else happened. We drove than out onto the salt flat following west side road and stopped in one of the turnouts , there my sister began to see a long narrow valley, perhaps more of a canyon, the whole thing was shaped exactly as if someone cut a tube or pipe lengthwise. It was covered in grass and several miles long and several wide. She than began to see the stone shack again for some time but no one was there and nothing happened.

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5-29-2010 between 9 pm and 11pm

Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:14 pm

Something different this time, back to Tule Spring again for more research same thing happened as before, she’s dizzy etc, than she gets out of the car and walks in the pitch black to the edge of the turnaround where people park, she’s facing the stand of brush when I see her in the beam of my flash light I approach and she begins to snap out of it again she takes me around the thicket of brush and we stand on the opposite side. Finally she sees a canyon of white clay, small but very rugged, kind of a badlands type of thing. It’s dark but theirs light coming from  a symbol on the canyon wall. She describes it as a plus sign with arrows on the tips pointing back toward the center. Than she’s around the corner and sees lights passing back and forth as if someone swung a flashlight beam one goes horizontal one is diagonal. We have both seen these same lights in her bed room at home only not in a vision, we actually saw them. During this vision her left leg gets sore in the muscle suddenly, we don’t know if this is related to anything paranormal but it persists till the next morning when the pain fades.
The vision passes and she walks back around the thicket to the north side where we stop and discuss the vision, she is still not quite over the dizziness and disorientation but is quite lucid. I go to step around her and she grabs me and says “don’t go over there, there’s something there”  she describes a black figure standing between two fence posts, it is about her height around five foot 4 and looks like a shadow, she can see the head and shoulders but the arms and legs are too close together to make them out, the arms are pressed to the sides and the legs are pressed together tightly forming a kind of wedge shaped figure.  She says the figure makes a snapping electrical sound similar to a spark plug that has been taken out of the engine and left hooked into the plug wire for testing. I cannot see the entity but she can, she is very agitated and pushes me ahead of her around the thicket in the opposite direction back to the car she seems to think I am more vulnerable to the entity because I can’t see it. She says she gets a hostile feeling from it. We get back in the car and leave.  The difference in the vision of the entity and her usual visions is that with the stone cabin or anything else she sees it in a small square  in the lower right quadrant of her visual  field, with the entity it is like looking at a person standing there. One other important difference is she can hear the electrical noise; she has never before had any auditory experiences, she as smelled things, seen things, felt things but never heard anything till now. She feels that the entity is not a vision but may actually be there despite my inability to see it. The idea of tossing a stick or small stone at it occurred to me but you just don’t throw things at people.
white clay canyon vision.jpg
white clay canyon vision.jpg (17.22 KiB) Viewed 5811 times

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6-5-2010 afternoon

Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:15 pm

Entered Death Valley Park via the back way coming from Shoshone, we didn't get very far in never reached the valley floor when my sister wanted to walk up a canyon. We got out and walked up a small canyon with very high walls it was very narrow in places. I have not seen my sister move this fast up steep rugged terrain in a long time she did not stop to rest or seem exhausted till we reached the top of the canyon. Here we found a rock face about 20 feet high or so a waterfall when the canyon is running.   Once she rests against the rock for a while she climbs around it over even steeper terrain a steep slope I would say about 75 degrees or so, actually dangerous to climb. I follow her up because she is dizzy and disoriented I have to hang on to her at the top. She stands at the top of the waterfall and is flooded with memories of the place except that in these "memories" it is green there. There is grass and some water in pools though not much. The canyon has trees on top the rim. We both climb back down and a few feet down the canyon she can smell flowers again. Then she has another vision in and she can see the flowers, she describes them as fairly large and all over the canyon floor. They are on some sort of green shrub. The flowers are trumpet shaped and white with a pinkish rim and pink streaks that go down into the flower. In the sky above she sees a silver dot like an air craft flying over head

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6-19-2010 7:30 pm

Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:18 pm

Entered the  park at around 7:30 pm just getting dark We drove along the salt flat when my sister took a note pad and began to write she is  beginning to fall into a trance like state as she writes.  What she wrote is not all in English there are a couple of small pieces of the text in some symbols so I had to use a graphic program and type the text there so that I could draw in the symbols. When she finished writing we drove to Tule Spring again she immediately begins to feel nervous and apprehensive she is in and out of her trance like state eventually she is insistent that we leave so I drive to the Devils Golf Course aria and park she’s still in the trance fairly out of it she gets out of the car and walks over and drapes herself over the sign that explains about the aria. I take a short walk on the salt and when I get back she’s gone. I pan 360 with the flash light and finally locate her; she has wandered out on the salt in the moon light. When I catch up she says she saw the light out on the flat from the previous vision. This vision is again different not unlike her vision of the black creature in that it is not seen in a small aria in her lower right visual field but experienced as if she were there.  She believes that the light she saw is the machine she sees so often. We leave and drive through artists drive and she begins to experience the sensation of a weight on her chest as she had a few months earlier she complains it’s hard to breathe  as we exit Artists Drive the sensation dissipates, I than drive home for the night.

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Post by PixieCutLover » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:25 pm

Entered the valley the back way from Beatty again, about 7:30 pm, drove along the salt flat about half way to Furnace Creek my sister again begins to experience the same symptoms and I take over driving. I am after samples from Tule Spring this time. There is a line on the ground that looks like someone painted it there the only thing is it’s made of leaves and sticks dried into the salt crust. Apparently these leaves are slightly fresher than what is laying on the ground there as they are a lighter color and can be seen clearly what could have laid thousands of leaves out in a 25 foot or so line one inch wide I don’t know. There is also a peculiar looking  track like from some sort of very wide tire on the south side of the spring out of the designated aria graded out by the forest service, it only goes for about a yard and a half and disappears the first few feet it looks like the vehicle was backed up and driven forward several times so that the track is very wide there with several tracks overlapping after that it is only one track. The track has many small bars very close together running the width of the track, the bars do not curve or break but go completely across giving it a peculiar look I have not seen wheel like that on any two wheel vehicle before it is about a foot wide which is very wide for a motorcycle another odd thing is it’s flatness it does not seem to curve up on the sides in the manner of atv tires I took stills of it and the line and some video of the line with my cell phone (see photos) and a sample of the salt crust with the line. The line is very hard to explain and goes much further toward hard evidence of something strange going on in the aria than the tire track or whatever it is but the tire track is odd in its own right given the short run and odd pattern it is as if someone set the vehicle down, moved it back and forth then moved it a few yards then picked it up and carried it off, very strange.
My sister remains in her trance and I drive to beat the setting sun as I near Tule I notice my sister talking in her trance, she is speaking very low and the noise from the car drowns it out. I can, however see her lips moving and she seems to speak clearly and directly. I stopped the  car and shut it off but she has stopped speaking  and just lays there on her reclined seat. As we enter Tule she begins to come out of it some she gets out and wanders while I take my sample and photos. When I finish she has wandered over to the east of the spring a short ways and tells me that she has once again seen the tall man and he is stooped over looking at tracks in the earth, she recognizes the tracks as belonging to her shoes. The spring looks different where she sees him, on his side the growth in the center is cleared out and there is a larger pond. He is looking at the tracks on the south side of the pond about where my sister had followed an overgrown animal trail into the thicket.  This experience was unusual even for the aria as she said instead of the usual disorientation, she felt as though she was dreaming the whole experience and only knew it was real form the leaves on her clothing.  As we prepare to leave she again sees the spring but the man is not there.
She wants to go to the grave of Shorty Harris further along west side road but it has gotten dark and we never find the grave. On the way back she is deep in one of her trances laying back on folded back car seat.  As I drive along she begins to speak, sluring the way someone talking in their sleep does. I again stop the car and listen. She is not speaking English but repeats one word over and over as if trying to say it clearly in her disoriented state. The word sounds like Hummah  she says it with an ephesis on the first syllable like “hummmm mah then hum mah then hummah a bunch of times, then she stops. I repeat the word to her and she says it back to me each time. As an experiment I say the word she said a few months ago “wahalwa” she says what sounds like a mix of the two words back to me in a way that reminds me of the way some Native Americans speak when talking I their own language the more experienced speakers sound like that.  The word is slurred of course and I cannot be sure if I am hearing right but the closest I can come is a combination of the two words or perhaps both words spoken so close together that they  seem like one word.
We stop at Eagle Borax Works on the way back and my sister wonders to the south a bit while I go to the north east a few yards. The moon is now extremely bright and flash lights are unnecessary for most work.  I hear my sister call my name and I run over with the flash light she is in an agitated state but not in a trance. She tells me that she looked up toward the south and the tall man was standing there a few yards away, she says his mouth is open in shock and he made eye contact with her, she described the experience as being the same as looking at me as I was standing there at the moment. She said he was just standing there with his mouth open. When I shined the flash light in the aria she no longer sees him.  She is agitated by this and insists that we leave the valley so I drive home, on the way out of the valley past Furnace Creek Inn she has a vision again this one is of the machine on the salt flat, she says it is brass colored and shining in the sun, she sees this for a few minutes as we drive out of the valley.
Tule spring leaf line and tread mark.jpg
Tule spring leaf line and tread mark.jpg (139.72 KiB) Viewed 5945 times
Tule spring leaf line and tread mark.jpg
Tule spring leaf line and tread mark.jpg (139.72 KiB) Viewed 5945 times

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Journal update

Post by PixieCutLover » Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:52 pm

Posted 08 September 2010 - 09:04 PM

Entered the park from Beatty around 9:45 PM we stopped at a small restroom aria on the alluvium before reaching the valley floor, After a rest room break I was standing by the car working arraigning some gear , my sister had wandered off toward the valley floor a few yards when she came running back to the car saying there’s something out there across the road. She described a black shape like a person walking up right and said she also heard footsteps on the gravel. We immediately left the aria and headed toward the valley floor and Tule Spring. On our way out to Tule my sister suddenly wanted to go to Badwater so I turned around and headed for Badwater as fast as I could. When we arrived it was around 10:30 PM or so. At the parking lot entrance I began to feel the depersonalization we often feel in the aria but it is very faint. We walked down the board walk and out onto the salt flat a ways where my sister sat down on some salt crust protruding up on the edge of the flat aria where tourists walk. She says she can feel a presence in her mind like another person, after we discussed it for a while we both thought that maybe she should try and make contact with the presence she felt in her mind. She sat for some time concentrating eventually she said “I think it’s the tall man in the robe I’ve been seeing ,then she said she could see his face, she kept concentrating ,we even held hands séance style and both concentrated but nothing happened, finally she decided to speak to the man , that is, to speak actual words, using her voice as opposed to just her mind, she started by saying her name, she saw the man’s lips move apparently saying her name back to her, then she finally heard his voice , as we suspected it was very deep given his size (my sister suspects he stands 7 feet tall or perhaps more) He said the word “Kahalt” My sister said it back to him and he said it again a couple more times. He seemed very excited and blurted out something in a foreign language but he spoke so fast and excitedly my sister could not get one word out of what he said. We talked about the accent of the language and while definitely not English surprisingly, she said the accent sounded much like an American or Canadian would speak, the words did not role and the tones were not rounded but chopped off, square and precise like north American English, at least in parts of the country such as California or in the northern regions it wasn’t anything like a twangy or “red neck” accent.
By the time the man finished speaking my sister felt very tired and said she could sense he also was very tired and could feel a sense of urgency from him as if he needed to go, the experience seemed to drain both of them.


Entered the park from Beatty around 9:45 PM we stopped at a small restroom aria on the alluvium before reaching the valley floor, After a rest room break I was standing by the car working arraigning some gear , my sister had wandered off toward the valley floor a few yards when she came running back to the car saying there’s something out there across the road. She described a black shape like a person walking up right and said she also heard footsteps on the gravel. We immediately left the aria and headed toward the valley floor and Tule Spring. On our way out to Tule my sister suddenly wanted to go to Badwater so I turned around and headed for Badwater as fast as I could. When we arrived it was around 10:30 PM or so. At the parking lot entrance I began to feel the depersonalization we often feel in the aria but it is very faint. We walked down the board walk and out onto the salt flat a ways where my sister sat down on some salt crust protruding up on the edge of the flat aria where tourists walk. She says she can feel a presence in her mind like another person, after we discussed it for a while we both thought that maybe she should try and make contact with the presence she felt in her mind. She sat for some time concentrating eventually she said “I think it’s the tall man in the robe I’ve been seeing ,then she said she could see his face, she kept concentrating ,we even held hands séance style and both concentrated but nothing happened, finally she decided to speak to the man , that is, to speak actual words, using her voice as opposed to just her mind, she started by saying her name, she saw the man’s lips move apparently saying her name back to her, then she finally heard his voice , as we suspected it was very deep given his size (my sister suspects he stands 7 feet tall or perhaps more) He said the word “Kahalt” My sister said it back to him and he said it again a couple more times. He seemed very excited and blurted out something in a foreign language but he spoke so fast and excitedly my sister could not get one word out of what he said. We talked about the accent of the language and while definitely not English surprisingly, she said the accent sounded much like an American or Canadian would speak, the words did not role and the tones were not rounded but chopped off, square and precise like north American English, at least in parts of the country such as California or in the northern regions it wasn’t anything like a twangy or “red neck” accent.
By the time the man finished speaking my sister felt very tired and said she could sense he also was very tired and could feel a sense of urgency from him as if he needed to go, the experience seemed to drain both of them.


Entered the park from Death Valley Junction and drove to Badwater around 10:30
We walked out onto the salt flat my sister says she feels funny her description for the usual dizziness , depersonalization etc. she sits down on the edge of the salt and attempts to regain contact with Kahalt. Some time passes and I wander out on the flat, I notice the dome light on in the car and I walk back up to the parking aria to shut it off, the door has been left ajar and a slight breeze is moving it causing the dome light to go off and on, I correct the problem and head back out on the salt flat toward my sister, as I get closer I can hear her coughing and retching I break into a run and as I arrive she has finished throwing up. She says her head feels like it is splitting open but she did talk to Kahalt. the state she was in made it difficult for her to recall things in the proper order, she was disoriented and even the next day said she felt drugged.
the basic details she gave me the next day were of calling Kahalt’s name and concentrating for a while, eventually she gets the mental picture of him and hears his voice in her head saying “I’m here” he speaks a little more English this time but very badly. She says she is amazed at how intelligent he is. They discussed a number of things but when the experience was over the machine had taken such a toll on her I could not even quiz her on the conversation. I got snippets of it but no real framework I tried to quiz her the next day but she can’t remember everything and left out things that she mentioned the previous night. I have been trying to think of a way to cover what was said and the best thing I can come up with is to simply list topics that They discussed that she mentioned to me.

• Kahalt said he wanted to contact her after the episode at Eagle Borax Works he referred to her as a “traveler” he said he had never seen a traveler like her before he made reference to the bright colors of her clothing and to what he considered the unusual style ( she was dressed in the typical jeans and t shirt of most north Americans) He was shocked by her pale color and the short style of her hair (above the ears) He was also shocked by her eye color (blue).
• She then made reference to his appearance as saying he also looked unusual, he asked why and she said that there were very few people his size here ( 7 feet tall or over) she made reference to his elongated face and black irises (very rare but not unknown) Also his shoulder length strait black hair and his coarsely woven earth tone robe
• Kahalt wanted to know if there was a machine here (the device on the salt flat) she said no and he wanted to know how she traveled without one. She said that she felt that it was his machine that bought her.
• She asked how she was able to hear his thoughts and see his image in her mind. He said that the machine (his word) “made his thoughts stronger” she tried to describe the concept of a signal booster and got it across with some effort. It is worthy to note here, that perhaps the effect of making his thoughts stronger may not entirely refer to telepathy, it may also be possible that the machine lends computer like abilities to the brain, this might well explain his sudden rudimentary grasp of English.
• He wanted to know how his machine was able to interface with her. She described the first paranormal incident we experienced when arriving in southern Nevada.
In 2003 we were staying in a travel tailor in a canyon east of Las Vegas my sister received a burn on her thigh in her sleep that she only felt later the next day. It was shaped like an upside down number 5 after that she began to see odd visions though not like the ones she sees in Death Valley. One of these was very clear and didn’t look like a vision at all but like an everyday occurrence, she saw the Stratosphere tower explode. the other visions she saw were different, They were usually glowing green outlines of objects she only saw these at night. One such vision she saw going toward Pahrump and Beatty on I 95 was the entire city of Las Vegas laid out on the desert where it could not possibly have been, I remember that night she did not come home from her job in Vegas but stopped at Indian Springs in the Hotel she was so shaken. As she related this to Kahalt he seemed familiar with the concept of a city but did not seem to have ever personally seen one. He was very interested in the burn and the visions and while he did not seem familiar with incidents like the odd burn he did seem familiar with the glowing green images he asked her to clarify it by saying “like green lights?” She again described the glowing green images to him he seemed familiar with the green glow and was very interested in it. My sister related her hypothesis to Kahalt that perhaps the burn event had somehow made her compatible with the machine. Of course there is no way to know, I myself feel depersonalized, dizzy and nauseous in Death Valley as well and I never experienced such an event so it is hard say. My sister’s sensitivity to this phenomenon does seem to far exceed mine (though she has repeatedly warned me that may not be necessarily be the case when I travel to the aria alone to investigate).
• Kahalt wanted to know how many people were here and she told him that there were billions.
• She mentioned to him that she saw Death and destruction often in her visions of his world. Kahalt said that long ago something very bad had happened there but did not seem to know the details; apparently it was of apocalyptic proportions my sister thinks it had something to do with the machine or perhaps misuse of it or an accident with it.
• While discussing traveling, travelers etc my sister tried to explain the concept of a car to Kahalt but he was utterly baffled even though she tried to send him a mental image of one. Likely it has been millennia since any of his people used such a vehicle and the history was wiped out with the catastrophe.
• Kahalt’s accent when he speaks English does not sound as north American as it sounds when he speaks his own language, my sister says he has a European sounding accent but can’t place it, the pronunciation of syllables is not round but square however, it sounds more European similar to a German accent in a few ways but definitely not German

Here I have to express some frustration. We have had a number of strange experiences before Death Valley but I fear the more I talk about them the more I seem like a paranormal fanatic of sorts making up stories

I have not bothered to document the other occurrences due to the fact that while strange They lack the depth and breadth of the Death Valley occurrences even now as the information builds I wonder if it’s worth my time to document this anymore as it is beginning to sound like any number of alleged ongoing paranormal encounters the increasingly fantastic nature and sci fi novel like explanation is beginning to sound more and more like a star trek episode and less and less believable. I feel now that only a few will benefit from this, those few who will believe it, and those who are entertained by a good story. I should have expected to end up here but I really did not think that we ever would get this kind of information during the days I spent typing this journal.


Entered the valley from Scotty’s Junction at about 7:30 PM and drove toward Badwater. Shortly after turning off on the road along the salt flat my sister is out of it again and pulls over for me to take over driving, she seems to get better as we drive along but I can tell she isn’t feeling right. We stopped at Furnace Creek and I got a cup of tea, my sister found a small wheel of Gouda cheese and bought that and a soda. We left for Badwater and after that, shortly before turning into the parking aria I too began to feel disoriented, things don’t seem right I feel depersonalized slightly and a little dizzy. We began walking out onto the salt flat following the wide path the tourists use. We walked pretty far out because a car pulled into the parking aria, no way do we want any one seeing what we are doing weather they believe our explanation or not.
My sister sat on the salt and began trying to reach Kahalt. This time it was easy , he came through right away and as we suspected his English is improved somewhat. This time my sister is not nearly so badly affected and she can relate to me what was said much better at least at first, in about 20 minutes she is just as out of it as she was the last time. She started by calling out Kahalt’s name , he answered “you came back” she told him she wanted to recuperate a while before trying it again as she had gotten sick last time. At this he began telling her that the machine was very dangerous to some people and explained what happened to the people in Death valley on the other Earth. Kahalt’s people he said came from another place (his word). the people in the Death valley my sister sees in her visions were primitive and had very little technology. Kahalt’s people were a very high culture very advanced, so advanced they had learned to travel between parallel worlds. My sister has said that not once did Kahalt use the term parallel or dimension or universe etc. But the Death valley my sister sees looks exactly like the Death valley here the geography the vegetation all the same except for the presence of the machine on the salt flat and of course the absence of the roads and buildings we know it’s the same. I do not know how explain this except a parallel Earth though the concept is poorly understood at best as well as rejected by main stream physics. Kahalt’s people met and befriended the primitives on the world they traveled to. the machine was bought in to allow Kahalt’s people and the people there as well to travel to other worlds mainly but it isn’t just a hyperspace bus it does other things much like the common cell phone which is a camera , video recorder, calculator , web browser etc. the machine does the work of a computer it also interfaces with the brain and who knows what else. What happened, according to Kahalt is the machine was bought in and when it was switched on the people there began to exhibit symptoms like my sister and I. the difference being that it shortly killed nearly all of them. the people from Kahalt’s world that installed the machine, mad with guilt, never returned home. We are not clear on exactly what happened next or why the machine is still operating given its lethality. Apparently Kahalt’s people never felt a thing when they used the machines and they had no clue that it would affect other races in such a way. My sister got the impression that the machine is used to save what is left of the people there. Kahalt gets sick from the machine because his people interbred with the locals over the years since the accident.
Kahalt urged us not to go into Death valley any more. When my sister asked why we didn’t get sick years ago when we would go there gave an analogy of an open window on a rotating house saying right now you are standing in front of the window. Apparently there is a season to this phenomenon. My sister mentioned a woman I had talked to online who also got sick in the aria and he said it was impossible to say how many people might be affected; he said we cannot have any more Death because of this. He also said the distance is probably what saved us and that we were like the people that got killed. My sister got the impression that Kahalt had a good idea at least of our location. He said there was no way to work together because the very thing that allowed us to communicate was making us sick and likely to kill us.
At this point we have resolved to discontinue travel into the aria. I don’t know if Kahalt is right about us dying from the machine, he is right about one thing the symptoms are more pronounced my sister has had attacks at home and even in Las Vegas, I have also had bouts of depersonalization and nausea at home and nearby I wonder how many others have had issues like this, workers at the park or Shoshone living in the area over the years. there was a story of a man who saw lights all over the valley and heard “the moans of people both young and old” he was also said to have been dragged out of his tent and 500 feet without wakening up. the story was alleged to have been printed I the Rylight town news paper I have read another article about body’s turning up at Tule Spring with no apparent cause of Death as well. Apparently the aria had or still has a small reputation of being haunted or some such thing but I can’t confirm any of this the accounts date back to the turn of the last century and news papers of the time were known for making up tales. I do know that my sister and I have both gotten sick and at least one other person claims to have had the same symptoms. I know if Kahalt is telling the truth or not either I have no way to confirm any thing he says, my instinct is that I like the man he seems very dedicated ethical and genuine I regret that I have never spoken to him or met him. I also regret that my sister and I can not work with him and even more that we cannot obtain any technology from his race, such could have solved so many problems here as any one could imagine.
I don’t know if I will come across any further contact with the phenomenon in Death Valley, we quit going there once before and ended up still having experiences in the desert above so I don’t know, I also don’t know what Kahalt will do regarding people on our world getting sick now that he knows what has happened, I don’t know if he is in touch with his ancestors world still or not but they do have the machine so he probably is, so many possibilities to speculate about, he is almost obsessed with the machines capacity to kill and adamant that no more people die from it but seems to be unconcerned with sharing technology. the accident left a terrible psychological scar on those people they don’t’ seem to be able live normally or pursue normal goals. I really wish the machine would have worked like they wanted it to , things might be so different now , even for us as far away as we are we are still within the machines sphere of influence.

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