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please help

Post by fasiha » Tue May 25, 2010 10:03 am

26/3/1075 = my dob

26/7/1980= my partner 's dob

what these no says about us ?

Posts: 58
Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:50 pm

you both have a 51 life lesson

Post by learnthenumbers » Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:06 pm



3 + 26 +1+9+7+5 = 51 = your life lesson

7 + 26 +1+9+8+0 = 51 = your partner's life lesson

51 = Right life.  Truth.  Honesty.  Honor.  Respect.  Integrity.  Character.  Reputation.  Credentials.  Veracity.  Virtue.  Ethics.  Morals.  Honor.  Dignity.  Decency.  Legislation.  Laws.  Rules.  Regulations.  Ordinance.  Policy.  Standards.  Important.  Official.  Proper.  Sir.  Politics.  Campaign.  Elections.  Voting.  Government.  The State.  Governor.  Legislature.  Congress.  President.  Military.  Soldier.  Police.  Law enforcement.  Officer.  Lawyers.  Attorneys.  Legal advice.  Counsel.  Evidence.  Proof.  Genius.  Logic.  Rational.  Factual.  Accurate.  Exact.  Precise.  Frankness.  Candor.  Brief.  Plain spoken.  Impartial.  Unbiased.  Serious.  Sober.  Solemn.  Formidable.  Instructor.  Instruction manual.  Textbook.  Instructions.  Lessons.  Procedure.  Machines.  Computers.  Linear.  Methodical.  Systematic.  Statistics.  Facts.  Arithmetic.  Math.  Equation.  Formulas.  Quotient.  Enumerate.  Naming.  Numerology.  Counting.  Measurements.  Parameter.  Requirements.  Qualifications.  License.  Permits.  Legitimate.  Live right life.  Do the right thing.  Taking the high road.  Be honest.  Be logical.  Face facts.  A lesson lived is a lesson learned.  Practice what you preach.  Don't burn your bridges.  Obey the law.  Code of conduct.  Be respectful.  Hitting the nail on the head.  Calling a spade a spade.  Say what you mean, and mean what you say.  State your case.  Just the facts.  The ends don't justify the means.  The cold, hard facts.  Matter of fact.  Cut and dry.  Rule of law.  Following the letter of the law.  By the book.  Truth is harsh.  Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.  A name doesn't harm us if we don't harm the name.  Virtue is its own reward.  Give credit where credit is due.  There is no price for good advice.  Honor is better than honors.  Honesty is the best policy.  Look me in the eye and say that.  Enforcing the rules.  Standard operating procedure.  Good cop / bad cop.  Name, rank and serial number.  Assign a number.  Math whiz.  I'm good/bad with numbers.  Check your math.

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