I would love a reading

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I would love a reading

Post by AriesJupiter » Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:11 pm


I would love a reading. My birthday is April 18, 1987.

Thank you!

Let me know if you need any other information for a reading.

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Post by enumero123 » Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:31 am

you seem to know your astrology  pretty well hows your  numerology  lets start with a general reading

life path /birth date
life path 2
the key word in your nature is peacemaker. You have the soul of an artist. You are extremely sensitive, perceptive, and a bit shy. These qualities are both your strengths and weaknesses, for while you possess enormous sensitivity to your feelings and those of others, that same sensitivity can cause you to hold back and repress your considerable talents. Sensitivity and perceptiveness are among your many fine qualities.

Because you intuitively know what people want, or feel, you can be extremely diplomatic and tactful. You are also patient and cooperative. You work well with groups and somehow find a way of creating harmony among diverse opinions.

You enjoy music and poetry and require a harmonious environment.

You have an eye for beauty and a fine sense of balance and rhythm. You have healing capabilities, especially in such fields as massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, and counseling.

However, your sensitivity can also be your downfall. Your extremely delicate ego bruises easily and can make too much of someone else's thoughtless remarks or criticisms. Because you get hurt easily, you may tend to withhold your own thoughts and contributions to the matter at hand. This can cause you considerable resentment and anger.

Too often, you run from confrontation to avoid a battle.

When you employ your considerable inner strength, you will discover your enormous power and abilities to direct difficult situations toward your own goals. It is the awareness of your inner strength that will give you the courage to use your own personal power when it is needed. You are a sensitive and passionate lover, your perceptiveness makes you aware of your partner's needs and desires, which you are able to fulfill with almost magical delicacy.

However, when you feel you have been mistreated or jilted, you can react with devastating power, sometimes using personal criticisms vindictively. Your awareness, diplomatic skills, and organizational talents give you the ability to bring off difficult tasks. You willingly step out of the limelight to facilitate the success of your endeavor. In truth, you are often the power behind the throne. However, you do not always receive the credit you deserve for the fine work you've done, or your role is underestimated and your accomplishments overlooked. Rather than brood over your losses, you need to confront those who would make less of your contributions and stand up for your accomplishments. You need security and comfort, quiet settings, and the company of loved ones. You are a perfectionist when it comes to your home and work environment. You have excellent taste which is obvious in your private surroundings. You are a fine companion and possess a good sense of humor. Friends seek you out for your calming and peaceful company. You are a safe haven to other sensitive people, who recognize your compassion and understanding. When you have found your niche in life, you have all the talents and intelligence for great success. Seek out work that allows your sensitive nature to flourish - be the glue that binds others together.

birth day 18/9
You are a born leader, an efficient manager, capable of organizing and inspiring others. You are especially talented in the areas of politics, religion, art, and law. You are highly creative and have an excellent understanding of people.

You are broadminded and should be educated in several different fields, particularly the arts. Many great artists are found under this number.

You tend to be a late bloomer and must be willing to take your time before choosing a profession. You need experience and exposure to many different types of people before you find the one area in which you will specialize.

You can relate to people in all walks of life. You will do quite a bit of traveling and go through many changes.

At bottom, you have a great dream for humanity. You want to improve the conditions of people, whether they are in your community, state, country, or the world at large.

This is where your deepest satisfaction lies - with performing some task that will benefit others.

You are able to express your feelings well, though a bit dramatically at times. You have a calm and even aristocratic appearance. However, beneath it there is a sense of frustration with not having received your due in life - either from parents, co-workers, or your community.

Your challenge is to learn acceptance and forgiveness. There is an element of sacrifice in your life. You need to let go of all negative attachments. Any thoughts of revenge will backfire badly against you. You need to employ your spiritual and philosophical outlook in all matters in which the balance seems to have been struck against you.

You attract money from all work that is service oriented. The more you do for others, the more you receive - - spiritually and materially - in return.

{full name at birth is need for a complete chart}complete reading

20    It is overly sensitive, intuitive, and vulnerable to criticism. It has emotional problems. It can show weakness and cowardice in the face of challenges. life path 20/2

18    It is involved with business on an international scale, and it is a discordance between idealism and selfishness. There is a lack of conscious spiritual effort. birth day

your birth date of april 18 has some key vibrations that need to be looked at as well   the following energy vibration comes to the forefront  22/13/4  

22 this Master number is demanding and obsessive, it can push you to the edge. Much progress is possible. A need to devote yourself to something larger than life.
the 22 is the most powerful of all numbers. It is often called the Master Builder. The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. It is potentially the most successful of all numbers. It has many of the inspirational insights of the 11, combined with the practicality and methodical nature of the 4. It is unlimited, yet disciplined. It sees the archetype, and brings it down to earth in some material form. It has big ideas, great plans, idealism, leadership, and enormous self-confidence. If not practical, the 22s waste their potential. Like the 11, the 22 can easily shrink from its own ambition, causing difficult interior pressures. Both the 11 and the 22 experience the pressure-cooker effect very strongly, particularly at an early age. It must work toward the realization of goals that are larger than personal ambition. The 22 serves the world in a practical way.

13 Hard work and slow progress, this Karmic Debt number is difficult but rewarding when enough effort is applied. Grounded and down-to-earth. Reliable, trustworthy, but sometimes rigid and
lacking a sense of humor.

Those with the 13 Karmic Debt will work very hard to accomplish any task. Obstacles stand in their way, and must be overcome time and again. One may often feel burdened and frustrated by the seeming futility of one's efforts there may be a desire to surrender to the difficulties and simply give up on the goal, believing it was impossible to attain in the first place. Some with the 13 Karmic Debt fall to laziness and negativity. But efforts are not futile, and success is well within reach. One simply must work hard, and persevere in order to reach the goal. Many highly successful people in all walks of life, including business, art, and athletics, have a 13 Karmic Debt.

The key to succeeding wit the 13 is focus. Very often, people with the 13 Karmic Debt do not concentrate or direct their energies in one specific direction, or on a single task, but scatter their energies over many projects and jobs, none of which amount to very much. A temptation wit the 13 is to take shortcuts for quick success. Too often, that easy success doesn't come, causing regret and the desire to give up. The result is a poor self-image, and the belief that one is incapable of amounting to very much.

In order to focus, you must maintain order in your life. Order is essential to success. You must maintain a schedule, keep appointments, and follow through. Keep your environment neat and under control, and never procrastinate. If you sustain a steady and consistent effort, you will realize much reward.

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Post by AriesJupiter » Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:48 am

Wow! Thank you so much! That was so very kind of you to take the time to give me such an in-depth reading. I am curious to know if you got that off the top of your head? Or if you have pre-typed descriptions for each number. Either way, your effort is very kind and thoughtful, and much appreciated! I thought this reading was wonderful, and I agree very much with the things you said. I like how you make sure to highlight both strengths and weaknesses, so that I can know where I need to improve or be careful of (procrastination, giving up!) It all very much seemed to describe me. I am wondering how you came up with the numbers 22, 13, and 4? (at the end)
Also, I think you forgot to tell me about the 4, but yeah, I am curious where you got these "vibrations numbers" from (intuitive? or calculated?)
Anyway, awesome insights! Thank you so much! You are great as giving your descriptions! I very much appreciate it :)

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:49 pm

"I am curious to know if you got that off the top of your head? Or if you have pre-typed descriptions for each number.from (intuitive? or calculated?) "

lol a little of both .my typing skills are not the best .its easier for me to copy and paste .the wealth of resources and knowledge of the science is a plus  i do try  and browser around the net ,personal reference (books),to mix the post ings up a little.

double digit vibrations add to the meaning of the single digits 1-9   a 6 is a 6, but can be a result of 33/24/42/51/15.giving us deeper insight at times

as for as the 22 /13/4  these numbers are coming from month and day numbers combined ,know by some as our attitude number . a very strong internal vibration (reference comes from " GLYNIS MC CANTS"  http://www.numberslady.com/num.cfm  

The 4 Attitude is a list keeper. They can be very quiet; you don't know what they're thinking. They're keeping track of all that's happening. You might find them surrounded by nature, or doing any form of repair, or construction. The 4 Attitude teaches all of us. They become an expert at their skill and teach us how to do it. They definitely will play devil's advocate: they make you see all sides. That's their Attitude Number.

i listed 22/13/4  because depending on how one adds the date all three numbers can be obtained   " april 18"  4+18=22    
4+9=13  and when either the 22 or 13 is reduced the, four is the result {Root}  . so depending on how you  deal with this vibration and at what level  you in-courter it  all possibilities are covered .

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:54 pm

as i have stated my typing skills and even more so my self expression [Words] are blocked in many ways,but this does not keep me from getting the message out  .i do believe i have a lot of intuitive abilities, very flexible ,adaptive, resourceful,passionate and intense  the Scorpio in me   . sorry very emotional  too .

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Post by AriesJupiter » Fri Apr 09, 2010 4:13 pm

Wow, that is fascinating! You truly are talented and I feel very blessed that you took the time to help me in my numerology understanding :). Oh, and don't apologize for anything... you are very easy for me to understand. Also, I am quite emotional myself, with a Venus in Pisces and Moon in the 8th house. Also, I am a Scorpio in the 7th house, so that is the way I communicate one-to-one! I very much like Scorpio's and feel very comfortable with them (they are healing! and wise and strong!)
Well, the number 4 definitely vibrates with me... I am making lists all the time... And yes, I see both sides to all issues. And I feel like no one can ever guess exactly who I am, I am quite the observer! And I remember everything! (I don't know if that's a number 4 trait though)
Anyway, thank you so much for sharing your skills with me! You are quite a warm, kind and thoughtful soul.
And yes, the 22 and 13 seem like me as well, but I will admit I am a bit intimidated by them! Yikes! It seems like maybe I've been dealt a large task, I wish I knew what it was...
Well, thanks again. And blessings to you. P.s. how did you know I was good at astrology? Hehe, I'm new here and I don't know how to check on that kind of stuff. Are you into astrology? What other kinds of talents do you have? You seem like a very intuitive person indeed. :)

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:31 pm

yes i do turn to astrology at times .as well as many of the others arts /sciences, they all have something to offer us .as i have stated many other times  as we open the doors many things are reviled to us .as i personally search for knowledge  the more i find ,my thirst only grows stronger   i have a scorpio sun in the second along with four other planets in the second .pluto in the twelveth  tarsus moon  in the eighth .libra raising

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47 life lesson

Post by learnthenumbers » Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:16 pm

April 18th 1987

4 + 18 +1+9+8+7 = 47 = her life lesson = what she is here to learn = Famous.  Name & fame.  Notoriety.  Name recognition.  (Inter)nationally known.  High profile.  VIP.  Well-known.  Household name.  Public life.  Limelight.  Legendary.  Notable.  Noteworthy.  Eminent.  Prominent.  Marquee.  Honorary.  Legacy.  The future.  Tomorrow.  Foresight.  Clairvoyance.  Futurist.  Prognosticate.  Predictions.  Forecast.  Picks.  Selection.  Candidate.  Daydreaming.  Choosing wisely from among your many options with an eye toward the future.  Looking into the future.  Vision of the future.  Everybody knows your name.  Claim to fame.  In the limelight.  A living legend.  Hall of Fame.  Say my name.  I want to see my name in lights.

Posts: 117
Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:18 am

Post by AriesJupiter » Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:49 pm

Wow!!! I can't believe this reading!!! Is this for real? That describes my inner dream to a "T"! I hate to admit it, it sounds like I am obsessed with being "something"! But I always did think I would make it big, somehow... But it hasn't happened! I am now 23, and have no idea where I'm going in life! It scares me sometimes, and sometimes I wonder if I have messed up, or if I'm on the right path...? Maybe you could help me! Any advice for how I can fulfill myself and my dreams? Or my purpose? Or... what IS my purpose?! Any ideas!?
What an interesting reading! Please tell me how you know all of this stuff!!! How fun!!!  :smt003
Thank you!!!  :)

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