Past Life Regression

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Past Life Regression

Post by Reiki4U » Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:40 am

Dear Cascade of light,
I would like to know my past life. Can you please help me know my past life.


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Re: Past Life Regression

Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:58 pm

Reiki4U wrote:Dear Cascade of light,
I would like to know my past life. Can you please help me know my past life.


Hi again,

Thank-you for persevering :)

,~'* Your Reading *'~,

Please remember that this life is the most important of all time. Live in the moment and enjoy every second. But looking back to the past lives we have already experienced can help us to feel more at ease and more confident in this life. Sometimes throwing up answers and reasons to any problems we have today.

This past life reading is not a regression, I have not taken you back, and there is no concern over being hypnotised or re-visiting painful times, instead the past energies are read and information gleened from them. The more information I am given to start from the more information I can retrace.  :)

Tuning into you this is what I received.

Your status: You underwent a very rapid change from the past life we are being shown. You were well respected and strong and quite happy with where you were in life and what you had achieved. There is a warmth around you that others found very appealing and interesting.
You were very aware and spiritual but not in todays sense, instead you found solace in your own thoughts and council. There were the answers as if written inside your eyes.

Your loss: This life was a very long time ago and not the most recent one. We cannot choose which life we are shown that is given to us rather than us decide. But the life we see will have a lesson that will be helpful in this life. You left behind you many opportunities that you wanted to fulfil and for this reason you may always feel as if there is something special for you to do, some reason or purpose in this life for you to find and make sense of.

Your love: You had one true love someone that you had to say goodby to, you spent a lot of time grieving for this and looking forward to being together again. This can lead to a feeling of one true soul mate, that single person that we know is there just for us, and that time and time again we search for, rather than just being content that they will find us again.

Your burden: You had power at your fingertips and could make people stop and stare when you spoke. This feels like the kind of power that only true confidence could give. Your words were full of wisdom and listened to and this may mean that now you feel that you are being overlooked and not given enough respect that you so rightly deserve. We have to remember that every life is different and that in this incarnation we have different goals and different strengths and weaknesses to absolve and recreate.

Your fear: You were fearless, partly because of your strength but also because even in this past life you knew that there was more, you looked up at the stars and wondered what there was for you. You did not have very close friends, you always felt that they would betray you and not actually understand your ways. You would stand your ground and feel uplifted and mesmerised by the sky above you, taking  its energy in and enjoying it and ignoring everyone else and their thoughts. this may have come through to now in a feeling or impetuousness, you sometimes stop thinking and just act from instinct.

Your baggage: You know that there is something buried deep down inside your memories but you cannot find it or touch it at all. As if a tiny acorn was planted thousands of years ago and slowly it is growing and gaining strength.  You are still very spiritual and know things, you may think of this as hunches or feelings and it is something that has always been with you.

You sometimes feel unsure and unsettled and this may show as a weakness or butterflies in the stomach type thing. This can be improved by connecting yourself to the energy source that you believe in grounding and centering yourself so that you are in touch with universal energy and then can take in refreshing new energy so that you balance the whole of your body through the chakras one by one. Start with the feet and then the base chakra and draw in energy up through them all. This will help to renew your feelings too :)

I hope that this give a glimpse of things and if you have any questions please let me know.

Cassie x

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Post by Reiki4U » Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:28 pm

Thanks much Cascade. You are wonderful. :):) I was able to understand and the "Your Burden" section was perfectly correct.
I fear much of darkness,ghosts and afraid to even stay alone at home. Is there a reason for this?

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Post by Cascade of Light » Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:21 pm

Reiki4U wrote:Thanks much Cascade. You are wonderful. :):) I was able to understand and the "Your Burden" section was perfectly correct.
I fear much of darkness,ghosts and afraid to even stay alone at home. Is there a reason for this?

Awww thank-you, that is so kind of you, I am so glad you could take the reading.

I tried to re-connect but I found that I was given a different picture. I saw a very dark cave with a naked person crouched down inside covering their head, outside the cave was brilliant sunshine. I wonder if your fear is connected to another time or infact a time in this life? I think we all hold a fear of the unknown inside ourselves, ghosts, darkness and being alone can make these fears much worse. Reading the symbolism within the picture, the lack of clothes can indicate complete innocence and nothing to hide as well as vulnerability. But there is light just outside the cave so it is almost as if this is self driven. Maybe the lack of clothes means the person is hiding, blanking away from something outside the cave?

I am not sure of the meaning of this so you will have to help me here. But I do feel that your present fears are not actually connected to any past incident, more that they are driven by the normal fears that can grow during our childhood? It is perfectly normal to fear these things, it is how we cope and control ourselves that is the crucial part though :)

How do you manage?


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Post by Reiki4U » Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:47 pm

Thanks Cascade,:) I really donno how to manage or how i am managing. I feel I am dependent on somebody always. I feel lost. my mind goes blank sometimes.
There have been many abuses through my childhood and that may be the reason also,I dont know.I want to come out of this, be bold, live with respect.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:42 pm

Dear Reiki4U,

First a {{{{{{hug}}}}}}  It is always difficult when we have had an unhappy childhood, memories linger and can grow into fears. Even after understanding the why, we may be still left with a fear, and that is when we need to find someone to talk to. It might just be a friend or it may be someone trained in this kind of thing, it all depends on what we feel comfortable with. If I can help you I will :)


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Post by Reiki4U » Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:03 pm

Dear Cascade, I would appreciate any kind of help from you. :)

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