Help! What Am Supposed to Do Now?

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Help! What Am Supposed to Do Now?

Post by mangosun » Fri May 07, 2010 2:27 pm

Hello everyone! Over the past few months, I have become aware of feeling concentrated energy in certain parts of my body when I have my hands on another person. At first, I only noticed it when touching my boyfriend and being able to then rub his back specifically where he was hurting the most. But then last night I laid my hands on my daughter and was just 'quiet' in my thoughts when I began to feel this same type energy across my hips. My daughter has had three hip surgeries. I could tell the difference between the two 'feelings' in my body--one with my boyfriend was concentrated and more intense. The feeling with my daughter was more dull, like it was an older pain, not a current one. So I began experimenting with this new sensation with my co-workers and I was able to feel with them the same sense of where their pain or discomfort was. The duller feelings I experienced were ones they described feeling pain at the beginning of the week.

So what is this? What do I do now? Any help and insight would be very much appreciated! Take care everyone!

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Post by Crow » Sun May 09, 2010 4:18 am


Sounds like empathy. Practicing with people helps. I also like working with nature, gems, and minerals.  As to what you can do with it, this I am still learning. :)  Some go on into medical professions, holistic healers, or councelors.  Because they have their empathy turned on and can sense where the problems lie.  And I say empathy turned on because I believe we are all empaths, just some still are dormate.

I find that weddings or other joyous occassions help with giving a possitive charge.  Sometimes it can become overwhelming to be an empath.  Learning to shut it down was the hardest thing for me. I used to get headaches if someone else had a head ache.  Just like you described having that sensation reguarding your daughter's hip.  You were picking up on that pain.

In these years I didn't know that it went both ways.  Took me a while to figure out that joy part. To feel bliss around certain company.  This too is empathy.

Practice, noticing those ques like you do, will help you strengthen your gift.  Take care!

Safe Journey

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sun May 09, 2010 12:45 pm

It sounds as tho you can be a gifted healer doing energy work.  Develop that talent, but caustion....ALWAYS remember to 'clear' yourself after doing healing energy work with people.   Find a way that works for you so that you feel cleansed.  Perhaps take  a big deep breath that  a wave of your hand over your own body while saying "Clear"..But do what feels natural to you.

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Great insight & advice!

Post by mangosun » Sun May 09, 2010 2:59 pm

Thank you both for your input! I am a very empathetic person and this energy flow is adding a new layer to it. I just heard from a friend that I did a feeling experiment on and I was amazed! She said yesterday her legs below the knee became extremely swollen, with the left leg being the worst. Well just the day before, on Friday,  I had felt her pain in my lower left leg. When I told her about the feeling in my leg, she said she wasn't hurting there. I thought I was wrong...guess u wasnt after all! I did feel another area of energy and that was in my throat. When I told her this, she said earlier in the week she had swollen glands in her neck and had begun taking antibiotic for it. This sensation I felt was that dull type again, not a sharp feeling like I felt in the legs. I do feel my energy leaving me when I do these practice sessions so I will concentrate on clearing myself in the future. Any other ideas or advice is appreciated and requested. Take care!

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sun May 09, 2010 3:11 pm

What you can do at this point while you are developing, is simple....When  you feel yourself focusing on a place of pain or discomfort in another....take whatever color comes first to your mind, and place it in a 'healing ball of color".  Then leave.  Clear yourself of the energy with whatever practice you've developed for clearing yourself. The point of all this is to do it quickly.  Don't dwell on it.  Dwelling is what makes you absorb their energy and get tired (feeling your energy leave).

As time goes on, you may be able to start focusing on what specific ailment it is, and come up with a further recommendation for healing, but for the beginning, keep it simple.  Don't 'fear' this...accept it, work with it, practice it, embrace it....and then you'll be able to move forward to the next step.

When the student is ready, the teacher will you will find the teacher or next step rather quickly after that.

Best of Luck.

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Post by mangosun » Mon May 10, 2010 3:48 am

Thank you for the healing ball of color and explanation as to why I feel drained. I will try this!

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Post by nighthawk » Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:56 am

Wonderful posts! Congratulations on starting on the path to be a healer! Most people that have this talent use their hands as their diagnostic tool. One hand to sense the illness or what I describe as the 'wrongness', and the other used to do the repairs. I am a nurse and I use my hands as well as my medical knowledge to help people. The previous posts are quite correct in that you must! clear out the negative or illness energy after your work. You will also find it best to 'ground' yourself before begining work of this nature, otherwise you will use up all of your own personal energy and can become seriously ill.
How do I ground myself? Be aware that the earth is made up of a vast amount of energy. The earth will not become drained if you use some of it, but you can use up your own energy and then be drained. Think of it like you are a battery and the earth is an electrical outlet. I can use my laptop all day when it's plugged in, but only a short while running on batteries. To plug yourself in, or ground, imagine your feet with spikes of golden light from the bottom of your feet connecting deep into the earth. Feel the energy from the earth reaching all the way up from the ground through the top of your head. Feel yourself bathed in the golden light, feel all the negative energy in you drain away from the top of your head through the bottom of your feet.  do this both before and after you use your diagnostic empathy.
This is only one method, there are many more. Use what works for you. the more you use your talent the better you will become with it. Also be aware that there are some things you cannot repair on your own. There is a place for modern medicine, but energy work can help it be more effective.

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Great Advice!

Post by mangosun » Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:11 am

Thanks Nighthawk!   You helped answer a nagging question that I wasn't able to formulate, that of the difference in my hands and the sensations of the two. It makes sense! When feeling the energy leaving my body, I usually feel it deep within my first chakra. Is this normal? Is this because I am not grounding myself and its my energy leaving me? Thank you everyone for your help.~jules

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Post by Kimmee » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:15 pm

I used to have the same experience very very often! I would just know when people around me were in pain but it was only ever the people I cared about and it was only ever when I was talking to them in some way. It was always eerily accurate for both me and the other person, but I couldn't get a handle on how much it hurt, only where and what type of pain.

What happened for me that made it stop happening was very disgraceful though... I starting having to take psychiatric medications and the pain predictions/locating stopped. I actually stopped feeling spiritual entirely for about 4 years. I didn't believe in spirits until gradually again recently, due to thought disorder problems. What I mean is I can't "feel" right.

There is just this weird sensation that you're connected with reality and you can tell what's happening around you, can you know what I mean? You just sense what is happening. It started for me with Tarot reading and then I was apparently scrying in some form with the cards. Then I could pinpoint physical pain with a sort of somatic sensation that was ACCURATE.

Somatic hallucination was what someone called it for me, it's a sensation the mind creates in the body when you're aware of something that others can not perceive. Or they are perceiving, but you're communicating it in a different way. It's really rare gift, but the medications I'm taking right now block that ability/sensation for the most part.

When I feel connected to another person or force it's like a falling sensation in my body through my arms and down my torso that lifts when I breathe but it's barely noticeable... It's like you know you're there. I can't feel it anymore EVER though. Have you ever felt a sort of free-falling sensation very slightly on your body? Or maybe like, when you're first waking up in the morning?

Once I was having trouble with breathing when I was waking up in the morning and it always felt like I was freefalling and that's when it started to last all the time, for that time. I can't explain. I think it is something you can reproduce with drugs but it wouldn't be the same as a natural gift, like the indigo children. (I think I'm a lavender though).

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Post by symulhaque » Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:13 pm

Thank you for your information.

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