what was your first incarnation?

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what was your first incarnation?

Post by Lorina » Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:25 am

my first life on this world was a sabertooth lion.
my life was pretty normal as lives go until I broke off one of my sabers in the shoulder blade of a prehistoric bison.
the pain was excruciating and I waned in health till out of desperation I saw a mammoth stuck in a tar pit.
I took the opportunity and jumped on the back of the mammoth.
it was then I realized my horrible mistake.
because the animal sank and I could not get back to dry ground.
as I sucumbed to the fumes of the tar and I thought, this is what I get for being a lazy cat!!!
I swore in my lions heart I would never be so stupid and lazy again.
my next life I came back as a proto-human.
it seems when an animal realizes sin and the result of that sin in a real way they cease being part of the group soul and become human or something close to it.
do any of you remember what caused you to become an individual rather than a member of a group?

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Post by Cascade of Light » Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:25 pm


I found it very interesting that you think your first life was of an animal? I have never come across anyone who has thought that before, how were you regressed? What method did you use?


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Post by Lorina » Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:37 pm

I saw myself in a museum.
I remembered the pain of that broken sabre in my mouth.
I recalled the feeling when I leaped on that dumb mammoth thinking I had an easy meal, only to discover that my laziness and opportunism had just lost me my life.
In my kitty cat's brain I swore I would never let myself be taken in by my own laziness and someone elses misfortune again.
I just know who and what I was and when I was.
I know myself when I see myself no matter what I have ever been, and I have been many things human and otherwise.
the bones no matter how old and petrified remember's and so do I.
the things I learned from all those many ways of being I cannot forget they have made me who and what I am.
I guess you could say I am that which remember's because that is the name they call me from so very long ago. seems like yesterday sometimes and I promise each existence that for me they did not live in vain.
thank you for asking.

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:06 am

My first incarnation ever was as some alien worm creature 6 million years ago. MY first life on Earth was as an alien scientist marooned here in 31,000BC. My first human incarnation was as part of a really primitive tribe in Africa 20,000 years ago. I died pretty young of malnutrition. The tribe lived in mud and ate bugs.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:12 am

Lorina wrote:I saw myself in a museum.
I remembered the pain of that broken sabre in my mouth.
I recalled the feeling when I leaped on that dumb mammoth thinking I had an easy meal, only to discover that my laziness and opportunism had just lost me my life.
In my kitty cat's brain I swore I would never let myself be taken in by my own laziness and someone elses misfortune again.
I just know who and what I was and when I was.
I know myself when I see myself no matter what I have ever been, and I have been many things human and otherwise.
the bones no matter how old and petrified remember's and so do I.
the things I learned from all those many ways of being I cannot forget they have made me who and what I am.
I guess you could say I am that which remember's because that is the name they call me from so very long ago. seems like yesterday sometimes and I promise each existence that for me they did not live in vain.
thank you for asking.
Lorina, thanks, but it sounds to me like you are a psychic-empath and you are picking up on the mammoth's last thoughts and feelings they were not your own though.


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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:13 am

Zetascair20086 wrote:My first incarnation ever was as some alien worm creature 6 million years ago. MY first life on Earth was as an alien scientist marooned here in 31,000BC. My first human incarnation was as part of a really primitive tribe in Africa 20,000 years ago. I died pretty young of malnutrition. The tribe lived in mud and ate bugs.
Did you meet Dr who then?

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Post by Lorina » Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:28 pm

Hmmmm, thanks cassie.
what do you think I was I know I am well over a billion years earth time old.
the mamoth was stupid for getting stuck in a tar pit and I the sabretooth was an idiot for not taking better stock of the situation.
like menacing the mammoth to see what it did and figuring out it was too dangerous and go and find less dangerous prey like a bison or antelope or something.
I really believe I was a sabretooth cat they have my bones displayed in the smithsonian.
but any way thank you for answering.
by the way what was your first incarnation?

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:35 pm

Over a billion years old? What makes you think that really? Have you looked at the physical timelines of evolution?

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Post by Lorina » Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:39 pm

well maybe I was a microbe that landed here on a comet or asteroid.
or maybe I was one of the entities watching this world as it came to be.
did you know that all life is written in water? its also written in everything else.
of course you know that life loves diversity and complexity even in the simplest little things.
the smallest crystals are alive with something.
scientist call it elecricity and gravity and they are not entirely sure what those things are except a charge. (a charge of the light brigade if you ask me) gravity cannot attract unless it is a charge also.
so what do you think? could you have ever been a fire algae or a beautiful crystalline shelled bacteria that lives inside of stars? they know about those things too. they just dont like to talk about it because it makes them nervous that some form of life out there is tough enough to live inside a star.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:58 am

I think that if one delves into the realms of fantasy and considers for one second a soul living in side a microbe billions of years again, then are we not all animals that are killing, no destroying and eating our brethren everyday and trampling them underfoot?  For me the spirit begins in the body.

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Post by Lorina » Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:15 pm

for me the spirit begins in the particles and the atoms.
for me it would be silly to believe that just because I step on one doesnt mean I have not been stepped on, and considered it a part of life and or an act of god/ truth for such to do so.
I also feel it is silly to feel bad that just because I kill other beings to live doesnt mean they have not or cannot do the same to me.
nor do I consider it offensive for any of us (myself, people, plants, animals, minerals, virus or bacterias) to do so in the process of living and dying.
I do not hold nescessity of action as a sin.
intention is the real sin.
it is natural to live and die of whatever being or stripe of survival.
survival is forgiven, lust, greed, anger, envy, jealousy, spite and vengefulness to name a few sins are not forgiven without repentence.
mankind on this planet right now are the only beings who do things for those negative reasons.
I just know inside myself that consciousness is infinite in both directions micro and macro and bigger doesnt nescessarily mean better, brighter or smarter. its just bigger.

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Post by ThePilgrim » Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:17 pm

Zetascair20086 wrote:My first incarnation ever was as some alien worm creature 6 million years ago. MY first life on Earth was as an alien scientist marooned here in 31,000BC. My first human incarnation was as part of a really primitive tribe in Africa 20,000 years ago. I died pretty young of malnutrition. The tribe lived in mud and ate bugs.

Was it posted for fun or is it really possible to regress so deep and get so much information?

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:58 am

It's no harder to regress to a life thousands of years ago than it is to one hundreds of years ago. The only difference is that the further back you go the more remote the lives seem from the present. To regress to those lives I simply had the target of the regressions be-my first life on Earth, my first human life and my first life altogether. I also felt under regression however that all time is basically simulteneous so first and last are relative. I've seen possible future lives as well as the future of my present life. In some cases what I saw came true.

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Post by Lorina » Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:53 pm

yes, I agree with you zeta, finally someone else who knows that all life is sentient even the atoms themselves react to observation. scientists have proved that under lab conditions as well as the fact that god and nature hate emptiness and vacuums. infinity goes in both directions you know so it is absolutely possible to reach that tiny place of being with a little directed consciousness and an open mind. now the $64 dollar question. can you figure or find out what happened to move you from one level of being to another? in my experience it is usually realizing that you lack in ethics or the microbe you were gains some small insight into its own nature. usually I have realized conscience at some level that moves me to the next evolutionary plane of reality. like, that was a stupid thing to do, or why did I do that? sometimes it even happens because hard wired instinct says do this and I choose the opposite action because something else attracted me. like how plants were able to move from the sea to the land. the first land plant was a form of club moss created when a single celled critter called an amoeba joined forces with blue green algae. strange bedfellows often create hybrids that move life to its next evolutionary stage.

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:31 am

I believe we just move endlessly from one state to another-from life to death, to between life states and back to life again. All states are temporary and everything is constantly changing. Once one state is attained it's not forever but eternally subject to change.

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