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Post by kirby! » Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:33 am

From what i've gathered and can see in my own life with rahu and ketu is that it is where we need balance, is this correct? Ketu being the qualities we leaned to most and rahu the least.

so trying to get and even keel would be the goal or is rahu suppose to be where one should direct their energy and leave ketu's attributes behind completely.

rahu and ketu are very fascinating to me, so really any information is appreciated.

thank you.

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Post by projenator » Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:09 am

A pretty esoteric concept I will have to say. Simplistic answers can be found everywhere and I can give you one here as well but I am not going to do so since it is important to understand this in depth. The positioning of Ra/Ke in the chart gives the areas of life where there is lack of balance for e.g a native with rahu in tenth and correspondingly ketu in fourth will have an insatiable appetite for professional status but will pay less attention to roots, other fourth house matters etc. Fourth house matters can be compared to the root of the tree, so unless you have strong roots or foundation, you are not going too far. Lot of such natives have nothing to fall back on once they fail in their professional life leading to psychiatric issues etc. The entire natural zodiac or kala chakra if you will is designed in a way so fascinating that it drives home the point life is all about balance. I would suggest googling and reading as much as possible. If you are still not satisfied, there are entire books just on this which you can buy and read.

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Post by kandhan.t » Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:41 am

respected projenator

could you suggest some books that you have found useful on this topic?

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Post by projenator » Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:50 am

kandhan.t wrote:respected projenator

could you suggest some books that you have found useful on this topic?
You might want to try the one by Prash Trivedi.


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Post by prasanna » Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:52 am

Kindly go thru this link to know about Rahu please.


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Post by prasanna » Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:39 pm

asro wrote:To all the learners

First and foremost i shall like to make it clear that this article is NOT composed by me , but i am just pasting it here for the benefit of us- The Learners.

Unfortunately i have misplaced the authors  name .. but all credits to him for his work n wonderful info...

Details of Rahu in Cancer (Kark) and Ketu in Capricorn (Makar) :---->

Rahu is favorably situated in the Moon’s domicile. It brings light in the darkness which may surround the native, helps him to see clearly into his affairs, and to act judiciously without hesitating. If inimical people (or events) encompass him, he will soon discover their weak point, and thus conquer them. The position is a lucky one. It gives the opportunity of extricating oneself from trouble and of overcoming difficulties through one’s own good management. It is a sure protection, and a promise of progress without strife or violence.

Ketu in Capricorn is a very evil position. It brings with it sorrow, and a tendency to neurasthenia, which it is difficult to overcome. It gives the native a character or disposition which is subject to constant changes; it is also a sign of disappointment in love through the native’s own fault, as he has not the gift of attracting love. It is not always detrimental to the worldly position, but the native will not know how to enjoy life; he is ever seeking trouble, and this does not help to create a cheerful atmosphere for those who come into contact with him.

Rahu in Cancer gives domesticity and a mothering nature. Integration comes through furthering these qualities. Great sensitivity toward the suffering of others. Homekeeping would be an integrating force in the life.

Ketu in Capricorn would show past habits of selfish ambition and a desire for power for self and to dominate over others. This tendency would have to be faced and overcome.

Here the soul enters the current life with much inner pride. The individual finds it difficult to understand why others do not show him the strong respect he has been accustomed to in past incarnations. As a result, prestige and the pursuit of dignity continue to be the motivators of all actions.

Some with these Nodes will even marry to achieve the social status of the subconscious Capricorn memory.

In past incarnations this soul worked hard for recognition. Without losing self-respect, he would have been the original ham, going far out of his way to attract attention. At times this would even mean imposing undue punishment upon himself if he knew others were observing. Now he would like the world to know how burdened he has been so that others can see him as a martyr.

He continues to make his work harder than it actually is, never seeming quite able to finish meeting his current life responsibilities and obligations.

Since he is always living in the past, he has a habit of bringing the consciousness of all his past burdens with him into the present. This makes his present life much heavier than it need be.

The one thing he has not yet learned to tolerate is failure in himself. He is well-practised at actually making himself physically or emotionally ill in order to avoid coping with situations in which he expects to feel inadequate.

He sees the world through an attitude of self-righteousness, whereby the actions of others are rarely condoned but often condemned. He keeps this to himself, however, for it would damage his sense of personal esteem should others know that he has been fitting them into his secretly devised caste system.

In prior lives he was highly opinionated and strongly resistant to taking advice that would affect him personally. Now he still believs that one’s personal life is strictly a private matter. Consequently, around all things which relate directly to himself, he builds the ‘Wall of China’. It would be futile for anyone to try ot break in, for at the slightest personal criticism, he starts adding more bricks to the wall.

Lifetimes of materialism make him an opportunist, placing himself wherever there is something to be gained. At the same time, he is ‘penny-wise and pound-foolish’, for he is known to be stingy in the midst of emotional bursts of extravagance.

When he sees advantage, he will turn cold and calculating so that no weakness within himself will prevent the attainment of a goal on which he has his sights. He will turn weakness in others to his own advantage. Wherever there are loopholes in the law, he can find ways to squeeze through. So intent is he on managing all he sees around him that his entire current life becomes a personal crusade to prove his worthy capabilities.

In past incarnations, his soul learned the art of accomplishment. In order to do this, there was little regard developed for others. Now through the Cancer Rahu, he must learn how to give nourishment as well as receive it. Many with these Nodes experience strong family burdens so that they may come to know the emotional needs of others.

Sexually, the soul is learning how to take on the feminine role in this life. The karmic transition is from coldness to warmth - from age to youth. Many with these Nodes appear to grow younger as each year in their lives passes.

Rigid Capricorn attitudes are dropped one by one. The individual finds new security in relating his emotions more honestly. In this life, he must learn how to apologize sincerely when he is wrong, as well as not to seek advantage over others when he is right. Eventually he will see that all of his depressions, fears and worries are no more than part of a self-created martyr complex which bears little relation to current life circumstances.

He must slowly learn how to divorce himself from an insatiable need to manage everything around him.

In this life, he will go through a chain of experiences which will slowly open up his Cancerian sensitivities. Eventually, he will start to value nature more than money, emotion more than power, and new growth rather than the collecting of dead wood! When the changes start to occur, he will be brought out of the cold of winter into the bright sunlight of early summer. But he must develop a totally new emotional response pattern if he is to adjust to the new direction in which his soul is destined to go.

His highest achievement in this life is nourishing others. To reach this, he must do much work on himself, until he becomes a natural cornucopia of spiritual food to those who are hungry. The more he is able to fill people, the more happiness he will feel himself. He should see that God also favors those who stand out and wait, and that His highest blessing is especially reserved for those who seek nothing for themselves but to be available as His constant servant. In past lives, this soul was able to benefit greatly by receiving. Now, he is here to give.

The house which contains the Ketu shows the area in life in which the bowl of abundance is overfull. The house which contains the Rahu symbolizes the empty bowls of others waiting for food.

Previous incarnation for this person was spent in many difficult and confining situations. Life at that point really did not have sufficient domestication; or he lacked stability at home. in this lifetime, his ideals and energies converge to establish a solid home base. Enjoyment from being the key family person is significant for him in this life. The ability to deal with sensitivity and emotionalism is noticed. He has a lot of imagination that is properly used towards creativity. In his previous life, he did neglect responsibility of older folks. Now he is extra-cautious in this life not to do the same. Thus, family cohesion is important for him. He may show a colder exterior, but you can get to him through proper emotionalism.

You need to develop your domestic and nurturing abilities. Your Capricorn Ketu replies: ‘Yeah, but I can’t take time out from my career’.

Your problem is that you tend to try to fulfill your need for public acclaim without relating it to your inner needs.

Possible reasons for this problem include: that you have developed your logic at the expense of your emotions; that you lacked sympathy, nurturing or material security as a child, or had these things taken away from you at a crucial time in your life; that an ingrained philosophy of ‘look out for yourself first’ has encouraged a misguided sort of selfishness; that lack of recognition as a child has led to an ‘I’ll show them’ attitude’; or an overpowering need to dominate at all costs.

Possible solutions include learning to view your emotional needs as keys to increased self-esteem; learning to adapt your wants to your needs; having a nervous breakdown; developing an ulcer; and blaming your parents for your hang-ups.

Cancer Rahu seems to often coincide with institutionalization in childhood. Sometimes this means an orphanage or hospital has played a major role in the development. Other times it indicates a long stint in a boarding school. Sometimes there’s a very regimented home life for one reson or another. Or the parents have been cold and strict. Occasionally the Cancer Rahur has had uncaring or unfit parents, and consequently became a ward of the court. But more often the parents were merely more concerned with the Cancer Rahu as a status symbol than as an emotional being. Usually the parents were very judgmental and placed a heavy emphasis on doing the right thing in terms of living up to other people’s expectations. Thus the Cancer Rahu is conditioned to view the game of life materially. But regardless of his or her successes or failures, he or she often feels a great sense of something missing until the Cancer potential for emotional self-preservation and caring is tapped.

Signs of an over-developed Capricorn Ketu include: dislike of domesticity; a stubbornly narrow outlook; self-consciousness; prudishness; unapproachability; a tendency to constantly test others in some way; nervousness; dislike of new or different ideas; a desire for respect and honor at any cost; and a tendency to curry favors or social-climb.

Rahu in Cancer consciously or subconsciously feels that his or her strong emotions will act as a deterrent to his or her happiness, so a primary dream theme involves keeping emotions under control or else finding someone who will appreciate his or her emotionality so that it will no longer be a threat. He or she wants to be attached to someone else who will offer protection from the cold, cruel world and guarantee a measure of emotional security. This person generally represses emotions. He or she is often confused about his or her feelings and finds it difficult to relate to others an an emotional level. Sometimes the tendency to fear emotions comes out as a cynical or pessimistic streak designed to camouflage the person’s vulnerability.

Antidotes for Cancer imbalance: If career advice is sought, the client should be steered into a nurturing profession. Nursing, acting, dressmaking, pilot or stewardess, gynecology or child care would be logical choices if other areas of the chart are in agreement. Creativity should be channeled. Painting, interior decorating, weaving, and poetry-writing are particularly recommended. In cases where the Rahu has been repressed to the point of blockage, psychodrama could prove helpful. If the client has adequate understanding of astrology, a dramatization of the nodal dialogues (or the troublesome nodal configuration) could be beneficial, provided you feel comfortable about this technique yourself.

A thorough health check-up should be advised if the client complains of lethargy or any other physical symptoms, since health problems seem to be slightly more frequent than normal with these placings. Both reading and writing can be beneficial antidotes. The Cancer need to protect and nurture must be satisfied. Housekeeping can often prove to be an effective antidote, as can anything connected with land maintenance. History and genealogy often satisfy the Rahu’s need to preserve and protect. On another level, swimming, calisthenics, or yoga could appeal by giving the client a feeling of doing something beneficial in terms of self-preservation.

The more rigid Capricorn influence may shape your personality, especially expectations of respect from others which come from inwardly hidden feelings of self-importance and superiority. Your sense of identity is connected to social relationships, feelings of personal prestige, and attitudes and actions shaped by hopes of achieving higher social status - a need that may determine choices. Your acquaintances and relationships are similarly influenced by needs for social status.

It is the social ‘image and face’ that must be upheld. Any public loss of dignity or self-respect would be extremely traumatic. In several ways, you hide personal insecurity, relying on others to define your identity. This personality dependency is often fragile; and your self-image is shaped by reflections from others rather than from an inner strength. Remove the attention and respect of others, and you may rapidly deflate. You like to feel wanted and important, and may assume responsibilities that are too great and then stagger under the weight of this self-imposed burden, becoming a martyr and expecting both admiration and sympathy from others.

You see failure as anathema, and hate to admit any personal shortcomings, as this diminishes self-respect. Intolerance of failure affects the rest of your attitudes; and your standards may lack an understanding of fallible human nature, even though you may not always attain those standards yourself.

You try to avoid situations where failure may occur or inadequacy may be exposed, even to the point of experiencing psychosomatic illness when inner stress and outer pressures accumulate. You prefer to control life and those around you; and this can cause family tension whenever it becomes oppressive.

Your worldview tends to be fixed and preconceived; you evaluate others through self-imposed filters of social opinion, attitudes, beliefs, values, and standards. Many fail to match your purist and self-righteous ideals, which perhaps secretly pleases and satisfies your superiority attitude.

The question is: Does this life perspective fulfill you? Or is it a struggle to maintain a protective barrier that supports a less self-assured personality? You dislike anyone probing your persona life beyond established boundaries, and become highly sensitive to any criticism, often withdrawing into your armored ‘shell’, evading open and honest confrontation. Do those barriers really help, or do they actually imprison you, restricting life enjoyment within rigid personality structures that you have raised?

The Cancer Rahu indicates a way out of the impasse. Attitudes of superiority always result in diminishing contact with life, restricting relationships and often ending in distorted self-images and exaggerated personal importance - the delusions of an inflated ego, especially if power over others has been achieved. These self-imposed barriers between yourself and others need relaxing. Learn how to give more; acknowledge the needs of others instead of just taking their approval and admiration.

The more emotionally sensitive aspects of your nature need fuller expression. Be more receptive, value relationship and communication, and feel compassionate to the struggles of humanity instead of ignoring this as weakness. Once you can accept and express emotions more easily and honestly, personal integration can occur, and the rigidity of misapplied Capricorn can dissolve. Admitting that even you can be wrong sometimes is progress. You need emotion to transform and heal; and life would then become more enriched and relaxed, free from needing to control, manage, and manipulate obsessively. If you can make this change, great benefits become available, and with them the opportunity for a more satisfying life.

Manifestation processes come to the fore again in the cardinal sign Cancer. In its manifestation, Cancer is oriented toward the collective as a whole. The native wants access to a home or ‘nest’. He or she needs to be part of a family, and hates to be alone. Group membership gives a sense of protection and warmth. If the Node is in Cancer, the individual should try to join in. Very often, a Node with this placement occurs in strong-minded individuals who are much inclined to do their own thing and withdraw from the crowd. In the extreme case, they live like hermits because they believe they are better or more exalted than others.

The Node in a collective sign indicates that one should become involved in a collective, in order to feel part of a family, group, local community, or nation, or the whole human race. The native could become the center of a hive perhaps. For his, a measure of industry and activity is required - as befits a cardinal sign. People with the Node in cancer cannot laze about and do nothing; they must become involved in the creation of a collective relationship for their own benefit, and preferably for the benefit of others also.

The easiest way for them to do this is to found a family. With the Node in Cancer, it is important to be able to achieve emotional harmony with those around. Any tendency toward solitude and isolation opposes this placement of the Node. The emotional experience of community and belonging has a big role to play here.


I hope so this article helps to understand how the rahu-ketu partnership works..  :smt020  

also we can apply the same *concept* to understand the R-K nature in other signs ........ :smt002



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Post by kirby! » Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:24 am

thank you all so much for your input.

I do have another question about this subject:

so, if rahu and ketu, being placements we must learn to balance, would the houses square to it (4 houses down) be the means to help balance it e.g. I have rahu in pisces/ketu in virgo, so would looking to the house 4 down(taurus/sagg) be helpful in finding the balance needed to level rahu and ketu?

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Post by prasanna » Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:06 am

The Nodes in Vedic Astrology?
By Veno Kohring

Website: www.VenoAstrology.com

Where we find Rahu in the chart is the new lesson for this lifetime, but Rahu is the planet of great obsession, too, so the lesson itself can become an obsession and keep us in the clutches of maya.

Where we find Ketu is the tool to help us learn the new Rahu lesson in life. This tool might happen through both negative or positive experiences. Ketu is also the answer to our moksha or spiritual liberation. So, we should use this tool to move forward on the spiritual ascending path. Sometimes Ketu can cause stagnation because we tend to identify ourselves with it too much, rather than venturing into our Rahu lesson.

Rahu in 1st, Ketu in 7th...Rahu in Aries, Ketu in Libra

We have to learn about ourselves, how to put ourselves first. Our relationships lead us to this lesson. It is how we relate to others that we can grow on the spiritual path.

Rahu in 2nd, Ketu in 8th... Rahu in Taurus, Ketu in Scorpio

We have to learn to nourish, the nourishment we receive from others shows us what, who and how to nourish. We have to build, rather than destroy, but we should know when and how to change, that will move us forward on our spiritual journey.

Rahu in 3rd, Ketu in 9th ... Rahu in Gemini, Ketu in Sagittarius

We have to learn to take action, to take the lead. Luck, opportunity and guidance push us on this path. But we should act on the right opportunitie; this is what leads to spiritual growth.

Rahu in 4th, Ketu in 10th... Rahu in Cancer, Ketu in Capricorn

We need to find happiness within. How we present ourselves to the outer world and how we are received by the world impacts our happiness. We must present ourselves in the right way in order to be happy within.

Rahu in 5th, Ketu in 11th ... Rahu in Leo, Ketu in Aquarius

We need to create and love. Our goals and friendships lead us to our creative power and lessons in love. We need to align our goals so that our creativity and capacity for love shines forth.

Rahu in 6th, Ketu in 12th ... Rahu in Virgo, Ketu in Pisces

We must help, fight, work hard. Having adequate rest, spiritual awareness, and a sacrificing spirit enables us to be helpful to others, to fight for right things, to work towards that which is going to liberate us.

Rahu in 7th, Ketu in 1st... Rahu in Libra, Ketu in Aries

We must relate to others. Understanding ourselves helps us relate to others better. Self understanding is our spiritual power.

Rahu in 8th, Ketu in 2nd..... Rahu in Scorpio, Ketu in Taurus

We must receive from others and destroy things that have outlived their usefulness. By feeding the right thing, we allow ourselves to receive and know when to move on.

Rahu in 9th, Ketu in 3rd.... Rahu in Sagittarius, Ketu in Gemini

We must believe, follow guidance and teach others. Our actions and initiative are tools to help us learn and trust in the right way.

Rahu in 10th, Ketu in 4th.... Rahu in Capricorn, Ketu in Cancer

We must present ourselves and impact the world. Our inner stability helps us to brave the world. It is our inner power that gives us our outer shine and usefulness.

Rahu in 11th, Ketu in 5th... Rahu in Aquarius, Ketu in Leo

We must circulate among others and learn to aspire. Our intelligence, creativity and love enables us attract the people who benefit us the most and give rise to right goals.

Rahu in 12th, Ketu in 6th Rahu in Pisces, Ketu in Virgo

We must surrender, rest, and sacrifice. Our hard work, helpful and fighting spirit brings us to the place of spiritual awareness and dependence on the unknown. It is only from there that our helpfulness becomes divine service.

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Post by projenator » Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:34 am

Prasanna aunty,
                         Very good article ! Now you have to tell me what will happen when rahu is in first house in libra ?


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Post by govardhanvt » Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:17 am

Thomas Alva Edison and Abraham Lincoln have Libra Rahu and Aries ketu

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Post by govardhanvt » Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:29 am

Rahu's Libran impulses, in the present life the native is usually seen trying to devlop the signification of the sign of Libra- balance harmony, sociability, jusitce, relationships , partnership etc. Thus the present life can be seen as a bit of a rest after the martian struggles of the Past life.

With this placement the native basically learns to achieve a balance between self sufficiency and dependence upon others. The native doesnot take long to lose their head over trifles

Though the placement of ketu in aries is good, if it happens to be 5th or 7th or 9th house , would certainly destroy the signifaction of that house. Presence of Ketu in 9th particularly when it is aries, make the native to believe and get more attached to  psuedo God men than the real God. It should not be construed they do not believe in God. Ketu in Aries being a Mars sign , generally has an aversion and agression towards the opposite sex and if afflicted that too in particular by Mars, can make the native to kill or murder the spouse

Unafflicted ketu in Aries generally promotes rash qualities and  impulsive actions along with spiritual results

Uninfluence Rahu in the Libra by any aspect of anyother planets, that too in if it placed in 1st house generally gives a tendency to commit suicide

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Post by projenator » Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:21 pm

Post by prasanna aunty says and i quote below.

Rahu in 1st, Ketu in 7th...Rahu in Aries, Ketu in Libra

We have to learn about ourselves, how to put ourselves first. Our relationships lead us to this lesson. It is how we relate to others that we can grow on the spiritual path.

Rahu in Libra, Ketu in Aries

We must relate to others. Understanding ourselves helps us relate to others better. Self understanding is our spiritual power.

Therefore, I was curious what would happen if Rahu was in first house for Libra ascendant native rather than a generic Libra Rahu, Ketu aries ?

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Post by prasanna » Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:28 pm

Sacred Astrology

Thousands of Years Old Indian Vedic Astrology is Deeper than Human Imagination. Here an attempt has been made to bring out some of its salient features for those Interested souls. For Detailed Analysis, Predictions and Remedies you can contact the Author.

About author:


   I am a keen student of Indian Vedic Astrology, studying it since many years, as I firmly believe no human being can ever claim to have totally studied, understood & mastered vedic astrology, and hence a student.

View my complete profile: http://www.blogger.com/profile/14442433759448304165

Details of Rahu in  Libra (Tula) and Ketu in Aries (Mesh)

Rahu in Libra is a sign of balance and harmony in the native’s life as a whole. It also gives stability in regard to the affections; the gratification of noble desires is shown in all things. The native has a fine intellect as well as great courage. Progress will be rapid; and wealth as well as honor will be acquired. Rahu in Libra is favourable for the children and for the family ties.

Ketu in Aries is often a sign of lack of conscience, or, at all events, of inconsequence. The native acts too precipitately; what he has decided to do must be done forthwith, and this leads to want of due reflection, which is detrimental to his affairs. He may suffer material losses, or experience trouble in other directions, due to his lack of cautiousness. This position inclines to fits of anger, but also gives great physical courage; and if the horoscope generally is good, Ketu in Aries will not be so unfortunate.

Rahu in Libra implies spiritual integration which comes from moving from self to others; from personality levels to the soul levels. Emphasis should be on loving others and getting away from self-love.

Ketu in Aries means an over-assertion of self has been the problem in the past, and personality should become the servant of others in this lifetime.

This nodal position requires much learning about self-sacrifice and the needs of other people. All the lifetimes of work spent on building self-confidence and esteem must now be transferred to others. The Libra Rahu keeps the individual from adding to his sense of self-identity any further. He must guard against strong ego influencing his current life actions.

His long-standing me-first attitude now brings him sharp and painful experiences as he is learning the lessons of co-operation. He must slow down and make sure that all he works for is meaningful, in his marriage and close partnerships as well as all his relations with others. He has to learn to take the sharp edges out of his life and start to balance. While the center road seems less attractive to him, it is still the only path he can have towards happiness.

Ultimately he must learn the very subtle lesson that his strong pioneering individualism isn’t actually meant for himself at all, but rather to equip him better so that he can provide others with a more harmonious life. Many individuals with these Nodes have a tendency to be contrary. The experience of listening to other people is a new one which they find objectionable when they feel it hampers their forward motion.

In past incarnations, progress was all-important, and getting there first was part of the highly competitive Arien drive. This carries over into a definite closed-mindedness which the Libra Rahu will ultimately open, showing to the individual the other side of the coin which he had never before thought was important enough to recognize.

Selfishness and vanity of all sorts must be curbed unless the individual wishes to find himself alone. Usually he feels himself being driven towards something, yet he doesn’t understand what or why. Through the Libra Rahu, he is now to reconsider his goals and objectives so that his Arian energy is put to some useful purpose.

He changes his mind often; and allegiance to a single cause is not one of his finer attributes. Past incarnations have made him accustomed to a constant impatient restlessness that still has a tendency to keep him on the move. He knows that he is to give rather than to receive in the current life, yet he finds it difficult to cope with such karma with his full heart.

The Martian quality of the Ketu impatiently pushes him in new directions. Upon arrival at each destination, however, he finds the gossamer cloud of Libra in the middle of the seesaw, and is surprised to see that hte goal was not a goal at all, nor was the destination the end of the journey. Puzzled and confused, he sits in the middle, trying to evaluate the circumstances which he hopes will point the way towards his next successful drive. And yet each goal, each ambition, each sprint of running and striving brings him to Libra - the half-way point!

Finally, out os sheer exhaustion he makes the amazing realization that the second half of the journey involves other people. He is to learn the karmic lesson that he is not alone. Until he learns to share, something always comes up to put the brakes on his efforts. Eventually he is brought to the realization that winning or losing the game is much less important than the fairness with which it is played.

Many individuals with these Nodes are highly opinionated as a result of selfish or bigoted past-life attitudes. Now it is time for the shoe to be worn on the other foot. Much of the current life’s events are painful blows to the ego. The individual has to guard against becoming embittered as he sees many of his own wants and desires being taken away from him and given to others. At first his natural tendency is to be jealous. He wants to fight back for all those things he feels he has lost; yet the more he fights, the more he loses. Eventually, drained of much of hie inner resources, he must surrender his selfish ego and accept living in a world built on sharing.

Until he overcomes his Ketu, his biggest frustration is the witnessing of other people receiving all for which he himself had wished. He doesn’t quite yet undersand how this works, and is puzzled at why all the things he has ever wanted are coming to people around him and yet not to himself. He hardly realizes that all his desires, wants and wishes are actually designed for others.

He is mentally energizing the wishes of people around him so that he can ultimately be an instrument for their fulfillment. In actuality, he is earning himself a new place in the world by living through the karma of selflessness. Still, the insistent urges of the Ketu keep pulling him backwards, often making him feel that this is a lesson he would rather not yet learn.

He must try to resist past-life tendencies to make waves, for he is now capable of witnessing disharmonies between people without taking sides. Often he is thrown into the position of referee, whereby in helping others to become more objective, he in fact helps himself. The more he can get others to co-operate, the more he can learn to do it himself.

Underneath all the hustle and bustle, this individual is learning to see hte consequences ofhis actions before taking them. In effect, he must learn to look before he leaps!

For many with this Nodal position, there is a deep-seated anger coming out of past-life memories of frustrations which block the self-expression.

In this life, th ere is usually a very pleasing physical appearance, which is part of the karmic lesson in vanity that the Aries Ketu is here to overcome. Any narcissistic residue also causes difficulty in marriage as this is the battleground where the war between love of another and needs of the self must be fought.

The balance between Aries / Mars and Libra / Venus is a difficult one to achieve. The Aries Ketu constantly seeks to assert its needs, while the Libra Rahu needs nothing for itself but to love others, regardless of their demands. This individual can feel love for others best only after his own needs are fulfilled.

Until the desires of past incarnations are left behind, the incessant pulling of his subconscious demands continues to be so strong that he has a tendency to drain energy from other people, actually putting them to sleep. In effect, he is a walking anaesthetic, constantly wondering why people avoid talking with him for more than a few minutes. He would like to talk for hours, if only to continue the focus of attention on himself. But in his private moments, he is deeply saddened by a sense of loneliness and the knowledge that his relationships with others are so far short of what he would like them to be.

There is nothing subtle about this Nodal polarity. Happiness comes only after he is forced to re-evaluate his desires and truly discovers that they involve other people. The ego-self must be abandoned, and with it a heightened sensitivity to the needs of others acquired.

The Libra Rahu is one of the most difficult to achieve because the Aries sel-flove looms as such a large hurdle to overcome. Still, the individual must overcome if there is to be a new cycle for him; and he will find the key to this new cycle as he begins to reflect back upon himself through the eyes of others.

The house position of the Ketu indicates the area where insatiable desires of past incarnations are still demanding priority. The house position of the Rahu shows how fulfillment can be reached through self-sacrifices, co-operation and the expression of unselfish love to others.

You need to learn to co-operate and get along better with others. Your Aries Ketu may reply ‘Yeah, but they never want to go along with my plans’.

Your problems may include that you have an exaggerated need to prove yourself; that you tend to be uncomfortable; and that, because of your upbringing, you’ve come to place too high a value on assertiveness.

Possible solutions: Stabilize your relationships in terms of five and take. Learn to differentiate between caring and controlling. Learn to let others have a chance to decide for themselves. Stifle your need for others, and look out for yourself.

Ketu in Aries often complains of having been forced into something which has irrevocably fouled up his or her life. This could be a too-early marriage, a career, a specific mode of behavior, etc.. In any case, he or she, as a result of this experience, justifies his or her reluctance to co-operate in other areas. Aries Ketu generally hasn’t developed his or her ability to commit himself or herself in a long-term situation. He or she wants fast results. If these aren’t forthcoming, co-operation is curtailed. Aries Ketu is also generally unwilling to take responsibility for hte effects of his or her actions on other people. He or she is sometimes unwilling to share. The Aries Ketur generally wants exclusive rights to the things in which he or she is interested. He or she feels that future well-being depends on immediate gratification and success. However, goals can often be attained only when the Libra Rahu’s ability to co-operate is tapped and developed.

Signs of an over-balanced Aries Ketu are: high blood pressure; impulsiveness; hyperactivity; a cold, critical attitude towards others’ accomplishments; argumentativeness; a tendency to brag about accomplishments and be a poor loser; an insistence on leading; an unco-operative attitude; difficulty in finishing what he or she has started; and boredom or a short attention span.

Rahu in Libra dreams of happiness and harmony. He or she would like to be known as a very sociable person. Others play a very important role in this person’s dreams. In contrast, this is an enthusiastic, emotionally active person whose selfisheness may interfere with social interaction and harmony in general.

Antidotes for Libra imbalance: The client should be advised to get a complete beauty treatment, including new hair style, in preparation for devloping a new lifestyle. Even men can benefit from a new hairstyle. Likewise, shopping for a new wardrobe or new furnishings can be a beneficial antidote, as any purchase would tend to remind the client that a new lifestyle is beginning. For best results, color selection should be geared to the imbalance. Dancing is a good antidote. If the client has any physical symptoms, a medical check-up should be advised, since this is another one of the imbalances that’s most capable of triggering illness. Boating, cruises, and water sports can be helpful antidotes.

The client should be advised to consciously seek out activities that stress partnership and teamwork, rather than trying to do everything himself or herself.

If career advice is sought, the following could be recommended if other factors in the chart show aptitude: hairdresser or barber, artist, interior decorator, lawyer, stewardess or pilot.

Previous incarnation for this person was spent with a lot of physical actions, temper and aggression. He had, in that life, achieved and lost many things as he could not learn to understand the significance of balance. In this life time, he will definitely learn and be able to use the concept of balance as applied to ‘soul growth’. Everything he undertakes in this life will have a definite sense of justice, priority and deeper significance. His diplomatic talents are well worth noting in this life. He will achieve things without fighting for them; and often others will surrender to him just by his senses and magnetism. Utilization of mental energies is strongly noticed in this person in this life. Although he may not be after material success, he always manages to be plentiful in that respect.

You may have to learn about the value of relationship co-operation and how you can give to satisfy others’ needs. Be less self-preoccupied with your needs, and focus on how relationships can become more meaningful and harmonious through co-operation, rather than preserving selfish attitudes.

You can experience a competitive drive, but this powerful individualism and pioneering spirit is available not just to benefit you. It also enables you to give more to others. There is much in life waiting for you to recognize its presences; and you would benefit by taking time to listen to others who can reveal aspects of life that you had never previously registered or considered of any value.

It is futile driving yourself onward when you do not know why or what objective you seek. Perhaps stop and re-evalutate your distinction, then direct energy toward a definite purpose. You may feel restless and impatient, changing your mind less often and finding fewer difficulties being focused. You consider each new prospecive direction, but rarely know what you are looking for. Each direction you take may eventually seem unfulfilling - a cul-de-sac or a destination which allows little rest or permanence. What you may need to realize is that others are needed for you to complete your journey. Until you learn how to share and give, each aim achieved can only fail to satisfy, because it is not meant for you alone.

Indeed, you may pass through phases when it appears that life is against you, meeting many painful confrontations which chip away at your egocentric approach. It may appear that you fail to attain your desires, and it becomes frustrating to see others making successful progress. Even though you apply greater effort, your aims seem to move further away. Attitudes and values may need transforming, so that efforts are less directed toward yoru solitary benefit and more toward the benefit of others. Instead of feeling envious of a friend’s success, you should be pleased. Until you base your life on co-operative sharing - and, in a sense, turn it around - then your desires may remain frustrated. You will probably resist this lesson, but this would be your free choice, expressing your contrary nature. The eventual consequences would be self-created.

In social relationships, you often assume a role as ‘mediator’, and have to learn how to aid others to resolve problems without taking sides. In these experineces, you will discover co-operation and compromise; encourage this in relationships as an energy of goodwill and harmony.

Marriage can be a challenging experience - an ideal ‘school’ for vital insights and self-understanding. With both potential conflicts and opportunities for creative relations existing within the partnership, it can summarize your dilemma. You probably do know that your relationships could be more satisfying and meaningful, and you may recognize that intimacy does not just revolve around your needs alone. But your self-regard must expand to include others. Once you see that life could be much better by sharing and giving, your life can become a more peaceful and fulfilling one.

The cardinal Air sign, Libra, in contrast to Virgo, has a dynamic approach to the ‘You’. We are able to react positively to the environment and to do something about it. We need not feel uneasy at making certain demands of the environment, but first we should ask the world, just as Virgo asks the world: ‘What can I do for you?’ Then, on considering the reply, we can respond pleasantly. Our approach to society includes the attempt to come into harmony with it.

More especially, the native may wish to bring harmony to the world. Diplomacy can figure strongly in this placement of the Node - in the interests of concord of course. With hard aspects, various compromises may be made in order to come out on top and look good at the same time. In the extreme case, the native says something to one person while saying the exact opposite to someone else.

With the Libran Node, it is important to strike a balance between the ‘I’ and the ‘You’, to form a correct judgement, and to live in harmony with the world. For this, a measure of self-discipline is required. The emotions have to be held in check if one is to avoid being thrown off balance and being carried away by private feelings and opinions. This position of the Node places a restraint on idiosyncracy, excessive automony, and undue egocentricity.

http://sacred-astrology.blogspot.com/20 ... -ketu.html
Last edited by prasanna on Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by prasanna » Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:54 pm

Dear Proj,

Kindly go thru this article with care and guess yourself why I made two paras in bold letters , it is my answer to u .,  as I feel ,  U  are my son , and U call  me Aunty from past three years. How r u  doing now ? Do U remember ,  once I compared yourself with Sree  Vivekanada ? Still whenever I think of U , I get that figure only in my mind.  

"More especially, the native may wish to bring harmony to the world."

       Yes it is true in your case, as I know your mentality , and seeing your social thinking and your posts on USA in Vedic forum and few posts of u about arranged  marriages Vs Love marriages , (  in our board are  few  good  examples,) I can site ,  which aptly describes  your nature to the above mentioned line.

Lots of Love,
Prasanna Aunty .

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:51 pm


I was just wondering after reading the article relates to Sayan charts or Nirayan charts?

The material in the blogspot is a copy of some Western astrology literature, I think.   I wonder where I read it earlier?


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