Should i give up my stady and start studing Literature

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Should i give up my stady and start studing Literature

Post by belatrix » Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:06 pm

Hi. I am on my 3th year of study, and i am intrested of my study subject, but lately i feel so desperate and so lost there , that i cant go and ask myself did i choose a wrong profession. My first love actually was and still is a Literature, but i let it be only a hobby.Now i think that i made a mistake. My question is should i give up my stady and start studing Literature.I know that you think that this decision depends on me, and it probably will, but i wanted to know what is my, let just sey destiny, so i asked this question.I got this chart: Ascendant is in Gemini, and 9th house,home of studing is in Capricion. Mercury is in conjuction with Saturn in my 5th house(hobby) in Libra. Mercury is also 5th house ruler. Moon rules my 3th house and is in my 6th in conjuction with Venus in Scorpio. I dont know what this mean. Should Literature stay just a hobby, or be my profession?What do you think? Please help?
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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:50 pm

I shall in no way prevent you from any Horary Reading if anyone is willing to do it....but your request flabbergast me a bit...and I will give my view on take it or leave it basic.

You wonder if it is your destiny to study Literature.

It flabbergast me a bit how often such question occur, because if you think about it...if destiny is something firm....that is set..then this will happen whatever you do....if so...then why will the "destiny" change with what Reader you approach..and what time you ask the question.

The Destiny is in my way of belief much up to what you yourself create it to be.

It depends much on your abilities, it depend on your interest, it depend on who you interact with, it depend on who you get as teachers, it depend on your abilities to focus and work toward a goal...and so on....

So if a Reader tells you that your destiny is to be a Doctor, and you focus on this task, and have abilities inside this field, then you will become a doctor.

If another Reader tells you that you will become famous in Literature, and you have abilities inside this field, and put your focus on this task, then you will make your destiny as a  Liturgist (or whatever the word is :) )

If a third Reader told you that your destiny was to become President, and you had the abilities, and "the backup" from parties that would see you as such, together with the finances, you would become President...b

So Destiny...or Future is something we create as we go, and depend much on our goals and the work to see it through.

All Readings, included Horary, can give you suggestions....BUT only you can make them come true with your own work.

Back to your question.

You have study for 3 have now got a good view on what your education is about.....your question must this something I want to do for the rest of my this something that gives me pleasure beside the salary...or will I burn out?

If your question is negative....then end your are still have sure that the education you then start is something you really want to do....that you have abilities for it....that there is offered job for it in those places you want to live....if you do that...then I am sure you will succeed in whatever you choose to educate yourself in.

Good luck!

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Post by fensi88 » Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:52 pm

You are Me combust, that means right now you do not see clear situatuation, so it is better to not decide what to do right now.
It is very hard to analyse questions type as your question where you have to delinate one thing from other.. When you ask question, it is much easier to analyse when there is only one "thing". For example if your question would be " Should I quite my study?"  Or question type "should I study literature?"
Frawley said in question type as you ask current study will be ruler of 9H and 2nd study will be ruler of next sign in 9H, here it is for both Sa. So I really do not know how to answer. So think about what is much important to you and ask question only about that, for example :"Should I quite the study?" or "what job suite me most?"

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Post by Airgon » Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:43 pm

Rex Bills has for literature "Mercury, 3rd House, Gemini, (Venus, Jupiter )"

Mercury definately has my attention though as look at the question itself
which asks about a hobby - the 5th house ( this chart has Mercury, Sun
and Saturn disposed by Venus and Venus in the 6th )... Venus,
Moon and Mars are all in the 6th intercepted and Mars and Moon are
seperating from Venus.

If Mercury is the significator for Literature in this chart and its dispositor
has the Moon seperating and Mars seperating its as if the querant
knows the future ( with Venus in the 2nd house from the 5th ) that
Literature will be a hobby ( Mercury in the 5th house of hobbies )
for the immediate future.

Mercury has a seperating trine from the MC of open career,
Saturn rules the current studies ( capricorn on cusp of 9th )
and Mercury is seperating from Saturn indicating that there
is no literature for the immediate future in the studies.

Part of Fortune is in the 12 th house and its dispositor Venus is
intercepted in the 6th...  just another indicator that everything
is clouded as fensi says Mercury is combust and that things
are not clear... Moon being intercepted and applying to Mars will
certainly make the feelings confused.

Obviously a lot going on here in this chart emotionally speaking.
The only thing Mercury is applying to is Saturn ( ruler of the
ninth house of study and 10th of career ) so that probably
what you are doing is best...

This may give you the additional information to reduce
the problem to a simplier version ( fewer questited
houses to look at ) that can be looked at later with
a new chart from a newly timed question  :)

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Post by belatrix » Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:21 pm

thank you:)

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