picture read please and thank you

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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picture read please and thank you

Post by rpp » Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:33 am

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:33 am

Hi RRP..
 Some people are harder to read for than others for different reasons.
For you reading is somewhat difficult because I keep getting.. "we're looking after her " ( spiritually ), your spiritual guardians seem to making it clear that they have you covered and are taking care of things.

Your guides believe that in this point of time you are exactly where you are supposed to be, they are guiding you on your lives journey. Have you found that many of your lifes directions seem to be determined by outside influences, as if choices are made for you or are "no brainers"  to decide ?

When you want for something seem to get what is good for you.

You are such a warm, friendly loving soul, it pains me to get that you are  disappointed in some perceived failure of self. It doesn't show, but feeling of inadequacy run under the surface. You see the best of other people always, but you are no as kind to you as you  as you should be.

HUGS.. Tammy aka StormGirl Blue

The good news is. and what you want to hear I know is that you are entering a period of spiritual fertility :) I am getting a suggestion to look at music to help inspire and attune you to higher frequencies.  look to ways to raise your vibrational levels.. I dont know if you have considered reiki.. but this is coming in as a recommendation ( you could develop this latter also if you feel directed into helping people. )

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:12 pm

Your smile certainly reaches your eyes.  You make a conscious choice to live in happiness.  You refuse to see any of the dirt and ugliness of life.  Many people would call you a polyanna.  

But the strange thing is you are not blind to life.  You have more understanding and compassion than any one person can handle.  And in this is often where your tears flow.  Not for yourself but for others.  It is your spirituality and compassion that keep you both grounded and also empathic to the world around you.

On a personal level it is hard to approach that kind of compassion without being a little intimidated. You could cover or tone it down a notch when looking for love.  I feel I want to say looking for love in all the wrong places.  Those that are injured or need your compassion will absorb it - you have done your job.  So that is not good relationship material.

When that person is found, do not smother them with your love.  Take your time to get to know them for themselves.  You are ready to forgive before the incident so to speak.  Just be you with a little love and compassion to  yourself.  All is in order for the right things to happen before years end.

I feel like your life is opening and happening this year.  There is no holding back your dreams and goals.  Everyone is on board to make it a banner year.  So it would be good to pursue your dreams.  

You have healing nature and that is the field most suited to you over all.  But there are many careers where nurturing is important and that would also suit your temperament.  Do not stay where there is negativity that you can not control.  You will be eaten alive by it.  Be careful to protect and nuture your own compassion and positive approach to life.  It is what defines you at the deepest levels.

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Thank You!

Post by rpp » Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:36 pm

Thank you so much for the readings, I love the fact you both told me about me now, not a future reading, I really am not interested in the future until it is the present.  Some may wonder why I want to know about what I am already aware of, but others point of views, those that know the honest issues at hand,  helps me see things in a different way, and its not someones opinion who thinks they know, they do know. You both hit it on the head, and I am greatful for your time and energy put into it.

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Post by rpp » Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:38 pm

...And thank you to my spirit guides that watch over me, and helped with these readings!

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