Numerology Reading

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Pravin Kumar
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Numerology Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:22 pm

Dear Enumero123,

My full name is Pravin J. Soni but when in business I have been unconsciously using the name Pravin Kumar. My Date of Birth is: 2/4/1948.

I do not know how to calculate Life Path, Destiny and all those numbers I read in your replies so where could I find these.

Secondly I have already completed 62 and now in my 63rd year. I would like to know mainly only one thing: I am a palmist and I find in my wife's and youngest son palm an indication developed only a year ago and that is of settlement abroad and I do not have that indication in my palm though I have been abroad on pleasure trips but there is no settlement indication there.

My wife's Date of Birth is: 29/12/1953 and name Anita P. Soni (P stands for Pravin ).

My youngest son in questionhas date of birth as follows: 19/2/1982 and name Amit P. Soni , P stands for Pravin.

Anything else you can tell about me and my family. My eldest son: Pankaj P Soni and tate of Birth: 24/9/1976 .

Another question is: Will I have a happy life with my family as I live with them.

Pravin Kumar

Pravin Kumar

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:40 pm

to precede i need to clarify full names at birth  first middle and last....  middle name is   important as well  in several areas of a persons chart   full name is used in a few areas when looking at future tends, transits and essence cycles   use the letters of ones full name

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:49 pm

in general, but not always the case  the 8 and 2  vibrations can signify energy pertaining to materialism , power and personal possessions.

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:50 pm

Dear Enumero123,

The details are as follows:-

Pravin Jankidas Soni   2nd April 1948

Anita Pravin Soni        29th December 1953

Pankaj Pravin Soni      24th September 1976

Amit Pravin Soni         19th February    1982

As I said I have hardly ever used my middle name nor my wife nor children.

Waiting for your reading.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:24 pm

i will look for you, be patience,  but again clarification concerning the word  (settlement)...  meaning  money or change of location ? forgive me if i seem complacent  ..i see you as being highly knowledgeable in your craft , i take it you are in fear of being separated from your beloved family members ....

Pravin Kumar
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Numerology Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:21 am

Dear Enumero123,

You are absolutely right that I fear separation. We all live together and within a year I expect my youngest son, who is getting married within 3 months will settle abroad with his wife and I find my wife will also join them as my youngest son is very much attached to her. I am a palmist and this abroad settlement line has appeared in my youngest son's palm and also in my wife's palm in last one year, which was not there previously. I do not have any abroad settlement line though I have been abroad on sight seeing trips thrice before.

By settlement I also meant would we all be staying together and there be peace and love and happiness in our joint family, respect for elders. I have been living with my parents right from birth and my aged mother of 86 is with us.

Please take your own time.

Pravin Kumar

Posts: 1006
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Post by enumero123 » Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:38 pm

i will have a answer for you will a few days  in the mean time, first thing first, we are told to be fearful of nothing second contemplate the following and share it with your family members  for in doing so.... can and will bring you peace  ....these i can promise you.... these words are the truth and can be trusted ....... and another point when reasoning with deviation  remember nothing is set in stone...

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
The man said,

"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman' ,
for she was taken out of man."

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

"But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:31 pm

in general the following  holds special value   from the age 57 -62   27/9 vibration

 This is a period during which your ideals will be tested and forged anew. You will be broadened in ways that you would never have dreamed possible. You will likely experience a dramatic psychological and spiritual expansion. Old relationships that no longer have a place in your life will be let go of. Even old habits or characteristics that you believed were fundamental to your identity seem to evaporate.

There is a need to forgive those in your past and let them get on with their lives, as you must with yours. Hanging on to negative attachments, either out of anger or a sense that justice has not yet been done, will bring you much misery and, if the courts are involved, protracted lawsuits.

You now have the ability to reach out to the masses. This is a time requiring much self-sacrifice and service to others. You are deeply affected by the pain and sufferings of others, and will feel a need to change your milieu or society for the better.

Those in the arts, especially actors, writers, and other performers, will see an enhancement of their talents and the opening of many new opportunities for advancement.

Your focus is outward in a big way. Teach, perform, and advance society in your own way. Dedicate yourself to a higher cause. These are the areas that will meet with much success.

Conversely, selfishness, negativity, and pettiness will blow up in your face. The time demands a broad view of life. You are now the visionary, who must see the greater trends in humanity.

Out of this will come much compassion for all. This is the lesson of the period: That as you work for the greater good of society, you will be personally rewarded, so much so that your cup will runneth over.

at age 63  theres a shift in energy    first you will move from a  27/9 into a 19/1

You will now begin an entirely new phase of your life. You are on the threshold of a new beginning. Not only will fresh ideas come into your life, but you will accept and even embrace them. It is a time of radical change, and in all likelihood you are ready for it. Now is the time to advance the new, and let go of the old. All inefficient methods will have to be eliminated from your life. In the same way, you must let go of relationships that no longer serve your future. Discard habits and liabilities that you have been holding on to. A new identity is emerging, one that is efficient, innovative, highly creative, and courageous.

Your leadership qualities will rush to the surface. Your environment will demand that you stand up to challenges, and face difficulties head on. You can no longer hide from the truths of your life. The facts are now blatantly clear. You must make a stand. Change is a given. But you possess the power to make those changes. All you need is the will and the energy to enact your plan.

This is a period of struggle and great reward. You have the chance to achieve independence. But it will not be handed to you. You must wrest from old habits and inertia of the past.

As with all beginnings, this one will be marked by false starts and blind alleys. You will be forced to start again and again. You are like a baby learning to walk. There will be falls. You will have to persevere. This is a period in which your willpower will be tested. You are, in fact, forging your own determination. You must not give up. But the rewards are great. The general influences are raising you to new heights of independence, courage, and self-esteem. At the conclusion of this 1 Essence, your self- knowledge and self-respect will be greatly increased, as will your capacity to stand on your own two feet.

the 19/1 has within it a karmic debt vibration  

The person with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn independence and the proper use of power. You will be forced to stand up for yourself, and often be left to stand alone. Difficulties will be faced and overcome through personal struggle.

One of the central lessons for people with the 19 Karmic Debt is that you stubbornly resist help. Much of your independence is self-imposed; you simply don't want to listen to others, or to accept the help or advice of others.
The 19 Karmic Debt can become a self imposed prison if you do not open up to the reality of interdependence, and the mutual need for love.

The most important lesson for the 19 Karmic Debt is: While you seek to stand on your own feet, you are still a human being, deeply connected with others and in need of the support, assistance, and human understanding that all people need. Those with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn the hard way that "no man is an island," and that we are, indeed, "all bits of the main!"

there also is a shift from 9 to 1  present in your yearly cycles

2010..... 9 personal year cycle

This is your year to finish up all unfinished business, to clean house and make room for new things. On a material level this is a good time to get rid of unnecessary weight, to give away or sell what you do not need anymore and to pay off old debts. On a spiritual level you will experience a different mode altogether. Your attention should turn to others and their needs, find ways to be of help and give time and energy to worthwhile causes. You must lighten your burden of questions and doubts and the best way to do so is by directing your attention to another direction, away from yourself and you will find yourself becoming lighter and more in touch with your self. This is a time of completion, problems can be solved and over with, strained relationships relax or disappear, the sources of stress in work or business can be better understood and dealt with. Be social and communicative, enjoy music and other arts. Your creativity is higher than usual. There can be some difficulties this year due to your desire to face obstacles and overcome them, decisions have to be taken and your courage and strength may be severely tested several times, this is not going to be an easy year all the time but you will feel relieved and on the brink of a positive breakthrough by the end of this year. This is the end of a nine year epicycle and will you will feel many times the excitement of a new and promising era when optimism is your friend but you will also experience the fear of letting go, however the more you let go the more room there is to be filled during the next epicycle.

2011 1 personal year cycle  Be ready for major changes.

You will be inspired to start new projects or enterprises. You will feel a strong forward push toward new goals.

This is a time for vision and planning. Share your dream with others; make plans, get the necessary support, but, above all, rely on yourself as the driving force. Be decisive!

You are starting a new nine year Epicycle. Everything you do now will affect your future. Do not hold back the inner force of creation. Be direct, daring, bold.

You will have more confidence and determination this year, particularly in comparison with last year, which was a time of letting go. This year represents a time of birth. It's a time to take charge and to apply yourself to your dream.

This is also a good time to make the personal changes you have long wanted to make: start a diet, an exercise program, begin a new course of study.

There may be some emotional turmoil, especially in the first two or three months. It takes a while to get the ball rolling. There are many changes you must make and much work to be done.

Be open-minded, organized, and focused. Avoid distractions and procrastination.

You are at a crossroads. You will need courage and a clear head to stay on the right track.

This is a year of opportunities.

The key months in your year ahead are March, in which you are able to lay the foundation to your plans; April, in which changes take place such as a change of residence or career; July and August mark a time in which you will see the fruits of your labors begin to take place; October represents a major turn in events, often fraught with emotional turmoil; the fall marks a coalescing of your plans into more concrete form.

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:49 pm

coming from your full name at birth there is indication of a shift in energy  on the spiritual transit line

 age 62 (I)TRANSIT This is a very emotional time with many ups and down's. You are high-strung and vulnerable to stress. You are somewhat accident prone. You need to develop calmness, centeredness, and an acceptance of life. You must control your moods and not slip into feelings of self-pity and insecurity. At the same time you are very competitive and have the opportunity to achieve success and financial reward.

AGE 63 a (s) transit  Your feelings run deep and your awareness is higher than usual. It is a period of rebirth and awakening, especially of hidden aspects of your personality. Freedom in a very real and lasting sense can be your reward. You will experience sudden changes in all aspects of your life, accompanied with spiritual and mystical revelations. Your dreams may be rather intense and should be looked into for messages and understanding of your unconsciousness. There will be confrontations with strong-willed people to test the strength of your convictions. This is an exciting time full of surprises and extraordinary events.  

AGE 64 a (o) transit   This is a time of strong emotional experiences, which can affect your health if you let it. You may find yourself worrying unduly. There is much responsibility placed on your shoulders, with sensitive emotional issues involved. You will find yourself more interested in religious and physical studies. Your leadership abilities are enhanced during this time.

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:26 pm

karmic lessons coming from your full name at birth  

3 and 8

3 karmic lesson   your name at birth or common name neither contain this 3 energy  You are highly self-critical. Every time you find yourself at the center of attention, you manage to find something in your performance to be entirely inadequate or embarrassing. You have established an impossible standard of perfection as the only measure of your actions.

You need to lighten up on yourself. Realize that you have within you a critical faculty that must be contained and controlled. Otherwise, it can prevent you from doing what you truly enjoy in life.

You're too serious. Be more optimistic and cheerful, enjoy life as it was meant to be and share this joy with others.

Life will put you in situations that require imagination and communication. You will be tested in these areas. You will be forced to face the challenge.

Missing threes will often produce artists but their success requires much work and perseverance.

The effect of the Karmic Lesson is diminished if you have at least one 3 among your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression or Personality Number).

8 karmic lesson  You can attract a considerable amount of money and even be a good business person, but you experience major ups and downs in your financial affairs, due largely to your lack of caution in handling your resources.

You are highly independent and do not want to be told how to do things. You have great problems with authority figures. This stems from a kind of know-it-all attitude and stubborn behavior that prevents you from knowing your limits.

You will have to work at knowing how to handle money. In all likelihood, you will attract enough of it, but it has a tendency to slip through your fingers. This Karmic Lesson forces you to learn your limitations, and the limitations of your resources.

Learn to be efficient.

The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one

8 among your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression, or Personality Number).
your full name at birth does contain this 8 energy    ,but  in your common this energy has been removed

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:21 am

Dear Enumero123,

Thanks for your detailed reading. I have read it totally and find it to be a very detailed report. I am a palmist and should you want you palm to be read please do post it and I shall give you a reading.

Thanks once again.

Pravin Kumar

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