Hi I would like to Introduce Myself To the Group

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Red Jewl 1111
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Hi I would like to Introduce Myself To the Group

Post by Red Jewl 1111 » Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:30 am

Hello,,, I am new to this group and thought I'd introduce myself here. I am an empath and psychic. My empathic abilities I've had since birth.. My psychic abilities came out just before I hit my teens. Over the years it has become me friend.. I have recently joined an empathic group which has given me much comfort since I did not know any for most of my life. My grandfather was the only one I've known.. I am currently interested in learning the healing arts of Reiki. I am just new and in beginning stages of that although I feel I have done this long distance without having a word to call it..

My Sun Sign is Scorpio... Hope that doesn't scare anyone because I've been on some sites where they describe the signs and sometimes I think we Scorpio's get a bum rap..lol

My Sun Sign is Scorpio.. Moon Sign Cancer,.. Rising Sign Capricorn.. Venus is Sagitarius.. I have my chart but thought I'd give some basics to me.. I love people and love to help and I do not lash out to hurt people. I love the I-Ching and the Ruins and use to use Tarrot Cards on daily basis... However, I found to my utter astonishment that I would get visions/dreams and have psychic impressions without using anything.. However I am still very drawn to the pictures and have to confess it is a big draw for me..

I am single independent mom and wanted to join to be around like minded souls.. I look forward to learning and listening to others in here.. I also hope I can share a few things along this journey...

In Light... Red Jewel 1111 :smt001

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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:22 am

Phheeewww that was quite an introduction :)

I for one am glad to have you on board. i hope you can spare some time to do reading for the members here. and for me too .. me too :D

newer members are joining us from all walks of life everyday and i hope this board becomes and play ground for people who think alike and can share their wealth of information and experience and help each gorw and understand.

God Bless,


Red Jewl 1111
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Re Intro

Post by Red Jewl 1111 » Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:40 am

Lol.. sorry for the blabbering.. I kind of get on a roll sometimes. lol.. It is nice to meet you and look forward to getting to know everybody here... Thanks for the beautiful welcome... Hope to learn and share as well...

In Light ,, Red Jewel 1111

I hope I didn't put everyone to sleep with that intro :smt015

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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:42 am

far from putting to people to sleep i think you have woken up a few people :) i am sure we will be getting along quite well.


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Post by capritina » Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:14 am

Hi Red Jewl,

Do you care to share your psychic experiences? I have had some experiences since I was a child. I only know my mom and grandma who also had experiences.

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Post by seema » Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:39 am

welome to the forum.
i have a question,
have always wondered how do u know that u have psychic capabilities?

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Post by mbs730 » Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:05 pm

I cant wait to get to know you


Red Jewl 1111
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Re:: Psychic and Intro

Post by Red Jewl 1111 » Wed Jun 29, 2005 9:37 pm

Hi all.... well ... I hope I don't bore you.. Just yawn and ignore if I do.. he he... Anyway my empathic go with my psychic like apple pie and ice cream.. I'd be lost without the empathic for it is a part of my interpreting my dreams and visions... As far as the psychic goes, from what I have learned, it varies how people get there information and what they get.. My empathic abilities are only stronger in one sense since I get them constantly.. They are like radar.. But, I find myself selling the psychic ones short for they are equally strong but do not happen daily.. Well.. sometimes I will get little psychic things daily but the big ones can come as much as 2 or 3 times a week for several months and then quit for a couple more months and then start in again...

When I was young and started to have psychic impressions, I tended to ignore them but I went through some life and death situations which caused me to take a chance and trust them... they ended up proving to myself that indeed it was a true psychic experience..

In the last 3 years my pschic dreams have increased ten fold in both intensity and meaning.. I mean, they are becoming intense and futuristic and unfortunately scary.. Apocolyptic in nature.. Not all of them are.. but, I will give an example of a few of them... I had 5 dreams/visions between the dates of end October to 3rd week of December of water and flooding and dead bodies floating .. I saw an island but did not have it given to me where this was.. All I know is I would wake up shaking and not able to breathe... I saw children and old people and young people and mass debri... Then the Tsunami hit end Dec... I cried like a baby and was so overwhelmed.. I felt so guilty that I didnt do something.. but after i analyzed it I realized I was not meant to stop it ... I was just meant to know it.. It would have been given me of the name of the place and date... I get upset with some of my visions because of this... It took me a month to get over the sadness.... I felt their sadness... that is the empathic side to this.. It was really aweful.. So sometimes having this seems like a curse sometimes.. but, I'll give an example of why I think I was not meant to know the date and place...

I keep a Dream/Reality Journal... I will write the dreams that are Dream/Symbolic which is dreams that have symbolism to interpret... then I have a section of Dream/Vision Non Symbolic which are dreams that are right out like the Tsunami which need no real interpretation ... I also have a section of Not Dreams whilch are those in Waking state. Then I have Dream/Real or Symbolic Encounter which happens when it is a real event happening to me in the now in say an astral projection state...

Now that I completely lost you... I had another psychic dream/vision on Jan 16, 2005 about me walking down a long winding dirt road praying and asking God where it is I should live... As I was walking and asking , I turned to the left and saw the beautiful red rocks of Arizona, New Mexico area and then I turned to the right and saw the beautiful green landscape near a huge lake that only could of been the East coast.. I kept turning my head from left to right and kept asking him where I was to live.. suddenly I turned to the right again and saw this huge lake and I heard plates shift. The water started to rise and then I heard and felt the plates shift again from under the lake and in my dream I ran and ran and ended up getting on a raft to head to where my children were, and I managed to get them on a raft and we ended up clinging to trees.. then the water came and started to rise and the dream ended... After the dream I got on the internet to look up the Lake in the U.S that had plates under them... I thought in my dream I heard Great Lakes but wasn't for certain.. Anyway, I looked up Great Lakes and there is plates there but the Scientists say it is almost null it will happen there and that it hasn't happened in a Billion years... So, I was still looking and then within that week or so I saw a show on TV and I was just flipping the sations and by accident I saw this Lake which was exactly the same scene shown in my dream, and they said it was the Great Lakes... I was a little freaking out and I do that with this.. but, I wrote my sister by email who lives in London England and I told her of my dream and what I saw on TV... She sent me a link,, I went to it and they talked about Edgar Cacey which I never heard of before.. But, I guess he had the same vision and that it was imminent.. He is long dead.. But, he saw the Great Lakes and a terrible quake under them and that the U.S. would be divided by this one event.. so U.S will be split...

Anyway, I think God was telling me to go West and gave me a reason for it.. Now it doesnt mean what I saw is right for anyone reading this... but, I wrote in on another group and a lady wrote back and told me she had this same vision I had and that she was from there... her family is there still but she moved to Arizona because of it..

Then I see things like my dads death.. I got a vision on Jan 16 that he was going to die within a few months.. I never told him.. But told my sister.. He was to die as the snow was just about melted for I saw the tree line and how little patches of snow were left... sure enough he went into the hospital on Feb 26, a day that my dove had a new baby... He went in and the hospital didn't take good care of him and wanted to get transfered to a hospital that he had re-hab at and who he knew everyone and liked the nurses.. He left the other hospital on April 8th and driving to the hospital he drove by his house and said to my sister.. " Look, this is always the last street to melt it's snow " he died on April 10th...

So, I also have empathic psychic awake states like when someone is in trouble or happy, I wll suddenly feel the emotion of happy, scared, panic or whatever it is , and then after the feeling , I will see the people who it involves.. Even if they are across the ocean.. Weird but true...

Also, little things which really isn't little if you don't listen.. but, I was walking to my truck with my three children and needing to get errands done, I heard a voice say,, " The truck, an accident, be careful " Then I tell my daughter that I have a bad feeling and tell her that I heard this , .. I proceeded to get in my truck and not even a mile down the road. on this winding road, around a curve, a little red sportscar comes speeding on my side of this thin narrow road... If I didn't listen to that voice we or they could have been killed but because of it, I was watching, and bared off just in time...

Anyway,, these are just a few things that have happened .. I have dreams every night... I get overwhelmed by some of them... but, my empath works with these dreams/visions..

I just had another horrilbe one about New York City.. That I KNOW is going to happen and not too far off...
It is for sure apoclyptic... Aweful....

I use to do Tarrot and am thinking about doing it again.. I do I-Ching.. I love the Ruins... But am drawn to Tarrot Card.. I also like Gems and use crystals to help heal and focus....

So, I guess to answer.. You just find out you are psychic when you pay attention to your dreams/visions etc and they prove themselves over time.. Then end up coming in more frequently and clear....

Sorry again for the rambling.. I have a problem with detail and feel I have to explain it all ... but, I probably didn't still so if there is anything else on this I can add let me know..

I think psychic people are misunderstood... You cannot always do this at will..... My empathic thing I can but dont for I believe it is evil to use intrusively... but if God or any good Spirit gives me information and it's placed there in front of me , then I know I am meant to know and help that person... so, I don't look for private things... I dont' believe in using it bad or evil intent... But, I do get things given to me a lot and it's from Him only....

But being psychic is not like a lot of people think always... yes.. if I use cards then I can give readings which can be accurate.. But, I feel the real powerful ones I get is when the vision just opens and I am using nothing..

Anyway, Now that I put everyone to sleep.. lol... I'll stop gabbing... :smt015

Take Care.. In Light.. Red Jewel

Red Jewl 1111
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About Dream/Vision

Post by Red Jewl 1111 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:35 am


I had to write in and correct a date for my Dad's death vision.. It was given to me on Jan 23.. The Great Lakes was Jan 16...

I went into my journal and then read my post and saw my error.

In Light Red Jewel

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Post by capritina » Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:53 am

Hi Red Jewl,

thank you for sharing your experiences. When I read what you think about where you get the information and that it's given to you and all that, I thought Oh my God! you think the same way I do. I feel exactly the same. Later when I have more time I will tell something about my experiences too. And my mom's and grandma's experiences are so amazing. It's amazing how my grandma knows things happening to me before even I know!

See you guys later! :smt006

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Re Grandmother and Mom

Post by Red Jewl 1111 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:22 am

Hi Capritrina,,

It is so very nice to meet you.. I would love to hear your experiences.. Sorry mine was so long .. I have others experiences too.. But, I dont go to an organized church.. I have bad experiences that end up happening when I do so I stay out of them... But, I'm opened to learning and listening to people from all cultures and religions.. I love it.. I love to do that.. I learn so much that way..

I think that these gifts can and do get passed down to us from our relatives.. My grandfather who is an empath was pure Irish.. In fact 3 of my relatives have pure Celtic Blood .. One Grandmother is pure French.. anyway,, I have always been drawn since childhood to the Celtic ways.. Who knows, I've had people tell me it was because I was there in Ireland in previous life time.. But, all I know is I'm drawn to it.. Also to Native American teachings and Budda and his teachings etc.. I like to learn and listen and share..

My children had an intense psychic experience today or now it would be yesterday... My littlest son is showing strong signs of empathic abilities combined like me with psychic.. The kids were playing a game with a neighbor child.. My teenage daugher wrote my little sons numbers for him since he wasn't real proficient at it.. And it was a 7, 2, 3, 8... then all the kids wrote their own numbers.. They were going to play a matching game.. Like Go Fish... So , it was my little sons turn to pick a person to ask if they had a number.. So, he turns to my other son who is 13 and says do you have a 7.. My son had one and gave it to him which earned him another turn.. So he said do you have a 2.. And my other son had a 2.. Then he looks again at my other son and asks him if he has a 3.. And my other son had a 3.. Nobody knew any numbers that each other wrote secretly.. By this time the neighbor child was getting frustrated and said how come you keep asking your brother and not your sister or me... My little son didn't answer but turned to my other son a again and said do you have an 8.. And my other son did.. he guess all the numbers and not only that, when my other son wrote them, he didn't know that those were the numbers my daughter wrote out for my little son..

I use to do that same thing at a place I use to work as a game to make the day go by.. This is how I really found out I was psychic... anyway.. Yap.... It sure does pass down..

Take Care.. In Light.. Red Jewel...

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Post by swetha » Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:54 pm

dont u get scared at times by these visions?

Red Jewl 1111
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Re Being Scared

Post by Red Jewl 1111 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:48 pm

Hi Swetha,

Actually sometimes I shake and tremble.. Sometimes, I can't breathe and my daughter has to run to get me some herb tea with strong chammomile and hawthorn to slow my heart down... I get freightened... I cry too sometimes....

I try to bring a light to me to protect me from what I see.. Sometimes I'm not as attuned to do that though and then I get those side effects.. I'm trying to figure out what to do with it...

I'm thinking about taking out an ad in New York Cities Papers and tell of the vision I had of New York that will happen soon probably with a Tsunami from a quake in the ocean... I saw what the Statue of Liberty looked like.. There were still buildings standing and so I know it wasn't a nuke but many things were in rubble.. That dream , I tape recorded it when I woke up so I didn't not forget even one detail.. I was talking on the tape for 30 mintues.. It was long.. Very freightening... I just want to know what I should do with them.. If that makes sense... I can't believe they are just for me.. Maybe they are... Not sure... My little 5 yr old is for sure psychic and an empath... Bizarre things he's doing.. I get sad from my visions and dreams too... I grieve when I see the scenes.. I hate the sadness and fear I feel because of my empath side... Still, I wouldn't trade it...

I had a symbolic dream this morning of Dolphins.. Symbolism is used a lot in my visions/dreams whether I'm awake or sleeping... I get them both ways..

In Light... Red Jewel

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Post by swetha » Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:51 am

do u have visions of only catastrophic stuff or good things too?

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Post by PisceanExtraordinaire » Fri Jul 01, 2005 6:46 am

Red Jewel,
The thing you said about New York attracts me. A famous seer of the late Victorian era called Cheiro (also a Scorpio) published a prediction in which he stated that New York would be destroyed twice. Since the 911 disaster I had always thought he was just referring to the two towers being destroyed. In his predictions he was very accurate. He was cheifly a palmist, and he too had a method similar to yours, in which the actual skill is secondary to the actual raw talent of seeing. So it was opposite of your method, actually, since you gravitate towards your empathetic skills, firstly and your raw abilities secondarily. But both of you definately recognize the importance of one in relation to the other.

I'm not very good at being intuitive (for a pisces), but for years before the tsunami's I had always had dreams of a large wave comming onto the land for miles. I still have dreams about deep water and sharks on occassion, but no more big waves.

I do think Scorpios get a bum rapp. If they're not overestimating you, they're staying clear from you for their own lack of confidence. Scorpios are ruled by Pluto, a planet named for the God of the Dead. And, like the God of the Dead, the Scorpion is a powerful sign. You'd feel it if they entered the room. Even in ancient times, the God of the Dead was villainized. It is hard for people to cope with the concept of death or anything that promises an even remotely hard passage, and the Scorpio, with his/her depth and thus, darkness reminds us of the road less sunny, but less sunny should not be interpreted as anything bad. The night is different from the day, but one does not hold superiority over the other. It's just different.


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