Mental health

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Mental health

Post by sagitarus » Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:20 am


1.could you all please tell when will this person be mentally healthy.. she is always unhappy..depressed most of the times..she has been diagnosed as bipolar..

2.will she complete her medical course and practice medicine and be a "good doctor" ? is her future and married life?



tob-11.34 Am


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Post by enumero123 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:56 pm

Challenges can affect physical as well as mental health body chemistry changes when individuals are stressed, and when we don't not know what is good for us .our minds trigger anxious angry or frustrated habits . When we are mean to ourselves we get sick .ones attitude sends the brain a message and the brains tells the body to scream for help …

to get attention for their (dis – ease)  often people get sick or form negative habits .numerologist  believe that illness and wellness depend upon attitude and challenges indicate the attitudes that result from needy feelings   .

i will look for you when time allows

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Post by enumero123 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:52 pm

coming from your date of birth 7-12 -1983  theres a few numbers that i would like to bring to you attention  ,first and foremost is your life path number  which i have as a 13/4  

You are practical, down to earth with strong ideas about right and wrong. You are orderly and organized, systematic and controlled. You are decisive and methodical employing a step by step rational approach to problems solving. Once committed you do not give up easily!

You are not one for "get rich quick" schemes. Rather you use hard work and long hours to build a business or career - you seek to establish a solid foundation. Precise, tenacious and persevering, you have great potential for success, but only after putting out effort and overcoming the limitations you so often encounter. Justice and honesty are sacred to you. You are reliable and dependable, a cornerstone in the community.

Though not an idealist, you are willing to work for a better world in a realistic way. However, you can be rigid in your ideas and sometimes too quick in judging your fellow man. You are loyal to those you love and work well with others. It is important that while being part of a team you have your own responsibility and well-defined task. You perform better when your responsibilities are not overlapping with those of others. You have to be careful not to be bossy and rude. You possess rare discipline and perseverance and not everyone can keep up with you.

You can handle money carefully and like the security of a nest egg.

Your love of work often leads you into a career early in life. Because of your methodical nature you can easily become rigid and stuck in convention. You can also be overly cautious when changes are necessary. This can cause you to miss opportunities that present themselves. You must cultivate flexibility in your character. You are well suited for marriage and often become a responsible loving parent. However, anything that violates your profound sense of order, such as separation or divorce can be a shattering experience for you. You easily become obsessed and even vengeful, seeking your own definition of justice.

You are courageous and a true survivor. You are a builder and the foundation of any enterprise. Your hard work and practical, traditional values pay off to provide you with the rewards you seek and deserve.

the 13/4 is seen as a karmic debt number so we should look at it also

Those with the 13 Karmic Debt will work very hard to accomplish any task. Obstacles stand in their way, and must be overcome time and again. One may often feel burdened and frustrated by the seeming futility of one's efforts there may be a desire to surrender to the difficulties and simply give up on the goal, believing it was impossible to attain in the first place. Some with the 13 Karmic Debt fall to laziness and negativity. But efforts are not futile, and success is well within reach. One simply must work hard, and persevere in order to reach the goal. Many highly successful people in all walks of life, including business, art, and athletics, have a 13 Karmic Debt.

The key to succeeding wit the 13 is focus. Very often, people with the 13 Karmic Debt do not concentrate or direct their energies in one specific direction, or on a single task, but scatter their energies over many projects and jobs, none of which amount to very much. A temptation wit the 13 is to take shortcuts for quick success. Too often, that easy success doesn't come, causing regret and the desire to give up. The result is a poor self-image, and the belief that one is incapable of amounting to very much.

In order to focus, you must maintain order in your life. Order is essential to success. You must maintain a schedule, keep appointments, and follow through. Keep your environment neat and under control, and never procrastinate. If you sustain a steady and consistent effort, you will realize much reward.

this 4 along with 0/9 seems to resonate as your challenge numbers  i will post more when time allows

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Post by enumero123 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:29 pm

to balance the challenge of the 4  the first step is to feel  comfortable  about saying ( i need security ) forget the approach  that is too
serious or too free .only place those restrictions on yourself that enable you to live today ,and plan if you were going to live a thousand years .you have a choice .listen to your feelings .hug an acquaintance .try to loosening up ,you may like it .

apply yourself to a sensible  work load and schedule .cut down on detail work if the routines seem unending .if you are always doing (the right thing )ask yourself if you are enjoying it ,too you will be surprised to learn 6that many people find you acceptable -even more likable -when you let your hair down .

it is prudent to plan but plans can always change .you recognize yourself as a sensible ,hardworking ,conventional , material achiever .but a solid person such as you certainly has the right to take a break from routines .you must exercise free will take a few risks ,and make a few mistakes along the way .

with a 4 destiny  :we are not born knowing what life has to offer with the number 4 learn to develop craftsmanship industriousness and self discipline , you will come in contact with people and experiences that teach you to value work economy and steadfastness

i will post more at a late time

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Post by sagitarus » Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:15 pm

Thank you sir..i will wait for your posts..

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Post by enumero123 » Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:21 pm

in keeping with the focus of the beginning post i like to add that this 4 vibration is strong within your date of birth  and i feel is important  for  you to gasp for your  potential  happiness  

with 4 as a challenge  you may be straitlaced , too conservative ,and a square . you may be a person who doesnt like to work or, conversely , a workaholic .your challenge is self discipline .if you make schedules and stick to them, most of your problems  will disappear .if you're too conservative   ,however loosen up a bit .

the 13 /4 life path  should be looked at in great detail   i believe it is key to over coming your current issues

many 13s have a fear of the unknown of what the subconscious (the hidden 2 ) might reveal . and of work (4) , which is a reminder of time. mortality.and how long we have to live. often they scatter (3) their energies .(1) because of subconscious emotional problems , as represented by the hidden 2 . at times ,they live the philosophy of "lets eat, drink , and be merry , for tomorrow  we die" and neglect to do the work that will bring meaning and purpose  to their lives .

many 13/4s have a tendency to waste(3) time(4) .to act (1) childishly (3). and to procrastinate -if not in this incarnation then perhaps in some former lifetime . i will continue with this train of thought at a later time

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Post by enumero123 » Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:03 pm

a disdain or dislike of work can make them shy away from long term projects ,and they are often content to occupy the self (1) with trivial (3) pursuits (4) .other 13s in there effort to make up for the karma that is associated with this number -tests and trials in proficiency due to an insistence(1) on the path of dalliance (3) when the goal is work and construction (4) -overcompensate by becoming workaholics.

13s must learn to retain a balance between the logic of the 4 and the feelings of the 2 the real and unreal  .too often ,4 logic represses the intuitional  power of the hidden 2 . many 13s have a horror of showing their feelings because of the underlying sensitivity of the hidden 2 . yet often these repressed feelings erupt explosively , causing hurt to those around them .


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Post by sagitarus » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:20 am

kay..thank you..

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