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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:28 pm

Dear Zeldaevolution.

At 18 I was just beginning my reading career :) I had your enthusiasm! Now if you were 18 and not still a 40 something kid or even an older  grown up then you would still have plenty of time to learn and study Tarot. Even at 70 patience may be more of a virtue and a necessity. I would suggest that maybe you look at what you really want from the reading, the answers you want to find, and if then you were not to get given the answers you want, how to word the questions so that you stand more change of empowering yourself rather than limiting your options and getting confusing or misleading answers that are meaningless.

I don't see any point in asking boring things like the basic past, present and future unless they directly relate to the question and so may be worded, something like 'how does the past still influence me?' 'How can I improve my present conditions?' 'How can I acheive or improve my chances of the future I want?'  See how the titles or placements change the meaning of the card? They then offer detail and the possibility for accuracy.  Many of the modern great and famous Tarotists only use their own freshly designed spreads, created specifically and immediately for each individual client, to read from, so give it a try and work out your own.  :)

Many spreads can be also created using only the Majors which is especially good for important or major decisions and situations :) Lots of decks only have 22 cards and are Majors only too.  Another interesting way to read with accuracy can be using just one suit for instance Cups for love or relationship questions, or Pentacles for money of financial queries.

The great thing about a big public forum like this is that everybody is welcome to post their ideas and views. This leads to the vast plethora of information, all kept in these posts for anyone to read and learn from. :)

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Post by cedars » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:58 pm


As Cassie said,  the possibilties of tarot spreads are endless... from the mundane to the most complex ones.  But, most improtantly and regardless of the spead, it is how you ask the question. For example, as long as you are clear in your mind on what question you want to ask, then go ahead, ask it and pick three cards. Then ask the next question and pick three more cards.....

I like spreads and I believe in their value, but sometimes I feel they can also be limiting.

There are hundreds of spreads available for each and every occasion -  but dont foget to ask the right question. The best of us sometimes when doing readings for ourslves, fail in this.

Just some food for thought....
Do not be in such a haste ..... learn at your own pace....


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Post by Payewacker » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:52 am

Hi Zelda,

Now, this is better! Thx.

We are unannimous around the spreads you can create. This is what makes it so unique to Tarot. You have so much room to be creative. Tarot is an experience that becomes a way of life.

Therefore it is important to do it right from the word go. You are in favour of a 4 card spread, wonderfull, it's your creation and you understand the inner workings more than another person would. Around this spread you can work with descriptions for the houses as you see fit.

Four also represent the basic elements; air, water, earth and fire. What is the possibility to represent a persons "being"?

In this then, we can work on developing your skill within your own parameters, once you have mastered it in the way you understand it best, is when we continue and stretch ourselves a bit further. As Cedars said, take your own time.

Tarot is so vast that it is impossible to learn or teach everything.

Blessed be

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Post by zeldaevolution » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:32 am

Thanks everyone for all the thoughts and ideas, I think that I have a little understanding of how I should do about the cards...

First of all, I think I should have readings on the tarot based on what the querrent has for a question...
Next, if I were to create a spread right now, I think I should practice some basic 1, 2, and 3 spreads first... as I think they are the most fundamentals before I learn and adapt to what I can interpret from the cards, just like building a foundation...

Lastly, I have to find where to buy the cards right now... for I don't really see the point if I study without having actual practical practice :D

Right now we're about to see a new year... only a few hours left~

Thanks again for all the insights, I bought a new note and I'm going to put all my ideas and all outcomes I receive from the cards...

Happy New Year and Blessings to you all ^__^

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Post by TarotModerator » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:37 am


We are hosting a new Tarot course for 2011, please join us.

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Our first topic will appear shortly. Just mark those forums to alert you for postings.


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