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Post by enumero123 » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:15 pm

THE ENNEAGRAM understanding yourself and the others in your life

point nine : the mediator

acquired personality :
chief feature - indolence ,passion: sloth ,higher mind :love ,virtue :right action

subtype ways of being:

sexual: seeking union ,social:participation, self-preservation: appetite

nines report that they lose contact with what they want by merging with the wishes of others , by diverting energy to secondary tasks , and by spacing out with tv set,a predictable routine,and too much food or beer ..................

nines tend to go along with other peoples agendas, believing that their own position will be discounted ,they have learned to incorporate other peoples enthusiasms as their own ............................

when a decision has to be made a nine still looks agreeable and may still be going along, but the outer placidity  covers an internal turmoil. do i agree or do i disagree with my friend ? am i in this group or do i want to leave .........

paradoxically, nine  is the most stubborn point on the enneagram .because nines obsess over a decision does not mean that they can be hurried into resolving it .................................

a nines decision is to make no decision ,to stay angry but to hold it in, and to seem to go along while internally remaining divided .............................

when looking at modern numerology and personality, the enneagram can be a alternative source of insight.  i suggest that one that is opening themselves to numerology take a enneagram test  and see what personality they fall into . in many cases ones personality number reviled though the enneagram  is comparable to either ones birthday number or their life path number

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alternative insight about the nine

Post by enumero123 » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:46 pm

tarot symbolism : key 9 the hermit .

the symbol for the 9 is yod ,the tongue of flame, the glyph that makes up every letter in the hebrew alphabet .it represents fiery energy. life force, and the hand, opened rather than closed, of man and woman .in the body we are little serpents ,containing a portion of the one source's fiery energy. as such , we are the hands of god operating in the physical world.

the hermit is a symbol of ageless wisdom standing on the mountain of attainment.

astrological correspondence ; sun {and Virgo} the sun is assigned to 9 because it is only after you carefully progress through the previous steps, 1 through 8 ,that you can attain a position of respect and leadership. as well as a full recognition  of your inner potential. the true inner self is expressed under a 9, as you become the humanitarian, the universalistic who reaches out to the multitudes to lighten their burdens through your understanding , wisdom and compassion.

virgos assignment indicates that careful, thorough analysis has preceded this final position of authority. any mistakes along the path could have led the aspirant  astray : therefore, keen discrimination is necessary at all times

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Post by Eduic » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:16 am

I would say that the 9 represents Mars and Aries it's ruler.

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Post by enumero123 » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:48 pm

eduic  when cross referencing numbers into astrology there are several schools  of thought  .... the tarot and astrological reference  that i gave come from a book that i have in my personal library   Numerology and the divine triangle  by faith javane and dusty bunker  but i do understand your reasoning   the book is a great alternative source

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Joined: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:13 pm

Post by enumero123 » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:19 pm

1.http://www.karmiclifereport.com/numerologySample.html     sample page referencing   the divine triangle  
2.this web page reference gives a small pic  of  how the book  combines the tarot, numbers, astrology and the elements  together :

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