Can I get a reading please???

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Can I get a reading please???

Post by terini » Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:03 pm


My name is Katerina born June 20, 1984 in the USA.  I would like to get a reading for the next period of my life.  The past years have been really in a pause.  My life seems to be dragging by.  Still don't have a job, and my social/love life is not at its best.

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Post by cedars » Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:45 pm

Hello Katerina

I will give you a reading soon.

Keep your spirits up.

Gia kai xara....

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Post by cedars » Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:52 pm

Dear Katerina

I did not want to give you a Past, Present, Future type of reading as that would be rather on the predictive side and, although you may wish to have a predictive reading, I hope you will appreciate the spread and the type of reading that I chose for you.

I am using the Mystic Seven Spread and the question: What’s going on in Katerina’s life now and the consequences of her actions and intentions.

I am using the Rider Waite – Original – deck.

1. Your Current Situation: Eight of Cups.
I get the feeling with this card that you have given up on a situation and have turned your back to it and not even looking back. Whilst you want to move forward but you are unsure of the challenges that lie ahead. We see a man in the Eight of Cups, who has turned his back to eight cups and with a staff in one hand, moves forward towards the unknown, facing high mountains and a moon in the sky which does not inspire him much confidence.  Whilst ‘move forward’ he must, he cannot help but still feel a bit lost in this action. The important thing, however, is to leave the past behind and look ahead. The action of looking ahead may not be full of hope or enthusiasm, but when the past did not work for you, then what option would you have but to look ahead. Soon, the head that is looking at the past from being bent towards the ground may start looking upright and ahead.

2. The crossing card: Obstacles: The Chariot.
The ‘obstacle’ in here is – if you are going to take this as an obstacle – that there is some hard work involved; a physical struggle and also diplomacy, an astute mind in order to get to your destination. Your talents of manoeuvrability should be at its highest point so that you may be guided on to the right path to make things happen for you. The minute I got this as an Obstacle card on top of the Eight of Cups, forgive me, Katerina, I could not shake away the feeling that in your despair on the way things are around you that you may have given up trying? Or you may have given up on the fight and the struggle? There is nothing wrong with this, as we all do that when we lose hope. But this is a reminder to you that you must get on your Chariot and start again all cylinders running and try and drive away all the possible obstacles around you. I know things are not so good in your current country of residence (I know this from a past reading) this past year and this may have a huge impact on you on the employment side at least, but we all have our crop to harvest and another situation should not become an obstacle for us.

3. Your aspirations and goals: Queen of Pentacles.
A loving woman, financially content, generous and benevolent, mother figure who is ready and willing to give and help others..... if only she had the money. But the Queen of Pentacles is financially capable and on top of that she is a loving and caring person. You aspire to become like her and be able to help others financially and emotionally.

4. What needs to be awakened? Four of Swords.
Poignant answer to the question? We see a man here who has gone on some sort of a retreat and out of action, taking stock of a situation and waiting to get back until the time is right. He took that step because it was not time to strike back; he needed to go low and assess the situation mentally and emotionally. It is time now to come out of the ‘thinking’ phase and start taking the reins of a carriage running without a master and without a direction.

5. What lies behind you – the past: Seven of Cups.
Too many choices, options and, indeed, possibly illusions and wishful thinking?  Dreams about having or achieving this or that.... in an unrealistic world where we may fantasise on the tangible and the intangible at the same time. This was in the past and lies behind you and the message here is not to build on those illusive dreams – but perhaps concentrate on a few fundamental ones rather than the wishful thinking of so many.....

6. The next stage -.What is to come? Page of Wands.
This is a new energy – Fire element , Sagittarius, Aries or Leo - coming from within you; it is almost that teenage zest for life and new, creative ideas. If this is not from within you, it could be a person coming into your life  either a young person or an adult with the energy of a young one who has ideas to take you further into being creative and also raising your energies. This is a positive card, one I believe comes from within someone’s soul or, indeed, via another person in our life.

6. What will be a probable outcome? King of Wands.
Another fire element as above, but this time the energy here is of an adult person who is strong, charismatic, good at business, professional at what he does and his presence in your life will be positive. I cannot tell whether this is going to be of a romantic nature or related to career. Something tells me it could be the culmination or the progression from the Page to the King – from the younger energy to that of an adult. This person could again be Aries, Leo or Sagittarius.

7. Tips and Suggestions: Nine of Wands. Page of Swords.
I wanted to pick further two cards as Tips and Suggestions and got the above two.
It is being advised to you to be quite aware of your hard work of the past – or the pains and the difficulties of the past – and guard your present accordingly. Once you reach to a certain level of achievement, protect all that you  have and achieved with your life and don’t take any intimidation from others. This is where you have climbed all the steps and are just to reach to the top and you look behind and see the pains and difficulties you have been through and you then start looking after yourself.

The Page of Sword is yet another young energy, but unlike the Page of Wands, this one has other qualities. He has that geeky intelligent and calculating mind and is good with words. He does not get too carried away with feelings and is more mentally driven. Granted, he is young and can have his head a bit in the clouds, but he has an astute mind and can find solutions to difficult problems. Is this how you should be in setting your priorities or could this be a person coming into your life? I believe it is the former.
Well, Katerina, I hope this reading answered some of your questions and I am sorry if it did not relay to you exactly what you wanted to know about the future. Sometimes readings can go deep into our souls and show us the way forward. Hope this has done a little bit of that to you.

Best wishes to you and it will be great to hear back from you.

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Post by terini » Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:16 pm

Hi Cedars,

First I would like to thank you again for your help.  I've been through a lot of emotional distress lately :( as I told you before.  I've been working since I was a teenager, not because I had to, but it was always in me to work for myself and I was lucky to have worked for my family businesses.  I was in managing positions from when I was 16 and that helped me gain many experiences in life.  My decision moving to Greece, was a risky decision but that didn't stop me to move here.  I was really positive for the first year even though I was unemployed, I got a really good job (managing position) and after a year I was so distressed from everything that was going on that I decided to leave the job and it's almost one year that I have been unemployed.  
For some reason I have been really pessimistic (which is not me) since I left this job.  I feel that I am worthless, b/c I was used to helping my family out and being that person in the family that never gave up and always "took care of business"  Everyone that knows me always thought the best of me and I think that put a lot of pressure on to me.  

Me as a Gemini with a rising sun in Leo, I feel that without a job I am not capable of meeting new people.  I feel embarrassed in a way.  Job is pride for me "Leo" :)))
Right now I really don't have any friends around me as my best friends are back in the USA and I don't have any motivation from anybody.  However, deep inside I do know that I have to pick up the pieces and help my family.  I have really restrained myself from a social life and that has taken a toll on me and my family.  I just wish I can make some new friends and hopefully sooner or later a love relationship.  

I do realize that I have to come out of my shell and go after my dreams.  Which I will from now on.  I think I wasted to much time of doing nothing and waiting for something to happen.  

"When we don't have something to lose, we have something to gain"

Warm Regards,

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Post by cedars » Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:26 pm

I do realize that I have to come out of my shell and go after my dreams.  Which I will from now on.  I think I wasted to much time of doing nothing and waiting for something to happen.  
yes. The Chariot and the Four of Swords my dear friend. I was choosing my words properly during the reading and you said it all for me.......
I just wish I can make some new friends and hopefully sooner or later a love relationship.  
There are many ways you can do this.. sorry for giving you advice.  If need be, even try the interent. Greek people are warm and they are not distant like some of the Western Europeans....~Start those friendships with family members; cousins, nephews and whoever is within easy reach...... and it will flourish from there....

I think you wish to be the loving nurturer or the caretaker of your family and the family business... The Queen of Pentacles. But dont be too hard on yourself. You are really starting from scratch here Katerina and the recent economic situation in Greece is one of the worse in Europe....

As they say in Greece: couragio!!

Best wishes to you.

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Post by terini » Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:34 pm

I have been really hurt in the past from "friends," so I am very distant and overcautious when I meet new people, which does not help. But I do and I will try harder to make meaningful friendships.  

All I have to do is try.

Thank You So Much and I wish you all the best.

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Post by cedars » Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:35 pm

You are a lovely soul Katerina and you deserve to be happy... And you can make it happen too.


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Post by terini » Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:49 pm

Hi Cedars,

After many attempts to get a job I got a couple of job offers, however they are not what I expected or wanted for me or at least for my experience and education.  Also, the situation here is making me a lot more hesitant or pessimistic.  do you think I should take one of the jobs and fight for it here or should I move back to the USA which I would have more opportunities?

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:07 am

Dear Katerina

I will speak beyond the realms of a reading or the tarot cards. I do not like giving readings about making choices; these are down to us to decide and taking into consideration the facts surrounding our life.

Only you can tell if you should take one of the jobs offered; and that option is dependent on how you see your life in Greece. I am assuming you are not on your own in Greece and that you are also surrounded by family and friends.  Therefore, the criteria whether to stay in Greece or leave in relation to the job also depends on where you want to be in the future, where you want to set your roots. I know what Greece is going through now and I hear it every day from friends too, but things change, they never stay the same. By going back to U.S.A., yes, you will have more opportunities, but what made you come back to Greece in the first place? If those reasons are still vital enough for you, how would you feel about leaving Greece and going back to the U.S.?

You have already made one change in your life by moving back to Greece; is it your choice that if you found a better job in U.S.A. you would stay there for good?

I have Greek friends here who have higher qualifictions and they know they will not find jobs in Greece to match their qualifications and, therefore, they dont see themselves going back.  But then there are others who insisit that this is a phase in their life and they are going back to the patrida.

In order for you to make your choice, I believe you should do some soul searching to see where you would like your life to flourish in whichever way you feel inwardly satisfied.

I do not want to refer to a divination tool for this type of question and I hope I have been able to shed some light on your question, if you did not know them already.

Couragio and feel free to respond and air your thoughts.

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Post by terini » Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:23 am

Dear Cedars,

My home is still there my parents still live there and I have my friends there.  I just don't know what would be best for me.  Yes, Greece has a good life but thats only if you have money and you make enough and right know I am not doing that "living life."  Thats basically the reason why I came here thinking that I would work to live and not live to work like most do overseas.  This is hard and I don't want to make the wrong choice.

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:30 pm

OK. This may become all personal Katerina... but forgive me because it is somewhat personal.

If ''there'' means U.S.A. then something so strong that must have drawn you towards Greece that you left friends, home and family.
Or, was there something not right for you in U.S.A.?

You also said something  " Thats basically the reason why I came here thinking that I would work to live and not live to work like most do overseas." Very bold step and one that I respect.

You have a decision to make or if you wish to think slightly out of the box, you can still go back to U.S.A if you have or find a fulfilling job and work there for a few years and then come back to Greece with money, if you are still drawn to it. You are only 27 :)))))

Sorry my dear friend, the decision will be yours. And so what if you made a mistake? When I worked in Athens most of our local staff were ex patriate Greeks (because of their English language) and they kept going and coming back -- something that I could not tolerate in my life -- but some can handle it. Can you?

My very best wishes to you whatever you decide.

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Post by terini » Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:58 pm

its a hard decision... I guess I have to make the best decision for myself first and then worry about the others.  I always put myself last.  I just have to be optimistic about whatever I do and just do it!!!

its always nice talking to you Cedars and thanks again!

Warm Regards

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:19 pm

You are welcome Katerina.

Whatever you decide I do hope and pray it is for the best - for you. Gia sena!!

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