Black panthers, tornadoes, buildings collapsing...busy chaotic dreams

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Black panthers, tornadoes, buildings collapsing...busy chaotic dreams

Post by Knippy » Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:02 pm

I have had two significant dreams over the past couple of weeks.  Thought I would share.

The first dream, I was staying in an apartment or hotel with a bunch of family members including my children.  Suddenly we heard a roar that indicated a tornado was in our midst.  So, I insisted we open a window, get down and cover ourselves up for protection.  The tornado passed with damage all around us, including a tree that landed on top of the building.  We all breathed a sigh of relief that it was quick and pretty painless.  I went to look outside, and noticed that I was in a series of buildings, arranged in a U shape.  Suddenly the buildings started to collapse, like dominoes.  I started screaming for everyone to run out of the building. Fast forward, we landed in a school gym safe and sound, all cheering that we made it out.  

Last night I dreamed that I was in a school auditorium (yes, I am a teacher) and was subbing for another teacher.  I was playing music and trying to get everyone's attention and then I noticed a big black panther sitting on the stage.  It was friendly at first, beautiful and awesome to look at and touch.  Then, it started to get angry.  It growled and I ran to the top of the auditorium.  The panther ran after me, teased me, ran all around me and back and forth...I kept raising a cover so that it couldn't see me.  Then I ran out of the room and shut the door behind me (the panther was really only after me, not any of the students in the auditiorium).  It kepts snapping at me through the doors, and pawing at me.  I threw chopped garlic at it, and it did eat it.  I ran and got into a car, it ran after me.   It kept circling the car, then someone opened a door and let it in...I grabbed it by the nape of the neck and threw it out of the drivers door and drove off.  

Yes, I am facing some personal turmoil.  My dreams seem very telling of this turmoil.  Ugh...strange.

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Post by caithiggs » Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:53 pm

It seems to me from both of these dreams, that you feel you are able to persevere through your turmoil though. I would take them both as good signs of your strength, and that you are protected through these hard times. :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:00 pm

Dreams are definitely about our unresolved emotions from the conscious state.  The symbols of people, places, things define these emotions to resolve them in the conscious state.  

Dangers in your life (tornados, black panther) are real.  You feel compelled to make sure everyone else is safe before you consider yourself.  There may be a need to make sure you are safe at the present time.  Let others fend for themselves to some degree.  

Being a teacher you would always be concerned of the students.  But as the danger has nothing to do with them, then the whole thing is getting in touch with your own self preservation.

Two in one week about the dangers you face certainly gives rise to the fact that you need to take some self preservation precautions in your life.

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Post by Knippy » Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:17 pm

Thank you Caithiggs and Spiritalk for your feedback.  Yes, I do have a tendency to take care of everyone else before myself.  I am just now beginning to see that I need to take some self preservation precautions, but daggone if it doesn't scare me to do so.  I'm much more comfortable sacrificing for others.  I know that sounds crazy!  It feels self indulgent to put me first.

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Post by caithiggs » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:12 pm

Knippy wrote: It feels self indulgent to put me first.
Yet without the right amount of self indulgence first and foremost the self is too depleted to give to others.

It took me a while to figure out why the airlines insist that you pull the oxygen mask over your own face first before your child's. But it really makes sense in the end: if you couldn't breathe, you simply wouldn't be able to help anyone else! Of course, I think it's almost instinctual for some of us to want to help the other first. But that's simply not practical!

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Post by Knippy » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:20 am, I use that analogy all the time.  Funny, I used to wonder the same thing..."how can I possibly not help others first?" (When speaking of the oxygen masks on the airplane.)Thank you for reminding me of my own advice!  Perfect timing!!  : )

Edited to add, it put a huge smile on my face to read your post.  Amazing how often we can give great advice to others, and then forget to follow it ourselves.  I jokingly tell my 16 yr old son (when driving) "do as I say, but don't ever do what I just did!"  LOL

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