Dreamed about my bird dying

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Dreamed about my bird dying

Post by BlueSkye » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:52 am

I don't remember too much and it's been too long. So the main point of my dream or nightmare or whatever you want to call it. It was unpleasant for me, because I love the little guy. Anyway for some reason I had a lovebird with my cockatiel (mine) and some random parrot.. kinda like a McCaw I suppose. Anyways my two birds were in their cage and this McCaw unlocked the cage and got inside. When I realized this I hurried to my Cockatiel's cage and saved him, not without a few wounds from the bigger bird, then I remembered my Lovebird (this is some random bird lol) and I believe I got him out too. But I'm not sure since my dream focused on my Cockatiel.

So I told my mom that we must get to a vet quickly, and she told my brother and his wife to take me. Now... for some reason they took my two dogs along, and well.. one of them snatched Skye from me. So I chased her and called my dogs name and told my brother to help me. We eventually caught up and got my cockatiel. I knew the little guy wouldn't make it but I still hoped. Now.. some other stuff happened like me getting kidnapped to Canada -- which I don't know why lol. But my bird was with me all the time, and the whole time I was kidnapped and in canada (rest of dream) I wanted to take my bird to the Vet. At the end I remember taking him to the Vet then I woke up.

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:38 pm

((((((((( Blue Sky )))))))))

Birds represent desired goals, your hopes and freedom of.
Keeping in mind that that dreams are your subconscious communicating with you. ..
Now I do believe that dreams are sometimes mixed up disjointed pieces of information, like a jigsaw tossed around... explains why other random events may be going on not directly related to your bird

This dream is pretty much communicating that your afraid that you may be disappointed should some outside influence disrupt the path towards your aspirations.
Perhaps you think some gossip or crap talk could bring on this disappointment.
You do acknowledge that help is available  if you need it ( the vet ).. but it still nags at you that something might go wrong.

I love that you saved 'random" bird.. tells me in your heart you know you will protect someone else's aspirations also.. ( help a friend reach her goal )

friendly dogs oft represent friends or companions.. perhaps you were afraid at the time that a friend might not be so encouraging for you to reach your goal.. ( or become/ do what you hope )

:) you did get your bird back.. Your pretty determined.. good for you :)

Kidnapped to Canada.. skip to a new thought here..
Finding yourself out of place against your will.

naturally the thought of your bird followed though in your subconscious and was probably playing on your mind at the same time with other thought pattern popped in.. ( hope that makes sense )


In real life I did have one of my dogs take my beautiful cockatiel.. if i does happen dont change your dog.. mine swallowed him when he got cornered just so I couldn't get what he had.. my dog i a real smart azz.. he knew he did wrong.. my other dog was dobbing him in too..
i looked up from what I was doing because my other dog was jumping at me, I was just in time to see him grab him the moment he tried to take flight..
I have never clipped my birds wings since..
lol.. my rainbow lorakeet even got out once and spent the day with a wild flock....
he came home at the same time my husbands car pulled up after work.. he was exhausted!.. he is not too keen to do it again..

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Post by caithiggs » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:10 pm

Hello BlueSkye,

I am wondering if you are currently feeling like some idea, desire, or goal (like a big dream you have that isn't necessarily practical right now) is overshadowing any current goal/s you are working on. Like maybe you've crossed paths recently with a new big idea that has got your mind spinning, but you feel that idea might take away from the things you currently have at work or are already establishing. You may also hold some fear that there are forgotten ideas you have neglected which you fear further complicates the matter of the new idea. Your current bird for example would represent what you are already working on, but this big bird--the new idea--is stealing its way into the cage (your mind). The unknown bird would probably represent something forgotten since in your waking conscious state it literally doesn't exist--so this is something that's been buried in the subconscious (perhaps in the dream you felt you'd always had it, therefore, it does exist in that part of your mind already).

Perhaps you fear a disappointment that might occur if you pursue your new idea. You still feel very connected to what you're accomplishing right now, and that's why your mind associates it with something you love so dearly--your cockatiel. You kind of feel at a crossroads right now: should you pursue this new goal, or stick with the one you've already got under your belt?

The second part may suggest you really are holding on very strongly to this current goal. You may even feel the need to repair something in this current state, which is bringing on this desire for a change, to let something new into your life. The dogs could further represent this conflict, especially if they are taking your bird away from you. Or they could represent the loyalty you feel for the current goal. Also, you desire to ask your family for assistance at this time. They may have some insight as to what path you should choose. Or else they are the ones who will back you up no matter which direction you decide to go in.

Since you got kidnapped to Canada (a new place) I am wondering if you feel a lot of pressure to try out this new idea right now? Are there outside forces pressuring you into a career change or anything?

In the end it sounds like you have a lot of reservations from the new aspect entering your life--you really don't have any desire for letting go of what you currently have, for it will only leave you disappointed. But that doesn't mean you can't hold on to something and still start a new chapter in life. The dream really just represents that fear of loss and disappointment, and doesn't necessarily predict the loss will occur when you take on the new thing.

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Post by BlueSkye » Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:01 pm

Thank you both for your time and feedback it's greatly appreciated.

To StormGirlBlue: I agree about the jigsaw puzzle haha. I like what you said about saving the lovebird a.k.a. random bird, it seems to hold some value. I definately agree about me perhaps being afraid that a friend might not be so encouraging about my goals. And I yeah I get what you said about the new place and my bird following me.
Aww, and yeah I had something similar happen except my baby Parakeet was in his cage and one of my dogs (not the one that was mention in dream) got him, didn't leave anything but the cage on the floor.
Your rainbow lorakeet  must had quite some fun with the flock, glad he came back :)

To caithiggs: I do have a big dream you could say, since I was small; it was/is to be a Vet. And there is a idea, that I had.. more then one actually but when I think of a new idea: Art (Artist) pops up. And maybe there is a forgotten idea. I'll just have to figure out what it is, if there is one.
And I do feel at a crossroads in my life (school), so your right about that: should I or shouldn't I? I do have some fears towards any disappointments that might occur if I do pursue the new idea.
I do hold on to my current goal, and desire to change some things ( :) My new Years Resolution).
And no, I do not believe there is any outside forces pressuring me into a career change. But I do feel pressured to keep with my current goal and not to take a detour off the path. Also, I do not feel alot of pressure about my new idea (maybe from me unknowningly) from anyone/anything.

To both: It seems both of you talk about fear... which may be true.

Now I remember alittle snippet from the dream if it matters, it's inbetween me being kidnapped to Canada and finding a vet. I had met a group of people, and one of those people I quickly bonded to like a friend or best friend. He had helped me get to the vet (seeing as it's a new unfamiliar place) and I do remember being upset about the US dollars not being welcomed. He had offered to pay for the vet visit.

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