Brown Pegasus and clairvoyance...

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Brown Pegasus and clairvoyance...

Post by galinda » Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:08 pm

I had a dream last night that felt very real. It felt very significant.

I was with my boyfriend (of over 7 years) and we were driving on our way to a friend's house when we spot a Pegasus, a beautiful brown horse with wings, flying freely across the sky. It was magnificent. The area was very mountainous and green, almost like it was a farming town. (I live in a suburban city)

The Pegasus landed right at the house we were going to. There was a small pond that he/she landed nearby, just across the street from the house. The next part is a bit fuzzy, but my friends had a lot of people over at their place and somehow we got the Pegasus to come inside of this small house. Although I don't remember how it happened, I don't believe it was forceful.

The pegasus made strange noises, it's very hard to explain but it was unlike any animal or horse sound I've ever heard. We all tried to turn away from it's gaze, or hide behind furniture to make it feel more at ease.

There were a lot of people there I had never met before, and there were 2 very specific women that made an impact. We were all wearing brown, which was very important to do what we were about to do for some reason. Somehow, the 3 of us started a psychic ceremony. Although none of us had any prior knowledge of such things, it seemed as though the second we all met we just knew what had to be conducted. We each had an ornate and colorful small pillow that we dusted ashes on. Then there was a boom-box which played a very specific song for this "ceremony". I believe we sat on the pillows and went into a trance. I don't remember most the trance part, but I remember we kept yelling out "BANG. BANG. BANG." this was supposedly foretelling was about to happen, vaguely.

Any thoughts?

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