Real weird dream

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Real weird dream

Post by wooty » Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:01 am

I have been recently seeing this guy, nothing is official so far, but the other night I had a weird dream that we went over his families house for lunch and the house was filled with people I've never met before.

And the whole time in my dream I was trying to go to the toilet, but kept getting interrupted with people just walking in and out because the toilet had two doors, and I would lock one and someone would walk through the other one and so on.

When I finally had both doors shut and locked I turned around and saw the guy that I've been seeing having sex with a girl that looked just like me in the chicken coop and I was shocked and upset with what I saw and just said to myself "ohhh" and then I woke up.

Does anyone have any suggestions that they would like to add to what this dream means?

Thanks :)

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:51 pm

Dreams are about our own unresolved emotions from our conscious state.  The symbols and scenes are merely used to resolve these emotions to your own understanding.  This is obviously some issues around intimacy and commitment.

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Post by GeeEyeEl » Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:26 am

I feel as though the girl he was having sex with is your own reflection.  You being in the toilet like that expresses your frustration and insecurity about the situation.  Being in a chicken coup confuses me.  I agree with spiritalk that this dream is about commitment.  I feel as though, deep inside, this act of sex is what you really want. Not sex in itself, but a good relationship. However your conscious self is a bit confused right now.  Your inner self and your conscious self is a bit in different wavelengths.  You are frustrated with what you really want and the chicken coop can be categorized as being scared of this thought.

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Post by caithiggs » Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:02 am

So, I'm sure nobody wants to know this about me, but my one of my longest recurring themes in my own dreams is using the toilet in front of people! I know it seems like such a weird dream to have on a regular basis.  It's embarrassing, right? For me personally, I believe they are almost always about communication, but that theme could be different for everyone.

My question is, were the people paying any attention to you while you were on the toilet, or were they just casually walking through not caring or paying much attention?

I believe that that aspect of the dream could be related to some kind of shame, or simply a repressed self expression, or something blocking your expression (as in my dreams it was always a communication block I was having, and an inability to express my fundamental self to the people around me).

Everything that you describe in this dream is very primal. Using the bathroom is a primal need, it is fundamental to survival. If you are being blocked from expressing this basic human need in your dream it could be that some fundamental need is not being met for you. And that need could be free expression. Maybe, if you are in a new relationship and this links directly to it, you are really just hoping to get a good communication going between you. It could be just a basic indication to you from your subconscious mind that this i what you truly desire from this relationship. You don't want other people or other people's opinions to get in between the connection you and this guy both share. You prefer that it is a true intimate direct connection. Do you two have mutual friends at this time? Is anybody around you gossipy right now? Or are people around you making conjectures about this developing relationship?

On that note, chickens actually can be linked to gossip as well. Though there are no actual chickens involved here... Now the chicken coop could represent something that is literally being cooped up, some emotion or anything. And the fact that both the sex and bathroom themes are both primal in nature it could be again something primal being held back, or really contained.

On the other hand, my first inclination about chickens is ... fertility. And sex ... also fertility. So what I really think that is being a little repressed or perhaps protected and contained right now, is really a fertile and creative aspect that this relationship can take you in. And because it is some kind of mirrored self you are viewing, it could be even now a parallel reality going on in your head--I don't know, are you thinking big thoughts about this relationship at this point? I really view your dreams as something positive. I agree with GreeEyeEl, that your conscience and subconscience are on two wavelengths. But it's not necessarily negative, even if there is potentially shame in the picture (but I really can't tell that or not). It's good because this dreams sounds like you desire and are feeling willing to take on developing a strong relationship that starts at the base with strong healthy primal needs, and good communication that doesn't get influenced by outside forces. You are in a good place to build a solid relationship. However, there is something blocking this potential right now. And perhaps it is simply that the relationship hasn't taken off yet into anything official. But I think your subconscious is telling you that you really have the seed there for a good relationship waiting for a time that the potential is not being held back by its current limitations and social boundaries.

However, because you saw this once the doors were shut, and everyone was locked out, this is a self containment. Everything inside there could have been a secret desire. And maybe you were shocked because this whole picture has never been presented to your conscious mind before. It may in fact be a quality you have strong potential to develop that you never experienced or expressed before, so it could be a new level of emotion that will come as a surprise to you. But you definitely need to experience that new feeling without shame or letting anybody else's judgement get in your way of experiencing this, because as your dream suggests, it's something very primal and natural.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:30 pm

While going to the toilet is a natural and primal need, it also represents our issues with intimacy.  There is nothing more intimate than using the toilet.  

It is elimination of our waste after all.  And that is the inner sense of removing our own waste matter and is done in private.

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