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Request a Reading

Post by kasgan » Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:11 am

Hi Enumero

I am quite fascinated with your Numerology readings. Would you be kind enough to give me a reading:

Kaushik Ganguli
06 July 1976

I would appreciate if you could throw some light about myself and challenges I might face in future

Look forward to your insights

warm regards


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Post by enumero123 » Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:23 am

i like to start with a general reading of a few of your core numbers  i will continue and expand  on these and other aspects when time allows . enjoy, numerology can be very reveling  

9 life path
You are the philanthropist, humanitarian, socially conscious, and are deeply concerned about the state of the world. You have great compassion and idealism. You are a Utopian, and will spend your life trying to realize some aspect of your Utopian dream, sacrificing money, time, and energy for a better world. It is in giving that you will find much satisfaction.

You have a broad outlook on life. You tend to see the big picture, rather than the minute details. You naturally attract people from all walks of life who can fit into your larger plans and take over the areas you find uninteresting. The person with a 9 Life Path is rarely prejudiced or accepts social biases of other people. Instead, they evaluate people on the basis of what they can do for the larger cause. They are the true egalitarian.

You are imaginative and creative, especially at harmoniously arranging the beauty already potential in the environment. These abilities can lead you into such fields as interior decorating (Check Out interior decorating astrology), landscape art, and photography. But because of your strong social consciousness, you can be an effective politician, lawyer, judge, minister, teacher, healer, and environmentalist. Vocations that require self - sacrifice and have a clear social impact are common among 9s.

You are often disappointed by the realities of life: the shortcomings of others, or of yourself. Somehow, you don't want to accept the imperfections of the world, a feeling that drives you constantly to try to improve upon it. But rather than be satisfied with your efforts, and those of others, you relentlessly push on, striving for greater accomplishments. You are often unsatisfied with the results. In short, you lack the perspective that would otherwise make it possible for you to enjoy life more fully, and accept its natural limitations.

You have a controlled enthusiasm and the ability to finish what you start.

A key to your personality is the necessity of sacrifice. You have to learn to let go of material possessions and relationships, the inherent lesson being that holding on too tightly to anything causes pain.

Money comes to you through mysterious or unexpected ways: inheritance; the benevolence of someone who was inspired by your work; or a lucky investment.

Conversely, if you pursue money for its own sake, after giving up on your larger dreams, you're likely to find yourself empty-handed.

The most successful and satisfying road for a 9 is giving, sharing, and sacrificing for a larger goal without expecting anything in return. Your greatest chance at success is to tie your personal fortunes to an endeavor that makes the world a better place for others. Very often, this turns into a highly successful and lucrative enterprise, providing amply for you and your family. Your life rests on the axiom that the more you give, the bigger your reward.

You are romantic, but your love is more impersonal. You tend to be focused on your dreams.

When you are not in harmony with your true nature, you can fall to moodiness, or become aloof, and withdrawn. You can become timid, uncertain, and ungrateful, putting the blame for your troubles on others or the world. You have a gift for examining your life objectively, and at some distance. Be honest with yourself. By openly facing your shortcomings, as well as your strengths, you develop equilibrium. You are thus able to love and better understand yourself and all of life.

Birth Day number 6

You are family-oriented and have a talent for settling disputes between people to the satisfaction of both sides. You somehow know the middle ground.

Your lesson in life is to work with the whole subject of balance. You must come to truly understand the ancient and fundamental principle of opposites that seek harmony. Whether the realm is the emotions, caring for others, finances, work, or play, you must learn where you can be of service, exactly what you can do, and what are your limits.

You have a considerable amount of artistic talent. You have a deep appreciation of beauty and art.

You are highly responsible and will do without in order to fulfill a debt.

Your focus is on relationships. You want to help others, and have a talent as a healer and could make a profession of the healing arts, either as a nutritionist, alternative health therapist (acupuncture, massage, for example) or doctor.

You need to know you are appreciated. You are given to flattery and vulnerable to praise. Criticism, on the other hand, leaves a very damaging impression on you. You take it deeply to heart.

You will sacrifice your own comfort to support and help others. You are generous, kind, and understanding.

You can be highly emotional and given to extremes in sympathy and sentimentality. You must learn to provide more than merely a shoulder to cry on. Study and the development of your healing skills brings you great rewards in life.

expression number 61/7

You are gifted with an analytical mind and an enormous appetite for the answers to life's hidden questions. You have a strong interest in exploring scientific matters, philosophy, and even mysticism. You possess clarity and persistence in your search for truth. You can be a great researcher, educator, and philosopher.

You are driven by a desire for knowledge and truth. You must learn to discriminate between illusion and reality, but you are well equipped for this task. Your fine mind offers you insight into the veiled mysteries of life. You also possess a considerable amount of perspective. Somewhere inside you, you are aware of a peaceful place that you call upon during difficult times.

You need time to be by yourself. Too much social interaction causes you stress. You need your privacy and a place that can be shut off from the hustle and bustle of life. You tend to keep your thoughts to yourself and are secretive. Unless your 7 expression is balanced by extrovert characteristics

(usually revealed by the numbers 1, 3, 5, and 8), your introversion may pull you deeply within yourself, even cutting you off from others.

You have a strong dislike of the superficial and mundane. You are often surprised by the lack of understanding or depth of knowledge of others, many of whom do not take the search for knowledge as seriously as you do. This can cause you to be critical of others, and even cynical about life in general.

The more cut off from others you become, the more hidden are your motives. Once you develop understanding of people and life, your advice and counsel will be sought by those around you who need your wisdom.

You love to specialize your knowledge and develop great depth within your field. You are a perfectionist.

You should complete your studies early in life and not be driven too hard by a desire to be successful. Let things come at there own pace, be open to opportunity, but remember your rewards, satisfaction, and contentment come from a higher source.

Sevens can be distant and aloof. When dominated by their darker characteristics, they can be unfaithful, dishonest, and cruel. Contemplation, meditation, and the softer, finer vibrations of life can restore your sense of harmony and keep you on the path to peace and balance.

You have a logical mind. Your analytical skills cause you to approach a problem in a detached, surgical kind of way. Researchers, analysts, investigators, inventors, technicians, scholars, lawyers, bankers, watchmakers, priests, philosophers, theologians, and administrators in some scientific or technical field are among the vocations 7s are drawn to.

hearts desire 8

You want success in its fullest meaning - wealth, power, and material comforts. You have an enormous ambition. You dream of big projects, great undertakings, and rewards.

You are a visionary. You see the horizon and the promise. In general, you also see the methods necessary to fulfill that promise. But you are not especially good with details; you need others to help you deal with the smaller parts of the picture. Your challenge is to make full use of the full spectrum of your abilities, as indicated by your other core numbers. In the same way, you must bring forth the best from others and orchestrate their talents toward the realization of your vision. In short, you must lead by example, demonstrating the standard for commitment, determination, and excellence.

All of this requires effort on your part. You will meet with obstacles and difficulties. Your determination and commitment will be tested. But you have the power to overcome every obstacle you face and accomplish the goal you've set for yourself.

Your task in life is to learn to use power in refined and elevated ways. The expression and use of power is directly related to one's personal evolution. The more primitive uses of power rest with violence and the threat of deprivation. The higher expressions depend upon your capacity to care for and nourish the people and projects in your charge, giving each exactly what is needed at the appropriate time and in appropriate amounts.

You have a creative mind and an unusual approach to business and problem-solving.

You need to cultivate your ability to evaluate others.

It is essential for you to be involved in a project that challenges you and offers the potential for rewards. When you are uninvolved or unoccupied with a worthwhile task, you can become deeply despondent, depressed, and frustrated. You are the perfect example of the old cliche, "Idle hands are the devils workshop." Without a challenge, you can lose balance in life and become selfish, cruel, and even self-destructive. Disappointments become shattering, causing terrible consequences in self-image and self-love.

Perspective is everything for you. You have a natural talent for balancing the spiritual and material planes.

You need to cultivate courage and stamina. Courage is a choice. You need to decide to be brave in the face of fear. A balanced 8 is among the most powerful and satisfying of numbers. It is the spirit of the true survivor, able to bounce back and achieve a greater victory.

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Post by npb » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:06 am

hello Kaushik Ganguli ,

allow me to throw my opinion.

Here is the only things that i could find out about your name

4, 6
You may often be called on to carry much heavy responsibility. Others are likely to ask for your support or depend on you much more than you would prefer. Your family and friends, instead of helping you with your responsibilities or, perhaps, showing you better ways of handling those responsibilities, are apt to be one of your primary obligations. It’s important to take care of your rightful family responsibilities although they may be heavier than you would like. If you disregard any of these obligations, you’re likely to find even more time-consuming and difficult responsibilities taking their place.

On the other hand, it will probably be worth your while to devote considerable time and effort to learning to separate the other obligations you choose to accept and the ones you don’t. As you get older, you’ll probably learn to carry a more reasonable share of responsibility and have more time to take care of your own needs.

And You’re likely to find yourself in many situations requiring a great deal of work. You’re usually willing to work long, hard and patiently, continuing despite long hours or the heaviness of the job load. If, on the other hand, you see hard work as something to be avoided, you’re likely to look for easy ways out.

The work is likely to be present, whether you choose to take care of it or not. If you’re willing to work, you can learn the satisfaction of a difficult job well done. If you don’t take care of the job at hand, you may regret your inaction later when you have to face even more work because of the work previously left undone.


Age 28-36
A good deal of your time may revolve around your home, family and close friends. In all likelihood, you’re giving much to others in a responsible and caring way, but be careful not to repress your own needs in the process. Don’t let others take advantage of you because of your giving nature. You’re likely to express a good deal in the way of friendship, affection and love. Your sensitivity to other people is likely to be deepened and expanded at this time. If you can express your feelings well, you may derive considerable pleasure from romance or marriage. If your emotions are not clearly expressed, your life may be complicated by romance or the difficulties of working out the problems related to marriage. Especially age 32 and 33 may not be favourable in all aspects of life.

Age 37-45
strong vibration of domestic life, energy that draw you into home, family, close friends, and You may feel like you have to work harder than others to make a living. This is a very karmic path and it may be difficult for you to get ahead in anyway without first making personal sacrifices or promising to share your wealth with others. Even at this stage in your life you may find yourself taking care of your family or other people's families. Your adult years really do suit the phrase "you get your rewards in heaven, rather than on earth. Since in this cycle you have zero challenge, then usually People with a challenge Number 0 may feel in general like they are being confronted with difficulties that seem to be relentless and coming from all directions. Usually people who are zeros are very sophisticated spiritually and thought to possess the abilities of all the other numbers. However they have problem making definitive decisions and sticking with them.

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Thank you Enumero123

Post by kasgan » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:40 am

Hi Enumero

Your analysis is quite fascinating and revealing. Many of the things you have mentioned are clear to me and apparent. But some things I may feel inside me but it has not yet manifested itself. Hope I am making sense...

Some find me mysterious but I guess thats mainly die to the fact that I am many times reserved and keep to myself. I would avoid any altercation rather get into a fight.

I do look forward to more from you.

Many thanks


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Thank you pnb

Post by kasgan » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:51 am


I appreciate your reading and insight.

You mentioned:

'This is a very karmic path and it may be difficult for you to get ahead in anyway without first making personal sacrifices or promising to share your wealth with others.'

Does this mean that I will not be able to succeed or progress?

Can you please elaborate?

many thanks


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Re: Thank you pnb

Post by npb » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:59 am

kasgan wrote:Hi NPB

I appreciate your reading and insight.

You mentioned:

'This is a very karmic path and it may be difficult for you to get ahead in anyway without first making personal sacrifices or promising to share your wealth with others.'

Does this mean that I will not be able to succeed or progress?

Can you please elaborate?

many thanks

Still can, nothing is impossible. However the path basically is to give service to  family, close friends. Just think about it for a moment, Can you let go your ego or give others the opportunity to go first ?  Hard right ?

Hope this could help

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Post by kasgan » Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:34 am


I basically do that... 'I' come later than others... I would rather buy gifts for others than for myself.. I will try to make others happy... ( thats core to me)

To me a smile on my someone else's face is more treasured than on mine..

I might have a simple lunch but feed someone a lavish one.. hope this males sense..

Sometimes my wife complain that I think of others more than myself..

Hope this makes sense

many thanks


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Post by npb » Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:38 am

hello kaushik,

Everything make sense, just dealing with path 6, is family oriented, thats really something. Well, if you enjoy it, than it is good.

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Post by enumero123 » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:21 am

more on the core numbers that i have posted  

life path 9 , birthday 6, expression/integrated self  61/7,hearts desire .soul urge 8

the life path being the most important  we can look for harmony or discord among core elements

life path and expression  9 and 7 usually discordant   ( the introspective potential of the 7 conflicts with the potential of the 9 for giving )sometimes the different approach of the 7 enhances the 9 potential for self expression ...... these to numbers combined add up to a 16/7 karmic debt number and also the combination is seen as your maturity number

 the 7 maturity

As you mature, you will become increasingly occupied with the larger questions of life, reading, contemplating and searching for a deeper understanding of who you are and what this life is all about.

You may turn to philosophy or religion, but will likely examine a wide array of areas, broadening your knowledge in many disciplines.

Your intuition grows stronger, as does your ability to look beneath the surface of every subject you study. You are able to analyze abstract questions and live according to your higher ideals.

You may find yourself needing more time alone; your need for privacy will likely increase.

If you already have several sevens in your chart, you will have to guard against becoming withdrawn, and alienated.

If you have no sevens, you will now have the ability to deepen your understanding of one particular field. You will have the opportunity to become grounded in a particular area of study.

on a positive note these two numbers you have the potential to take advantage of opportunities presented with relative make the most of the experiences which come your way .your natural abilities will probably find ample field for expression,the environment will allow your talents to be displayed and appreciated .as your capabilities find the opportunities to expand to meet their potential ,your development  will progress in a manner which may bring you much satisfaction .

life path and  hearts desire 9 and 8  usually discordant (  the executive potential of the 8 for material achievement conflicts with the potential of the 9 for giving )sometimes ,the executive potential of the 8 for material achievement may be broad enough to enhance the potential of the 9 for giving . in this instance ,the 9 giving would be on a more material plane is usually the case.)

these two numbers 9 and 8 you are well motivated  to recognize and take advantage of your opportunities .you make the most of what comes your way you are usually on the look out  for ways to develop your self ,ways to satisfy your inner desires .your environment probably reinforces your motivation to allow them full play .you are apt to find much growth in the satisfaction of your inner urges .

expression 7 and heart desire 8   usually discordant ( (the introspective potential of the 7 conflicts with the executive potential of the 8 for achievement. the inner nature of the 7 combined the with fixity of the 8 may produce a very self centered approach and difficulty in relating to others .sometimes the potential of the 7 for study and research enhances the executive potential of the 8 for achievement )  

you are aware of your capabilities and have the incentive to use these talents to aid in your own development. you know how to fit your capabilities in where you can shine you are motivated to display and develop your abilities with much advantage to yourself

 i will  continue again as time allows me to

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Post by enumero123 » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:28 am

looking closer at the date of birth  july 6 1976  7//6/5=18/9  life path  can be broken down into three smaller cycles   (mini life paths   so to speak

periods cycles   7-6-5  

End of first, start of second cycle. age 27/28

End of second, start of third cycle.age 54/55

first period cycle  (7)  one can also look at the seven path life as a reference to a deeper meaning of this period in time

A time to specialize, think deeply, and contemplate the deeper questions of life. Study a subject you enjoy in depth. You are attracted to the fields of science, technology, philosophy, and metaphysics. Become an expert in a specific area. You have excellent intuition and a mind that can penetrate beneath the surface of any subject you commit to. Focus your energies and thoughts. This is a period of inner development. Meditation, contemplation, and self-reflection are means of inner enrichment. Develop wisdom. Relationship may seem burdensome at times because of the desire to spend time alone. There is some resistance to sharing your deeper feelings with others. The inner life is so compelling that you will want to immerse yourself in it. Share the knowledge you accumulate by teaching, counseling, or simply talking to others.

second Period Cycle number 6

A time of family, responsibility, and duty. The issues of commitment, marriage, and family all come into sharp focus. When the commitments are made and one responds lovingly and with acceptance, this is a period of much harmony and support. You are greatly needed by those around you. You will be loved and appreciated. This is the best cycle for marriage. In the same way, partnerships go well and much progress is made from joint activities. Conversely, if commitments are not deeply made or are broken, separation and divorce often occur. Any artistic talent you possess will surface and new opportunities for self-expression will present themselves. You are also under very supportive influences for starting a business. This is a time of progress through flexibility, cooperation, and compromise.

third period cycle  number 5

A period of rapid progress and much change. You are learning the lesson of freedom. You will travel, move your residence many times, and change jobs. You are footloose. It is a time when you will be free of the burdens of responsibility. You will have a flair for successfully promoting yourself. Your abilities with words will be greatly enhanced. You can learn foreign languages, write, and edit. You will meet many exciting people, visit foreign lands, and encounter many new ideas. Identify yourself with all that is progressive and farsighted in your field. Seek change and take hold of new opportunities.

challenges coming from from the date of birth are as follows

1- 1- 0/9- 2

THE FIRST CHALLENGE  You must learn to be independent. You will be forced to stand up for yourself and your rights. You will be faced with situations in which you will have to choose between standing up for what you think is right versus giving in to another person's demands. You will have to struggle to strengthen and know your own will power.

You will have to learn to be firm and trust your judgment. Don't run with the crowd, be an individual. This whole lesson represents the frontiers of your consciousness. Therefore, you will have to experience much trial and error, sometimes exploding with bursts of aggression, other times being intimidated and letting frustration and anger build within you until you are ready to act on your deepest instincts.

The duration of the First Challenge usually lasts from birth until approximately the age of 30 to 35.BUT IN YOUR CASE THIS WILL BE CONTINUED  AS IT IS ALSO your second challenge as well
The Second Challenge usually lasts until the age of about 35 to 55/60.

third and  your main challenge  You are being challenged to stay faithful and focused on your highest ideals.

There is an opportunity to go deeper within yourself, and discover the inner being that is you

In short, this may be the secret to your success.

THE FOURTH CHALLENGE  the 2 vibration  You are overly sensitive and too aware of other peoples' expectations. You suppress yourself to avoid feeling conspicuous. You can be overwhelmed by self-consciousness. You fear gossip about you. As a result, you become inhibited. All of this results in a suppression of your own individuality and uniqueness. You yearn to blend into the crowd.

You let your own feelings and emotions play too big a role. Your hypersensitivity causes fear, timidity and lack of self-confidence. And you experience unnecessary fear and emotional turmoil.

Little things seem disproportionately difficult to overcome and sometimes have a paralyzing effect. Jealousy can cause much pain and misunderstanding.

These negative aspects of the challenge actually spring in part from positive characteristics you possess, especially your acute awareness and intuition. You are an antennae for other peoples feelings; you know before a word is spoken how they feel.

You lack the inner strength to maintain your own center, and try to conform to the prevailing emotional atmosphere.

This challenge makes you understanding and compassionate; you have an enormous empathy for the inner turmoil of others and can do much good for people with emotional problems.

The Fourth Challenge is most strongly felt during the latter part of our lives, beginning at the age of approximately 55/60.  

if time permits me i will also post  some additional info on your name vibrations   as well as PINNACLE CYCLES

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Post by kasgan » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:34 pm

Hi Enumero,

I am honestly speechless.... I have never had anyone describe me so accurately. I can relate to everything you say and it fascinates me that numerology can explain so many things and that too accurately!

I do certainly look forward to more details from you as you mentioned...

I have one question.

Does numerology act as a fortune teller too? Can future be predicted?

Many thanks


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