
Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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Post by samantha234 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:56 am

This is the last suit. Welcome to the sword family. The people here are dark skinned, dark hair and eyes. They are persistent, strong, and will fight the good fight. right side up, they fight for goodness and light. reversed-they fight for the dark side, may be corrupt and evil. Lets begin!

King of swords- He is a powerful man who uses his sword for justice.He could be a lawyer, an advocate for a noble cause, or a judge. Someone in a powerful position who could make you or break you. On the positive side, he will persevere until he wins, he is not a quitter. He tends to be a workaholic only stopping til he reaches his goal, only to begin another.If there is a loophole, or a better way of doing things, this man will find it.
reversed- could be a shyster lawyer or corrupt judge. Acknowledge him but watch your back, he could use that sword and stab you right in the back. beware!

Queen of swords-Tends to be an advocate for a just cause. Will fight fiercely for those she loves, and do anything to protect her family. She can be possessive and controlling at times, but only because she has your best interest at heart.
Reversed- She could be a gossip, and a troublemaker, don't cross her because she is very persistent.  She tends to try to divide families, lovers and friends. She will twist every word you say, and them her own. She is not to be trusted, stay away from this woman.

The knight of swords-His personality is that of the king but in a reading he is shown to be rushing in at the querent. He is a time card.in a three card reading, if he is the first card drawn, it shows that these things have already passed, whatever is portrayed by the other two cards. In the middle, a change or situation will happen in a blink of an eye, nearly knocking you off your feet. At the end of the reading, it gives you fair warning before the change or trouble hits, so that you can prepare or avoid it altogether.
This is a very valuable card. Watch for him.

Page of swords- the page of swords is someone to look out for as it can be a willful child who is disobedient and causes chaos wherever he goes. He tends to get into trouble at school, cannot get along with other children, starts alot of fights, and may be a bully because of his insecurity or need for attention. reversed lessens these qualities to a child who is unsociable and depressed.
see tips- part 5


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