Dealing with some issues in my life?

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Dealing with some issues in my life?

Post by greatman05 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:08 pm

Hello. I've been recently dealing with some issues surrounding my life, friends, and a special someone I've been talking to for about 2 months. What do you see happening in the next month?

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:54 am


Hey there I would like to give you some things that I am picking up on, However I would like to state that it has been along time for me since I have done a Reading via MB, This is basically not a reading for me but more impressions that I got when I was reading your post.

I got one of upheaval, although not in a negative way, more of an adjustment period, coming up fairly soon. Being overwhelmed is the challenge I am picking up on, so just keep in mind the out come and stay positive.

Hardship and happiness. You will have to work hard, but will be rewarded for it.

That is all I am getting. I was not going to post but I kept being drawn back to your request.

If one of the regular readers has something for you I really hope that they see this not as a reading but as a tuning of my out of practice skills.

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To both Nyte and Greatman, from EoT

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:49 pm


No matter how long it has been since you have given a reading on this forum, please know that you are always very welcome here at any time which you feel that you have something of value to contribute, whether it be a reading, or whether you would just like to add your own comments.

You brought up a very interesting point when you stated that you were only giving Greatman05 your own impressions, and that they were in no way to be regarded as a formal or real reading,

Technically it has been my understanding that you ARE doing a reading if you are passing on your intuitive impressions to someone else.

This is called appropriately "reading the situation".

The fact that you might not have used the Tarot or any other tools of divination as a basis for your impressions is irrelevant to the most commonly accepted definition of what is or is not a reading.

However since you have so humbly and graciously advised us that you do not personally view this as a reading yourself, I can now confidently go ahead without feeling that I am stepping on your toes.

Thank you for this my friend, and again welcome back.

I've been recently dealing with some issues surrounding my life, friends, and a special someone I've been talking to for about 2 months. What do you see happening in the next month?
Just a quick reminder to you that readings of the type given here are thought to refer to the period of the next six months or so. It is impossible for me to pin any particular event down specifically to the next month only. There are some psychics who do seem to have an uncanny ability to predict what the future is most likely to be if nothing much changes in the meantime with an impressive success rate, but unfortunately for you in this case I am not one of these gifted prophets.

Firstly I would like to show my agreement and complete support for what my respected colleague Nyte has already picked up intuitively about you. I also see you currently going through a period of major adjustment and upheaval in the way of your relationships with anyone who means a lot to you, whether that person is a family member, a close and trusted lifelong friend, or whether it is your special someone. It sounds to me that this is a time of great transition with many opportunities and challenges.

The good news is not only that according to your reading a large share of the most difficult of the challenges are firmly behind you, but also that during the next six months I sense that the positive opportunities for your personal growth and development are about to multiply significantly, or become noticeably more numerous as time moves on. Indeed your main challenge will then be to do what you are reasonably able in order to take maximum advantage of the relationship opportunities which will be presented to you approximately between now, and the middle of September (~6 months).

Many people make the common error of trying to separate their close relationships with other people from their spiritual nature, as if neither of these had anything to do with the other. Which is completely wrong. In reality when it all comes down to it, our closest relationships are possibly one of the most important aspects of our development as both spiritual and human beings. Our greatest and most urgent spiritual need is to be loved and respected for whom we already are, and to share the love we feel in our hearts with the people who really count in our lives.

In contrast to some of the recent upsets and upheavals in your social and love lives, the next six months is going to be to a large extent a period of relative peace and harmony. It is also going to be a time for compromise and a tying up of loose ends (consolidation) with regards to restoring the balance between your close relationships and the rest of your life such as your career and health.

You may find it hard to make friends and start new romances, but once you get started very little can hold you back from giving it your 110% effort, all of the time. Up to a certain point your passion and enthusiasm for making a positive impression on the other person is a good thing, but it often has meant in the past that other life areas were neglected or sacrificed effectively as a means to an end. But any good thing when taken too far to extremes can become harmful or no longer good for us, and this is evidently what has happened to you often up until this current phase.

Many of your problems have been in you not being able to fully communicate and express your needs to your family member, friend or lover, because you found it difficult to stand up for your own right to decide what is best for you (to be assertive), and because you did not want to hurt the other person's feelings by being too honest about how you yourself were feeling. While your reading is not saying that you should just barge ahead and say whatever you feel without considering the other person's feelings, which would be totally out of character for a nice person such as yourself, it is well past time for you to be more assertive for your own good (without being openly aggressive and picking fights).

So the opportunities for increased peace and harmony in your most intimate relationships is definitely there  for you over the coming months, including the one which you have with your special someone, but basically they could all be wasted if you do not properly learn the lessons from your past upsets and upheavals. Do not be too hard on or beat up on yourself for not getting some of the things right on your first attempt, as these are for most of us ongoing lessons over several hundred lifetimes, and not just this one.

If it was going to be easy, there would not be any need for us to return to this planet so many times to work on our relationship issues, so while you should make a concerted effort in this direction during the next six months, overdoing things and not taking proper care of yourself could be potentially damaging to your health on several, different levels (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) at the same time.

Finding the proper balance between them for you, should be your goal during this coming period. Not simply more talking, but more like telling it like it really is. And more real listening. Remaining sensitive to other people's feelings, but not becoming a human doormat in the process for the other person to wipe their feelings and frustrations upon you.

Hoping that you will find this reading to be both relevant and helpful in the manner of improving your closest relationships with all the special people in your life as a whole, and not just the one you enjoy with your lover.

Love, Light and Peace to you both (Nyte and Greatman),

EoT  :smt006  :smt006

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Post by greatman05 » Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:17 pm

OK; thanks! :D

I am scared of what that could mean though :'(

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:50 pm


  I am going to quote my very wise mother and tell you sometimes life is what it is. What about the reading is distressing for you? perhaps if you could narrow it down further discussion could help to soothe those fears.


  Thank you for the very warm welcome back!! I had wanted to point out that it was not a reading to me, as I am very out of practice. Thank you for seeing my statement as I meant it to be. *snuggles* I am always riveted to your readings.

Best regards,

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You are welcome for the reading, but what is it about it which scares you?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:39 pm

greatman05 wrote:OK; thanks! :D

I am scared of what that could mean though :'(
I am puzzled and confused as to understanding why the prediction that your closest relationships are about to enter a period of relative peace and harmony should be causing you so much reason for concern. A large share of the most difficult of the challenges are firmly behind you, but also during the next six months I feel that there will be several positive opportunities for your personal growth and development which will tend to increase as time moves forward.

Yes it is true that significant change in our lives always involve some degree of risk to be taken, and that there are no guarantees that everything will work out exactly as you hoped that they might, but what is being predicted here is something to look forward to rather than something to be feared. The following next six months will not only offer you challenges, but they will also offer you opportunities for improving your relationships which would not have seemed possible only months before now.

Perhaps if you could clearly indicate in your response as to exactly what it is about the reading that is especially worrying you so much when it appears to me to be a dream future for your social and love life, then I could as your reader help you more effectively to recognise that your fears have either minimal or no basis in reality. These are more products of your own subconscious mind which although it helps you to stay alive, is mainly fear driven.

There is such a thing called free floating anxiety where the precise source of our fears cannot be identified, and I feel that this may turn out in the end to have been your main problem all along.

Do you by chance feel that the reading is too good to be true, or that you do not deserve to have the happiness it promises?

If so, you are far from being the only person who has ever felt that way.

Awaiting your further input.

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Post by greatman05 » Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:28 am

Basically, my fear is that the person I'm in love with will disappear completely because I just recently found out that they have someone now, and it's not me.

I'm amazed that the worst of it is behind me though...that's good :D

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:52 am

This possibly sounds to you as though I am being insensitive to your feelings (this is not my intention), but if this person (who henceforth I will simply refer to as X) has has made the conscious decision to leave you and miss out on all the good things which they would have had in their life if they had instead stayed with you, then there is very little if anything you can do to change their mind.

Indeed at this point in time I believe that any attempt to win X back would only be more likely to have the complete opposite effect.

You are understandably feeling lonely, hurt and miserable at the moment, wondering if or when someone else is going to love you.

You are currently in the process of grieving for the death of a relationship, which once held out so much hope and promise to you.

You are as a consequence going through much the same stages of the grieving process, which other people experience when they have lost a loved one to physical death.

It is apparently not bothering X in any way that you are feeling like this, if indeed X even still cares for and about you (which I am unable to directly determine from my end).

X may eventually realise probably too late what has been lost of great value by losing you, but are you now going to continue to give X this power over you to stop you from having someone else who is able and willing to give you the deep and lasting type of love and respect which you so richly deserve?

An incredible power over you to ruin the rest of your love life, which X clearly does not deserve to be given?

So the important question for you is whether (easier said than done) you will eventually choose to give X the power over you to determine your future and force you to indefinitely put the rest of you life on hold, or on the other hand whether you will use these next six months to grieve and calm down, so that your increased self confidence and self respect for not having continued to allow X to do this to you in your own mind, once more makes you increasingly attractive and available to members of the opposite sex.

It is your decision alone to make.

All which I can practically do is to support whatever your decision turns out to be.

But I know which of the two options on offer I would choose, if I was you and 18 again.

Love, Light and Healing,

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Post by greatman05 » Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:54 am

OK; I understand, and I know what I'm going to do. Thank you so much :)

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CU next month or when next needed

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:29 pm

I have seen this message, and I am pleased that you appear to have a better grasp on your situation, which is by no means an easy decision for you to make.

No further response is either required or expected from you in response to the final posting for this thread.

CU next month or when next needed,

eye_of_tiger Image

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