Floored and exposed

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Floored and exposed

Post by happyme » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:31 pm

Basically, I was in a house; I am not sure whose it was. Suddenly, my ex's sister walks in. She apparently just got out of prison; she seems to recognize me, so she smiles sheepishly or out of relief. Then the lawyer walks in, then my ex. They all seem to be absorbed in some discussion, probably having to do with her stay at prison. Ex and lawyer are totally indifferent to or ignore me. They all enter the living room and all take seats. The room is set up in a way where the lawyer is sitting at the head and facing them and they sit side by side facing him. They are all busy in their discussion, while I am on my knees cleaning the floor.  I feel uncomfortable, because although I am happy to clean the floor for them, I remembered I didn't have on underwear and my bottom may be exposed. Suddenly, in midsentence the lawyer changes the topic and starts talking about the sins of exposing your bottom that way and how one should always wear a pants or cover up, I was embarrassed and creeped out of the room on my knees as fast as possible. They were both still oblivious to me. The ex's sister engaged the conversation indirectly, while the brother/ex was still having a completely different discussion.

Is it possible to get any insight on this dream? I would appreciate that  a lot. I am still trying to work it out myself. Happy New Year and thanks either way. :)

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:43 pm

Dreams are mostly about our own unresolved emotions from our conscious state.  The symbols, people, places, things all represent ourselves in these emotions.  

The lawyer holding a meeting in a house, rather than office, and you washing the floor all relate to making things more comfortable in your life, even business meetings.  You are taking steps towards makiing yourself comfortable in your own progress in life.  You are capable and the emotions are catching up to your own expertise.

The bottom exposed could be your own emotions about embarrassing yourself in any formal situation.  Was there an iminent meeting/interview/connection regarding a job or abilities?  Also the ideas of others being imposed, down to personal matters.

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Post by Evard » Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:42 pm

Have you ever heard of HypnoTherapy ...ever heard of chaotic hypnotherapy dream analysis ..

I won't express it to you ., maybe you can find out on the internet . . . . . Thanks.  Happy New Year


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Dream Interpretation

Post by peter238 » Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:41 am

Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. In many of the ancient societies, such as Egypt and Greece, dreaming was considered a ...

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Post by solisill » Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:23 am

Again i would like to state that i don't have much experience in dream interpretation, and that this is what i get from reading your dreams but i don't want to pose as some authority on the subject.  From this dream i get the sense that you are a very helpful person always looking to help others, and others take advantage of this part of you.  They know you will help them so they take advantage of this aspect of you.  It seems to me that you are able to channel others thoughts of embarrassment and not wanting to be in a place(from your running away dream), thus others feel happy to be somewhere while you always feel like you have to runaway when you are in an environment.  I don't know if i was very clear on that, but that is what my imaginative mind sees.  If this is true i would suggest to start paying more attention to your needs and not always worrying about others needs.

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