How To Combat Sugar Cravings

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sonee mark
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How To Combat Sugar Cravings

Post by sonee mark » Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:41 am

Excess sugar can be really dangerous for your health and cause or complicate a number of diseases, including diabetes, obesity, yeast infections, acne, heart diseases, and others.Cutting sugar might be a real challenge for most people, as sugar is known to cause addiction, making it really hard to resist the strong cravings for a sweet treat. But once you decided to start a sugar-free lifestyle or limit your sugar consumption to recommended 6 teaspoons per day for women and 9 teaspoons for men, you have to stay on this track no matter how hard it seems in the beginning. The first week is going to be extremely hard, especially if you have a sweet tooth. Later, if you stick to your decision, your cravings will lessen making it easier to lead a healthier lifestyle.Read on for several powerful tricks that will help you resists sugar cravings once you decide to change your eating habits. Remove temptations from your home. Throw out all cookies, sweets, chocolate bars, ice cream that you have. If your family members are not starting a sugar-free life with you, ask them to eat their sweet staff out of your sight, at least during the first several weeks.Replace sweets with fruit. Of course, fruit also contain sugar, but they are more useful and healthy replacement to refined sugar treats. They also provide your organism with vitamins, fiber, folic acid and minerals. Eat fresh fruit only, as canned and dried fruit are also rich in sugar and calories, as well as fruit juices.

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Post by suzisco » Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:23 am



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