I have a psychic question related to relegion

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I have a psychic question related to relegion

Post by cookie92 » Mon May 02, 2011 7:33 pm

Do any psychics believe in god  or any other religion and how do you juggle being a psychic and not breaking any rules or sinning with giving readings? Do ya'll have guidelines?

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Post by cedars » Mon May 02, 2011 8:40 pm

I suppose by giving readings you are referring to it as being predictive or prophecy of some sort?  I, personally, do not consider it to be a sin when I am helping someone and I steer away from doing predictions. Psychic readings stem from our five senses and you can either discard the 'ability' or use it. It is true that some people foresee things happening in the future. Would you consider that as bad, sinful or satanic? I wouldn't.
We have psychic experiences every day in our life and we may or may not realise them, but they are psychic experiences indeed. Are we then indirectly sinning against God or our faith? I do not believe so.

It becomes sinful and against one's conscience when certain 'abilities' are used for personal gain and not for the highest good of our fellow human beings on this Earth.

What do you think?

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Post by cookie92 » Tue May 03, 2011 3:18 am

That makes sense referring to your statement ( It becomes sinful and against one's conscience when certain 'abilities' are used for personal gain and not for the highest good of our fellow human beings on this Earth.) I just was curious to know how you all helped with out interfering with your religion so, thanks Cedars

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Post by suzisco » Tue May 03, 2011 9:53 am

Yeah i agree with Cedars,
I personally do not believe in organised religion and do not align myself with any religious organisation/belief.
My ethos is to not harm others.  I believe I have a gift and that it helps others, I never charge for readings even in real life :)
So I do not have the same ethical conflicts that others do.


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Post by StormGirl Blue » Tue May 03, 2011 10:33 am

Ditto to Cedars and Suzico, :)

I very much believe in our creator  whatever once chooses to call "him" by.. organised religion doesn't suit me but my values respect all, and all beliefs, even if they dont directly match my own "truths".

( aside ) though I do charge for readings when not on MB, I dont have any ethical conflicts what-so-ever.
I give often and freely when I choose to, and have noticed that there is an almost direct effect that this seems to help me help others, ( in more ways than 1 ),
my ability feels more natural and free flowing the more "free" readings I give, and I am able to earn a small wage that allows me to spend time helping others via readings as apposed to working 9-5 with little or no time to give.. we have bills to pay to.

eg, latley my bills have been higher than my small reading income so I have been working for a wage outside of readings, Ive had little time over to conduct free readings either online or privately..  a rock and a hard place.. bills= a need to charge on occasion so that I can have the time over to conduct free readings when my senses feel nessesary.

IMO the "accepting payment" thing is a confusion of the natural law that is against using anything, a natural gift or learned skill to rort or rip someone off.

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Post by cedars » Tue May 03, 2011 10:45 am


You should not feel guilty or bad about charging to your non-MB client base.  I charge too and it is, as you rightly said, to pay the bills.
But at the same time, I am here virtually on a daily basis and give my services (the way many do)  for free - more than the ones I charge to in real life.  I do Reiki and charge for it too, but I would gladly send distant Reiki free of charge.

Sometimes gift comes natural and sometimes it comes by work, practice and effort... Whatever the case, I do not feel charging a fee is 'taking the piss' (excuse the phrase). I know Suzi did not mean it that way, but this is a good topic and am glad it has been raised.

Too true and well said that there are those who rip people off by charging exorbitant fees.

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Post by suzisco » Tue May 03, 2011 10:49 am

Oh no, I am not saying you shouldn't charge :)
I think what happens for me is i do them for free and my friends will do something for me in kind.
I am lucky i do a job I love that uses all my skills.


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Post by StormGirl Blue » Tue May 03, 2011 11:27 am

aww. :)
I know Suzi diddnt mean it like it was a bad thing.. charging on occasion..lol, Im psychic remember...

It is something that conflicts with many readers and religion for that reason. what I mean is that there is no ethical conflict, not even when charging..

the charging debate is one that comes up often in readings and ethics questions, especially using the "gifts are free", thing...

:)) and yup Suzie you being in mental health care psychic senses are almost a prerequisite.. Ive been working with dementia and other age specific mental health care residents and sure appreciate that I am able to trust my senses...
In fact I dont mention that I am a working psychic when applying for jobs, ( because many people dont understand that a psychic is not a fortune teller or prophet as part of the parcel ) but it came up in conversation with the DON.. there I am blushing because I thought Id have to do the whole explaining thing, instead she hired me for my "ability"..

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Post by cookie92 » Tue May 03, 2011 11:39 am

I completely understand the need to charge for your services I think its a personal matter and a decision you'd have to live with just like any other

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Post by spiritalk » Wed May 04, 2011 2:34 pm

I always get a little confused by these concerns of religion, charging for readings and the whole aspect of calling psychic abilities a gift.  We all have talents we do not hesitate to market for a job of work.  And yet, we fight against marketing psychic abilities.  Why?  One of the reasons as hinted at in this thread is that religions can find a way to instil fears by discouraging psychic abilities.  At one time there were readers in the church structure.  The fight between priest and psychic showed priest the victor.

We are all like diamonds with many facets to our being.  i.e. I have recently gone on some dating sites.  That is certainly not the same as this site or any other spiritual site where people are dialoging in that vein.  The games!  The nonsense!  All in the name of dating.  Wow what a lesson in my old age.  LOL  

Back to my point, one of many aspects that makes me who I am is seeking a partner.  That is not the forum for psychic abilities or use thereof - besides I never could read for myself.

I am an Ordained Minister in Spiritualism which means I take religion seriously in my life.  I do not convert nor expect anything from others, that helps to not get caught up in the 'holier than thou' type of thinking that can enter a religious argument.  I am one individual finding my way and using my religion as well as other aspects of me as a help, if possible, to others.

And yes, I charge for readings.  The information given is not respected without the charge.  I know I have tried both ways.  But I also give a great deal away and have some people who regularly phone me just to see 'what do you get'.  Drawing a line under when to give and when to charge is a struggle for each individual to make.

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Post by cedars » Wed May 04, 2011 2:40 pm

Wonderful words Spiritalk and I for one agree with everything you say, not to mention the charging and the not charging criteria.

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