Reading request- Saturn Return

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Reading request- Saturn Return

Post by iluv » Mon May 23, 2011 9:41 pm

Hello everyone :smt006

I'm currently have Saturn Return (I'm 28 going on 29 in two months) and can tell the effects is happening to me, especially with my Sun-Saturn square taking a nice jab at how I feel inwardly. I always been self-conscious throughout my life and it gotten worse now I develop anxiety (agoraphobia) over the last few months and I'm sick of feeling like I'm always being judged and not good enough. I also have a transiting Pluto in the 12th for the longest and it will be entering my 1st house in the next couple years, hopefully, it will help transform me in a way I never thought could happen (positively of course!)

Aside from the Sun-Saturn issue, can someone interpret my chart and see if I will overcome this anxiety/self-conscious problem eventually during this Saturn Return cycle?
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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Sat May 28, 2011 1:49 pm

Sun Square Saturn

Many people are born to follow these influences. You may often feel the energies of this aspect, though stronger influences may predominate in other areas of your chart.

In your chart there is disharmony between these two planetary influences, and this will be reflected by many struggles both within your mind, and out in the world.

You are a hard-working and ambitious person with a strong drive to prove yourself in society. There may however be difficulties with authorities, despite your desire to live up to the expectations of society. The first 30 years of your life will bring a great deal of obstacles to success, but you will learn important lessons and ultimately develop a self-sufficiency and discipline which lays the foundation for success later in life.

It is important for you to overcome negativity or pessimism concerning the future. Not all success is won by hard work alone. You are often more motivated by the fear of failure than the promise of reward, and this can hold you back from realising your full potential. If all goes well you will acquire more and more responsibility during the course of your life - and you deserve it. You are conscientious and take your responsibilities seriously. You are the kind of person other people can rely on. You would rather be the power behind the throne, than have a high profile yourself. Remember to take time to enjoy the fruits of your efforts, instead of continuously driving yourself onwards.

You are a rather formal person who takes life seriously. Childhood experiences - especially the relationship with your father - has undermined your self-confidence and made you reluctant to stick your neck out. You are more likely to bury your "talent" than gamble with it. You have a strong need for approval, but as a child love and approval was always conditional on your performance. You have been more appreciated for what you did, than for who you are. Later in life you tend to judge yourself harshly, and you have a bad conscience about enjoying life and relaxing.

You tend to be too dismissive when offered love and affection, and rather severe when giving it. There may be authoritarian tendencies and a lack of flexibility as regards rules. Nevertheless, you are a person who can be trusted. You have high principles, and as you do not indulge expectations of the easy life, you work hard to build up a secure structure in life for those you hold dear.

Your relationship to your father was probably strongly affected by hard discipline and high expectations. The bond may be strong, but characterised by your efforts to win his approval. If you got good grades at school, your father will have expected even better. Naturally as you grow up you integrate a severe sense of values which is a strong motivational factor for achievement. You become your own harshest judge.

You were also born with the need to create a strong internal structure and set of rules for your life - you evoke behaviour in your parents so that this need is fulfilled. You expect to be disciplined. Furthermore you are unreceptive to praise, so that when people come with favourable comments on your work and deeds, you have the tendency to play down your efforts in a dismissive manner. People learn that you do not want recognition, even if you think you do. The only kind of recognition and acceptance that really works for you is your own - yet as you judge yourself hard, this rarely comes. You are, then, your own master, so why not try giving yourself some rewards. Internal praise has a very healing effect on you, and this is a question of confronting the inner voice of guilt and enlisting its support to make you strong.

Dates to watch: June 1st may be especially hard as the New Moon enters your phase, take more time for yourself and try not to be so hard on yourself. You are deserving you are worthy. Relax a little and allow the new cycle to energise you. Towards the 15th of June you will start to feel tensions ease as the strength of the Full Moon takes over.

Although it may be said that we can only work with what we are born with, try to take that with a pinch of salt. Allow yourself to change to win and to beat the odds. Look to helpful tonics like the Law of Attraction and use Affirmations to change the power of the mind and force it to work for you and not against. You can change your thoughts, you can overcome this now, you do not need the star's permission to make these alterations. You  only need hold the intent and start to take a step towards change.

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