Please help! Where can sensitives be healthy and safe?

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Please help! Where can sensitives be healthy and safe?

Post by earthwriter » Fri May 06, 2011 10:51 pm

My dear husband and I desperately need to figure out where we can live where we will feel healthy, safe, and happy. We are highly sensitive, quiet, non-smoker, vegan, organic, herbalist, gentle, healthy, animal lover Earth Stewards who care deeply about Mother Nature, the animals, and we need and desire to live with and very near like-minded Kindred Spirits. We hope to eventually go raw vegan.

We currently live in a very toxic, barbaric, insane state and it's horrible to endure. For 10+ years, we've been consistently terrorized by rumbling sonic assault vehicle road bullies and a couple nights ago, we were terrorized by a couple in traffic. It's an absolute nightmare horror! To learn more and understand this horrible painful issue, please these websites: We must find our healthy happy safe Haven yesterday, where Fairies, nature spirits, and Unseen Elementals and frogs, dragonflies, and other beautiful Magickal healing beings feel safe and feel free to live their natural healthy happy Magickal lives! Granted, we're not looking for fantasy land, but we sense and intuit that there are beautiful places in the Continental USA that are just like what I described and we desperately need to find and move to such a place yesterday asap!

We were going to move to Asheville, NC, but we painfully discovered that the headquarters of NAScrap is seated there and they have a very serious problem with noise and road bullies there and it's very rough and that's the last thing we need now! We're going to move to New Mexico as a landing spot and then move to a much better healthier, safer, saner place after that. We're doing our online research via the Internet now while we can.

Unfortunately, we don't have the resources to take travel to a few places here and there to figure out where it's best for us to go, so it's very important that we get as much information via the Internet as possible! But we must move from here asap because this place has trashed our frayed nerves and continues to terrorize and stress us out beyond belief! We suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). We've read some nice positive things about NM and we'd like to know what others think. We're creative artists and we value peace and quiet very much. We're meditators, we do tai chi, yoga, and we really enjoy the great outdoors. Can someone please help? Thank you kindly! We appreciate it very much!

Peace and Love and Many Green Blessings! xox<3
Last edited by earthwriter on Sat May 07, 2011 6:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by suzisco » Fri May 06, 2011 11:00 pm


I live in a rural area of scotland so i am not able to help you but I can send you some of &nbsp;my positve thoughts and strength.


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Post by donmage » Mon May 23, 2011 7:22 pm

I, too, pray for you & your husband's travail & torment.
Know that, however, oftimes it is those who are "sensitives", good stewarts of all creation, deeply spiritual folk who are picked on in sundry manners, sometimes by the very beneficiaries of your sensitive & caring stewardship. It's the burden of taking on that kind of yolk.
Of course, one's personal safety & surety of family are not to be taken lightly. But I noticed there hasn't been one person, as far as I know or heard about, who's taken on the well-being of our planet & the cosmos, in as much as one can be a steward of the cosmos, with the same enthusiasm as they would their own welfare, who hasn't been basically crapped upon by his or her neighbors & affiliates. It might be in the small-print of the job-description.
I'm not a Bible-thumper but I'm sure you know the adage from NT Mark 6:6 (I think it is): "'Only in his hometown, among his relatives, and in his own house is a prophet without honor." In other words, expect those who accept the ordination of their calling, whether prophet, caretaker-from-the-heart or stewart of one's environment and the like, &nbsp;not to be praised by those in one's neighborhood, not even amongst one's own family, as one would like, but to be villified for their actions & concerns. It ticks folk off, especially the coarser of the lot, to be shown the incorrect of one's ways, even if it's something as simple as not tossing plastic bottles on the highway. Folk just don't like being reminded they, like all of us, have imperfections.
One does not accept the yoke of stewardship and caring for praise and acceptance, but for healing & concern.
My best advice is to seek a community of near like-minded, with similar sensitivies. As much as a cesspool of frivolity, a basic strip-mall of bad information the internet is it also can shorten the time it takes to research interests similar to one's own in the comfort & security of one's home. &nbsp;Use a few buzzwords of your interests in the search engine, and add community, and maybe add the state or location that might satisfy your concerns. I'm pretty certain you'll come upon a place that has your name on it.
Just remember, it is a hard choice to be a steward or a vain user, when one finds the vain-users aren't stressed about a thang.
In the meantime, be careful and maybe tone down your outward efforts, until you are assured of some safety for you and your loved ones. It's great to take care of outside things but you must first take care of those things inside. [I know that sounds silly and sloppily put, but I think you get the gist of what I'm trying to saying, regardless the impoverishment of my words.]
Good blessings to you and your husband.

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Post by Bella_Cullen16 » Tue May 24, 2011 1:25 am

i dont really know of any places near you because i live in Iowa, but good luck and try listening to music. if you turn it u loud enough it will block out the noise. thats what i do on airplanes because i don't like the engine noise lol

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Post by Bella_Cullen16 » Tue May 24, 2011 1:36 am

the loud music may be a bad idea if you have sensitive ears but i know from this episode of designer's challenge that it can help with noise if you upholster the walls. or if you don't wanna do that make sure to keep your doors and windows closed

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Post by Tur7 » Sat May 28, 2011 2:29 pm

try to find the inner peace within will never be able to control external factors. See it as a positive challenge rather than a problem.

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Post by Nakesha » Sun May 29, 2011 4:37 pm

Hi, sending you positive thoughts.

I realise that this may be a very hard decision but it is one I was willingly and im still willing to make. For a start I would ask if you could live anywhere, where would that be? If it is still the same area then you can choose that also. I would draw a 'destiny board' I think that is what it is called, also do positive spells to attract this new home/improved life towards you.
Im not sure if it had anything to do with us finding appropriate land but I asked the local elementals/faires surrounding wildlife and the land itself that if they helped me get there I would do my best to improve the land for them and that I would respect them etc
I have pesonally noticed that many like minded people gather at certain places. Although we may want to stay in a place, sometimes we must realise that it is time to move on to some place new, when you have done your best for the place but staying there is not doing any good to yourself, thus you not being able &nbsp;to help to your fullest. You can always go back to a place to visit or even move back in the future if it is ment to be. I personally think of myself like a crystal, I am also very sensitive and absorb the atmosphere around me, although I love the area I live for the wildlife/family etc it does not make my body feel good at all. I realised how much so after leaving the area and then returning and i am now leaving again.
Photos of places can tell us alot,although yes trying to visit does help. I would trust that the area you find will be the right place if you give that energy out. I moved the first time withouth visiting it first, i just knew that i had to go there and now after visiting the area of a place but not the land i am moving again without viewing. Just trying to give you some faith and likeminded experience.
I can tell &nbsp;from your post that you aneed a break from this place, even if it is not permanent

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Post by symulhaque » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:57 am

A big hug to you.

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Post by symulhaque » Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:36 am

Yes. Large sound can hamper your hearing ability.

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Post by symulhaque » Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:15 pm

Best of luck of your future dear. God bless you.

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Post by symulhaque » Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:11 pm

Loud music can permanently make you deaf brother.

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I like this

Post by Duchess1964 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:54 pm

I will say that you are seeking the perfect place. &nbsp;I'm going to tell you that you'll never find perfection. &nbsp;However, you maybe would like to settle for a middle of the road kind of, sort of peaceful exhistance. &nbsp;I have several that spring to mind. &nbsp;Wolf Lake, Michigan. &nbsp;Timber, Texas. &nbsp;Nelson, Tennessee for a couple of them. &nbsp;Now, they are all VERY small and take on the address zip code of the nearest city.

Peaceful, for the most part. &nbsp;But not perfect. &nbsp;Good luck to you.

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