Reading Request for Cedars

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Reading Request for Cedars

Post by Tur7 » Sat May 28, 2011 2:27 pm


I hope this finds you well. I was wondering if I could ask a favour in requesting a reading from you. It is in regards to my love life. I have never had a relationship in my life and the men I am interested in are never interested in me and/or don't treat me decently. I make the most of other things I have and can control i.e am setting a business up, have a couple of close friends that are kind and i can rely on, but was wondering if you could perhaps be so kind as to carry out a reading for me on the topic of a partner with your usual spead of 'influences around you, outcome' etc if possible /that suits you.

Many many thanks ahead of time


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Post by cedars » Sun May 29, 2011 10:19 am

Dear Tur

I am glad that you suggested the spread for your own reading, as I feel this is better than simply looking IF and WHEN you would meet someone... I don’t do readings of the latter style.
This is a topic that often comes up and is requested and our desire as humans to be with someone and belong to a committed union is a natural one. I will base my reading and indeed my question on the issue of love and romance and therefore will ask the following question: What does Tur need to know about possible romantic partnership in the foreseeable future?

The deck I am using is the Rider Waite.

While I was shuffling the cards I got this image in my mind of you running around and chasing butterflies and in that I got the feeling of a child’s innocence about you. I also got the feeling of pure intentions on your part looking at the world in a child’s vision accepting everyone to be honest and sincere. I don’t know why I am getting these feelings and images as I have not even picked the cards for you. Whilst it is beautiful to view the world around us as pure as a child’s heart, but something tells me that perhaps you should be cautious about these butterflies that you are chasing and some may not share your good intentions. I am not sure the relevance of all this in your reading, but am hoping that it will make sense to you.

You Now: Wheel of Fortune.

I am getting the word ‘cornerstone’ as soon as I picked this card in the You Now position. Things are on the change and on the move, if they have not been started already in your present situation. Fortune and indeed good fortune is smiling at you and is in the process of offering you a different point of view, a new opportunity, changes happening and things are on a positive move. I cannot pinpoint if this is in your partnership area or life in general, but to have the Wheel of Fortune in the You Now position indicates to me that whatever was going on in your life, could be presenting you with fresher opportunities and a milestone in your life. Needless, the appearance of such opportunities is not a must that things will change; we should still be willing to accept and take those opportunities. The Wheel of Fortune can only offer them to us –albeit sometimes by change in circumstances beyond our control, almost like a gift from the Universe – and I am sure you will know which one(s) are in your best interest to make use of.

Positive Influences: Ace of Pentacles. Two of Cups.
My goodness! More new beginnings on the horizon by way of the Ace of Pentacles which indicates a new beginning in the areas of finances, material comfort and/or a new job prospect. The Aces are almost like the divine intervention, the gift from above, as we see in the case of the Ace of Pentacles a hand coming through the clouds with a golden coin being offered whilst the surrounding area is full of sunshine, green landscape and a garden path leading on to further landscape. Pentacles – element of Earth – are related to our worldly and material comfort and the Ace is the new beginning in those areas.
The Two of Cups, on the other hand, (Cups = element of water) shows a man and a woman exchanging goblets (cups) and making a pledge, finding a balance in a union or even a re-union.  This can be in the area of friendships, business partnerships or even in the area of love and romance. Above this couple is the head of lion with wings which should indicate balance in the earthly and spiritual love. Without sounding too predictive about this card, I feel a sense of balance and an inner calm is on its way to you rather than that feeling of panic for not having someone in your life. This could also mean a connection with someone new or the rekindling of a an old/existing friendship in a better understanding.

Negative Influences: Nine of Wands. Five of Wands.
And now we jump to the element of Fire with these two Wands which to me indicate on-going events in your life and a sense of fear and foreboding with the Nine of Wands where we see someone holding on to his ninth wand whilst defending all the other eight wands behind him, not letting anyone come near and being rather defensive about a situation which has cost him/her injuries and pain. When we suffer hurt and pain and when we reach to a goal which involved struggle and hard work - we also see that in the Five of Wands where five men are having an argument, a strife of some sort and raising their wands and trying to sort a situation, we become quite defensive about anything that may jeopardise the status quo. Whilst you may be defensive about a certain situation, I also feel there are things which are currently not where you would like them to be, hence the arguments and differences in opinion with the Five of Wands.
I feel your defensive approach may close possible doors of any new opportunities coming your way whether it is someone new in your life or the progression of a situation towards which you have been feeling unsure or defensive based on past experiences. The ‘negative’ influences can be all a state of mind which may halt your journey into the things that you wish to achieve or have.

Message/Advice from the Tarot: Page of Cups. The High Priestess.
The message of some light hearted and flirtatious phase could be on offer in the person of the Page of Cups – a young energy or even a messenger in the area of love and romance – but it can also be that you should start viewing things around you with a sense of light-hearted approach almost like being a teenager again and not taking things too seriously and yet – The High Priestess – following your female intuition and finding the right balance with the serious and the fun side of things. In the light of the High Priestess, I am being guided to tell you that don’t seek for the ultimate answers when you do come across someone new; get on with life and don’t search for those answers from the word Go. Just follow your intuition and judge things accordingly.

Outcome: King of Cups. The Lovers.
The King of Cups (Water sign) is a father figure, loving and dedicated towards his family and loved ones. He offers support and understanding even though at times he could be himself in a tight spot due to his sentimentality. If not a father, he is someone in his late forties to mid fifties and is there offering you love and support. If this is not a person in your life, I feel you should adopt some his qualities whereby to be able to balance your feelings unstable and wavering and feeling volatile at times, as we see the throne of this king which is floating on water and at times making his position precarious.
The Lovers card indicates a strong feeling towards something or someone that may be imminent in your life; however, I would strongly look at the cards above, especially those under the negative influences and the Advice section in order to be ready to embrace the Lovers.

I hope this reading resonated with you and the circumstances you find yourself in.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes and blessings to you.


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Thanks so much for your readin

Post by Tur7 » Sun May 29, 2011 2:23 pm

1) Cedars, so very very kind of you to carry out such an indepth reading, and so quickly at that. Thanks so much.Just a couple of queries if I can trouble you, as well as insight into your reading.
The new beginnings you mentioned are a business that I am setting up. It is something that I have planned in my head for years and is something that I bizarrely know will do well owing to the fact that I follow my heart rather than my head when making decisions regarding the business. It has always been my dream to set it up, and am proud of myself for doing so despite having extreme adversity in my life for years that has meant saving money for the business has been VERY hard. It launches in 3 weeks and i have invested all my savings in to it, it is the one thing in my life that I know and always have known will be sucessful, not through arrogance (especially given i have very low self esteem in the majority of areas of my life), i have just always known it is my niche and a gift from the divine. The union you mention in the middle of the reading is the partnernship i have with my marketing and techy guru, she is amazing and one of the key reasons why i know that the business will do well as she is extremely skilled, dynamic and we work very well together.

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Post by Tur7 » Sun May 29, 2011 2:34 pm

2) My only query is to do with your comment "The Lovers card indicates a strong feeling towards something or someone that may be imminent in your life; however, I would strongly look at the cards above, especially those under the negative influences and the Advice section in order to be ready to embrace the Lovers."

I am not sure if this is refering to specifically a romantic relationship, or just perhaps a fruitful union for example, my business partnership. I also am not sure if this means (in combination with some of your other comments within your reading) that i might have options to perhaps dally with love, flirt etc. I  was wondering if you had any feelings / omages around this when carrying out the reading? I ask as I know that readings often pick up on what is pressing in ones life, rather than what the eqnuriere has asked, and for me at this moment in time, and also as typically men that I want are not interested in me/i dont ever have romance in my life or fruitful romance/men that want more than short term benefits , readings usually focus on other things such as career - so i was wondering if you felt that perhaps the lovers card was more refering to career as opposed to a litreal translation of love? Could the 'strong feeling towards something' simply be the fact that i sometimes feel so lonely (not all the time) that it in turn makes me feel quite desperate for a relationship?

Finally, the child like innocence you picked up on is the fact that I am very wary of men owing to repetetive bad experiences. But i tend to typically see the good in friends as I have lwas wanted to be loved and accepted in my life, and for some reason I always see people as good/trustworthy until proven otherwise. The butterflies being chased are probably my presumption that all of those that I will work with and some people that i currently work for are trustworthy, when i know that some are not. this is also true of certain friends. I find it tiring/emotionally draining to be cautious people and their real intentions - hence why it probably seems as though I am pretty naive at times.

Anyway, thanks so much again for the  time you took to read this and for carrying out the reading. I hope that my feedback was of some use!


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Post by cedars » Sun May 29, 2011 2:58 pm

Dear Tur,

Your feedback was very useful if not for me but, more so, for yourself. You have an open mind and you do not take readings as the exclusive answsers to our questions. I so much believe that despite asking  certain questions, readings sometimes reveal matters at hand rather than what we wish to find out. I always say to the querent(s) on this type of revelations, that this is what they need to know for the time being for these are their priorities right now.  And, in that, I also have your viewpoint on the Lovers card. The Lovers card, often viewed or wanted to be seen as that big, romantic love affair with another person, can ALSO mean a love towards something we get attached to whether it is a new job, new inspiration or even an idea which drives us further ahead in our life.

I ask as I know that readings often pick up on what is pressing in ones life, rather than what the eqnuriere has asked, and for me at this moment in time, and also as typically men that I want are not interested in me/i dont ever have romance in my life or fruitful romance/men that want more than short term benefits , readings usually focus on other things such as career - so i was wondering if you felt that perhaps the lovers card was more refering to career as opposed to a litreal translation of love? Could the 'strong feeling towards something' simply be the fact that i sometimes feel so lonely (not all the time) that it in turn makes me feel quite desperate for a relationship?
Feelings of loneliness make the best of us desperate to be with someone my good friend. Please do not be so hard on yourself.

My other type of connection with you and the chasing of the butterflies was done on a different level, independent of the cards, and I have to relay what comes to me by way of symbolism or actual events. I feel you have seen through the butterflies and what they stand for in your current life.

I see the reading has resonated to a certain corner in your life my dear friend and I would like to draw your attention to the Nine and the Five of Wands, should they become a stumbling point in your way forward - in whichever aspect of your life.

I wish you all the very best in your business venture for it sounds quite positive to me.

Many blessings to you.


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Last Query!

Post by Tur7 » Sun May 29, 2011 5:26 pm

hi cedars

many thanks for your feedback. just one last question - was just wondering if you could advise me regarding any feelings/visions you had whilst carryoing out the reading. I do feel that the reading picked up on my business venture and issues and feelings around that,but there is specific mention of meeting someone and advice from the higher power to just relax and take it in my stride. Did you have any feeling that that and mention of flriting indicated just 'hypothetically' advising me to relax about the business, or was specifically relating to interactions with men. I know that this is not an exact science, but thought i'd ask you if not too much trouble...

Thanks so much again for your time.


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Post by cedars » Mon May 30, 2011 7:18 am

If I had any such 'insights' or 'visions' I would have included them in the reading. But then again, with the Page of Cups (a messenger in the love/romance area) and The Lovers, these possibilities are not totally being dismissed. But I cannot say, hand on my heart, that these are definitive events coming forward into your life.

I see now what you mean about your state of mind in being desperate for this and trying to find an area which the reading may have missed......?

With respect, my dear friend, I think you should let it go.... in that I mean that when we want something too desperately, we invariably halt the progress and put the obstacles for it to reach us.
I think you have enough in your life right now with your new projects to keep you going..... one never knows what (or even who) is waiting around the corner :)


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Post by Tur7 » Mon May 30, 2011 10:32 am

And from there...I take the advice given in the 'outcome' part of the reading. To able to self regulate my emotions to know what is balanced and what is self destructive. It isn't easy for me for a number of reasons, but I am glad that at the very least that I have the self awareness of such, and instead focus on things I can control and make for a positive outcome , such as my business venture - whereas this is simply not possible when it comes to people.

Thanks again for your time.


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Post by Tur7 » Mon May 30, 2011 10:32 am

And from there...I take the advice given in the 'outcome' part of the reading. To able to self regulate my emotions to know what is balanced and what is self destructive. It isn't easy for me for a number of reasons, but I am glad that at the very least that I have the self awareness of such, and instead focus on things I can control and make for a positive outcome , such as my business venture - whereas this is simply not possible when it comes to people.

Thanks again for your time.


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Post by cedars » Tue May 31, 2011 12:22 pm

You are welcome and straight ahead with your priorities....... and let the rest unfold :)

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Post by niona678 » Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:35 am


One question if I may , and if you have time and can recall - I am about to update yourself and all of the readers regarding certain incidents that have happened that mirror that mentioned within your comments above.
In regards to your mention of " he has not felt it is time to approach you" - I was wondering if you got a feeling of concern/hesitation in regards to that individual or just disinterest (if anything). I appreciate this will sound a peculiar question, I will explain the reason for such in my next post.

Thanks so much again for your time,don't worry if this is too bizarre a request.


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Post by cedars » Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:15 am


Please be aware what we get at the time of a reading is what we get. We (or at least I) cannot go back to double check or re-analyse the feelings, impressions that came at that particular moment of a reading.

As it happens, the reading of a third party is not allowed on this site and I have already gone a step further. I would have given you if I had received anything else having gone that step further....

All the best.

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Post by cedars » Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:18 am

I have just realised this is in Tur's thread...... but posted by Niona.........
What is going on?

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